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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Too bad we can't take bets on that. BTW: What is insulting about suggesting someone turn off the television and read? I think it's good advice.
  2. How does your biased opinion change the fact that Trump fought to keep documents he had no right to keep?
  3. Are you referring to a fetus with not functioning brain?
  4. Have you tried turning off the television and reading?
  5. It's not difficult to understand, it's just wrong. You keep stating that as if it were a fact. It isn't. Is that the only argument you have; stating opinions as facts? Have you tried looking for evidence?
  6. What evidence do you have that defense contractors are encouraging military interventions? I know the "military-industrial complex" makes a great boogeyman for conspiracy theorists and anti-US propaganda, but seriously, what evidence do you have?
  7. As has been explained to you repeatedly, finding classified in an insecure location and following proper procedures to return them is not illegal. Keeping them is. Why is that so difficult for Trump supporters to understand?
  8. I don't know why you're bringing the Economist into the discussion, but your comment is nonsense. If you scan the Letters section of any edition you'll find some very important people read it and feel it is worth their time to comment.
  9. Is it your position that the applicable law, the Espionage Act, https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793, needs updating? If so, yeah, probable. Is it your position that what Trump did is acceptable? Strongly disagree.
  10. OK, the magnitude of clueless BS you present overwhelms me. I'll just ask two questions. What is your real world experience with classified? Do you not see the difference between promptly returning classified after it has been discovered, and fighting and lying to keep it? Feel free to ignore everything about my reply except the second question. That is the one you are desperately trying to divert attention from.
  11. Ok, the "military-industrial complex" is a much loved scapegoat, but the time has come to ask, "What.....?" I'm a reasonably well educated retired USAF officer with some training and an interest in this topic. Could you explain what you mean by "military industrial complex"? Please use terms that a backwoods mill-town redneck with three STEM degrees and an interesting spectrum of life experiences could understand.
  12. That is a much more intelligent response than I expected. Thank you. I agree the BRICS nations, plus their proposed additions, have potential, However it is too soon to tell where this potential can go. It remains to be seen if they are an organization with serious intent or a distraction with the goal to draw attention towards...,,many places, It depends on the current global environment. In short, interesting but remains to be seen if it's real
  13. Don't expect an answer, expect a dodge. That's what happens when Trump supporters are presented with irrefutably criminal or traitorous behavior by Trump.
  14. How do they stack up on a per capita basis?
  15. Removed legally as part of the job he had at the time, yes. Retained long after they were needed, no. But that was probably an oversight by his staff and the documents were returned ASAP after they were discovered. Let's pause to make sure you understand. Are you unclear on the meaning of either of the above statements? Regarding my making stuff up; that's total BS, you can't identify anything I made up, and I ask the moderators to take note of it. Now, do you think it was acceptable for Trump to knowingly keep classified he had no right to and instruct his lawyers to lie about it?
  16. What are you confused about? Do you think it is unusual for high level people who routinely work with classified to have staff with clearances that help them with this work? Do you think it's acceptable for people who have been found with unauthorized classified to try to keep it? If not these things, then what? What exactly do you not understand?
  17. You haven't a clue about what it's like to work with classified, do you? The documents found on Biden properties were handled correctly. The ones found on Trump's property were not. How can I explain it any more clearly?
  18. Your 12 charts do not address funding, but do verify what I stated: There has been a surge of attempts by immigrants to cross the border after Covid restrictions were lifted. That's why additional funding is needed. Is that difficult for you to understand?
  19. Your ignorance of very recent history is astounding. There has been a surge of immigrants attempting to cross the border after Covid restrictions were lifted. Are you blaming Biden for lifting Covid restrictions?
  20. Wow! You accuse others of making up the law? You have been given a link to the applicable law and directed to the paragraph that applies. Yet yo continue to state your imagined interpretation of the law with no reference to the actual law.
  21. Do you realize that everything that you post makes Trump look worse? Biden's staff were responsible for securing the classified, as were Trump's and Pence's. The staff botched the job, and it's disturbing that no mention is made of consequences for them. However when classified was found in the Biden residence the proper procedures were followed. Proper procedures were ignored and resisted by Trump. Anyone outside of the "Trump can do no wrong" camp understands this. Clearly you don't.
  22. That makes Trump look really bad, doesn't it?
  23. How many times have you had the Espionage Act put in front of you so you could read the part in paragraph e about willfully retaining classified? https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/793 You can lead the clueless to knowledge but you can't make them learn.
  24. How much of the wall was built by Trump? How many immigrants did it stop? How much was paid for by Mexico? The border bill shot down by Trump supporters would have provided needed resources for better securing the border, which is why it was shot down.
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