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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Time to expand the no-fly list to include drunks and idiots.
  2. Unlikely. Fox has built a profitable business confirming the biases of those who don't want to be informed.
  3. You don't think claiming all of the South Chna Sea as its own, building military outposts, denying countries the right to fish in their territorial waters, rejecting the ruling of the international tribunal in the Hague, etc. is interfering int other countries internal affairs? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/12/philippines-wins-south-china-sea-case-against-china How is my second paragraph outdated?
  4. Is last month current enough for you? "Taiwan produces over 60% of the world’s semiconductors and over 90% of the most advanced ones. Most are manufactured by a single company, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC). Until now, the most advanced have been made only in Taiwan." https://www.economist.com/special-report/2023/03/06/taiwans-dominance-of-the-chip-industry-makes-it-more-important
  5. Weren't voters given a similar warning before the 2011 election?
  6. I'm sure you'd love to derail this topic into an anti-American rant, but try to focus. Can you explain why NATO is unnecessary and should not be maintained and strengthened?
  7. I posted: "there is a credible, intact, popular government in Ukraine the west can support. Myanmar lacks that." The NLD is popular, but it's stretch to say it is credible or intact. It was in power only while the Tatmadaw tolerated it, and it was never fully in control of the country. In hindsight the failure of the NLD to do more to accommodate the ethnic groups and incorporate them into the government was a serious mistake. I am not unsympathetic, I have friends from Myanmar. I would love to see the NUG reach an agreement and form an alliance with the major ethnic states and armies for coordinated military action against the dictatorship. I don't think this can happen unless they also agree on some form of post-conflict government that accommodates the key concerns of the ethnic groups. If such agreements can be reached I would be an enthusiastic supporter of aid of any sort that would end the military dictatorship and give Myanmar back to the Myanmar people. Until there is such a credible alliance against the dictatorship I think any military aid would just be adding fuel to the fire.
  8. I agree with your first paragraph, that was one of the points of my post. Your second paragraph assumes too much about my post. I never stated that the US or any other government does not enter into transactional relations with undemocratic countries. I think you can pick any part of Afghanistan's history and conclude that the country has been largely ungovernable. Until the Bamar majority and the ethnic minorities can agree on a workable system of government Myanmar may also prove to be ungovernable. That is why arming one side without having a realistic end-game in mind is foolish.
  9. How do you propose getting these weapons to Myanmar? Who in Myanmar should the west deal with? What do you think China will do when it learns the west is supplying anti-government armed groups in Myanmar? Remember, China is fine with a corrupt, transactional military government in Myanmar. China wouldn't like to share a long border with a successful democracy. And how did Afghanistan turn out?
  10. "And what do you think about convicted criminals trying the rule the country?" You mean like Nelson Mandela? I realize Thaksin is no Mandela. However I also realize the crimes Thaksin was convicted of were business as usual in Thai government. Staging a coup is also business as usual, but most of us consider it a greater crime.
  11. What do you suggest the west do in Myanmar? It shows that the west has learned that in the absence of a credible alternative government it is best to stay uninvolved. Or do you think the west should ship arms to all the different rebel armies and see who emerges the winner in the bloody chaos that follows?
  12. The biggest difference is that there is a credible, intact, popular government in Ukraine the west can support. Myanmar lacks that.
  13. Trump didn't save NATO. Putin did, by reminding NATO why it was necessary.
  14. Provide a source proving that the FBI knew that the information on the laptop was not Russian disinformation. Provide a source proving that Radcliff had confirmed that the information on the laptop was not Russian disinformation, and how he had proven it. Provide a source showing the people signing the letter knew it was false. If you can't do that, you are guilty of libel and spreading disinformation. BTW: Judging by your low number of posts I suspect you are the reincarnation of a suspended member. I also suspect you will be suspended again soon.
  15. Morell stated under oath that "One intent was to share our concern with the American people that the Russians were playing on this issue". Towards this end he "organized" a letter signed by 50 CIA colleagues which stated the laptop showed the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. Nobody has contested the assessment of these agents. I think the expression is "Tempest in a tea kettle."
  16. democracy dĭ-mŏk′rə-sē noun Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. A political or social unit that has such a government. The common people, considered as the primary source of political power. Will you accept the above definition of democracy? Or will you insist on another one?
  17. Of course when you post "We" you mean those people you agree with. Your certainly don't mean "we, the majority of Thai voters".
  18. You're referring to 2010, when the military was firing on protesters, the press, and a nurse trying to help the wounded. Do you think that is an acceptable way to prevent democracy and elections?
  19. I think the most likely explanation for the money paid is that Hunter Biden and associates played the Chinese, and officials from other corrupt governments, for fools. But it doesn't matter. It's not up to Hunter to prove the payments were legitimate, it's up to the government to prove they were illegal. Not a lot of progress on that from what I can tell.
  20. You didn't just forecast the future, you seemed to approve of it.
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