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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Right, nothing but bottom of the barrel "peasants": https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2022/07/26/most-us-billion-dollar-startups-have-an-immigrant-founder/ The majority of economic migrants are working age people with a wide variety of skills that know that they can profitably employ these skills in the US. This is good for the immigrants and good for the US. BTW: The above is an example of a "news source". Not an opinion piece, not a link to a video of a pundit ranting or staged political theater, but an actual news source. The kind of source that provides credible information.
  2. How many of these events resulted in the Capitol being stormed and Constitutional duties being delayed while both houses of Congress were evacuated?
  3. I would add alliance building with Australia, Japan, India, Phillippines, and other strategic democratic nations to contain China. You know, for those with an interest in what's happening in Asia.
  4. If you are referring to the invasion of Russia/USSR, has anyone done that since Hitler?
  5. It's only evident to paranoid inhabitants of propaganda echo chambers.
  6. So what's your point? Is chain migration a bad thing? Why? Is starting with semi-skilled jobs that are available a bad thing? Why?
  7. Now that's racism. Thanks for the illustrative example. BTW: I think Thailand should be much more open immigration from it's neighbors. I don't see culture as something to be kept frozen in place, it is a constantly evolving phenomena.
  8. Identify the pertinent facts in your source.
  9. I don't get my news by watching politically staged videos. Do you ever read news? Plain, boring, state the facts news? Not opinion pieces, not pundits ranting, not political theater, but real news? Can you provide any links to those kind of sources? The kind you don't find in an echo chamber. I suspect not.
  10. Really? Questioning the validity of a Fox News opinion piece as a source is racist? I don't know...seriously, racist? Really? Edit: Are you one of those AI LLM's having a hallucination?
  11. Please do tell us: What people don't get old? I am truly trying to grasp how ignorant or informed you are on this. Do you care about the future of the US? Are you aware of the demographic crisis that all wealthy (and many not so wealthy) countries are facing, including the US? Do you understand the incredible opportunity that having so many of the best and brightest working age people from around the world coming to the US to work and make a better life for themselves presents to the US? Can you offer a good reason why such people should not be allowed into the US? Also, "peasant class"? Where did that come from? Do you want to try to match me on blue collar redneck cred?
  12. No. Is that easy enough for you? You made the claim, you provide the links to credible sources that support it. Forum rules and all that. Do you understand?
  13. I repeat: Fox News opinion piece. If you don't understand that any opinion piece is not a credible source for outrageous claims, then you are too far down your echo chamber rabbit hole to be helped.
  14. Yes, but Biden is old and has mishaps while riding a bicycle. Trump is old and waddles to buffets. Who do you think will last longer?
  15. I'll never reach the snowflake level of Trump; the grand master of thin-skinned, insecure, humorless snowflakes.
  16. Ok, when I explained the thing about links to you, did I forget to mention credible? A link to a Fox News opinion piece is not a credible source for anything.
  17. Insults as opposed to links. I'm not surprised.
  18. Please, oh please! Tell us what Trump did to make the swamp anything but bigger and more profitable for the wealthy during his first term.
  19. Because letting in ambitious working age people who want to make a better life for themselves effectively gives the US the pick of the most productive people. Mass importation of randomly selected populations doesn't. Understand?
  20. Links to those studies? Credible source please, no hate groups.
  21. This isn't the forum for airing issues you have with healthcare costs and Gov Newsom.
  22. How many are undocumented immigrants? Provide links to credible sources.
  23. Are you claiming that no one ever died in California from untreated infectious diseases carried by the uninsured or by neglecting a medical condition until it was an emergency? Wow, that's impressive. "Honey, the baby has a fever and a cough." "Wait until he's coughing up blood, then we can go to the emergency room."
  24. No. I went to the top of the page and didn't see anything addressing the topic "The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge".
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