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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Trump will either not make the pledge or not keep it if he doesn't get the nomination. His base won't care.
  2. Nobody expected the Afghan government to implodes so suddenly, not even the Taliban. Under those circumstances the withdrawal was doomed to chaos regardless of who was in the White House.
  3. DeSantis clearly wants to run for President this time. That's why he's and his lapdog legislature are passing so many nonsensical laws in Florida, he's on a book tour, and he's appearing on Fox (I've read that, I don't watch Fox). He's building his anti-woke platform. Whether there is anything else to his platform I can't say.
  4. Pay farmers not to burn their fields and villages not to burn surrounding forests. It may not feel right to pay people to stop breaking the law, but I can think of no other practical solution.
  5. A just for show announcement. Work from home is not an option for most Thai workers.
  6. Summary: The next government will be determined by sleazy backroom deal making, just as the constitution intended. It's not a bug, it's a feature. Thailand will not be real democracy, or even a half-assed democracy, until it gets a new constitution. One not written by the military.
  7. I agree it's an Asian problem and the lack of interest in resolving it is appalling. However it is also a massive humanitarian crisis. If there were something the west could do to resolve it I would support such action. However I don't know what can be done that wouldn't make things worse.
  8. I understand your posts: Given a choice between a legitimately elected corrupt leader and an illegitimately installed corrupt coup leader, you prefer the latter. I prefer respecting the choice of the Thai people.
  9. Don't worry, everyone involved is aware that if Trump is elected he will surrender Ukraine to Russia.
  10. As noted, your post rests on a big "If". What makes you think that the Dominion voting systems can be better analyzed by Fox than by Dominion and its many customers? Also, if some obscure bug is found without any evidence that it was exploited, or could be exploited, why would that put the election in question for any rational person? I can't argue with yous second paragraph. The situation Fox News is in is proof of it.
  11. You didn't reply to anything I posted, you just made broad accusations, suggest some kind of conspiracy by the left and labeled me a leftist. I think most people would consider me a centrist, but someone from the extreme loony wing of the Trump party would call me and almost anyone else a leftist.
  12. Sex with a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to his child is one of the least despicable things Trump did. Trump turned over all significant governing responsibilities to Mitch McConnell while Trump went on ego stroking rallies and overseas trips. He liked all the attention, which is why he attempted to overturn a legitimate election. But, as you posted, you liked that.
  13. Finding vulnerabilities, if they exist, will not change the lawsuit unless Fox can show that the vulnerabilities were exploited somehow to change the election result. That's not going to happen.
  14. Great. Recruit some leaders who meet your standards and asked them to run for election. Then accept the results whether you like them or not. Or do you think military coups provide honest competent leaders? Your post show you prefer them to elected leaders.
  15. OK, we're almost there. You make it very clear that you don't trust the people of Thailand to decide who should lead Thailand. However you still won't admit the obvious: You are OK with military rule if it ends democracy in Thailand. Any idiot can take a stand against something. The hard part is defending an alternative. Your stand is against Thaksin. What is your alternative?
  16. Answer to first sentence/question: Finland will be under no obligation to do so unless China attacks a NATO nation. Regarding the rest; what's your point?
  17. And, once again, if "democracy" doesn't meet your standards, military rule is preferable.
  18. A simple "yes" would have sufficed, but at least you have made it clear: Until the Thai people are "smart" enough to vote for candidates you think are acceptable, Thailand is not ready for democracy and you are ok with military rule. Correct? It is a yes/no question. Don't obfuscate, just answer.
  19. Thanks for the source. It supports what I posted: "Thirteen services industries reported growth, including arts, entertainment and recreation, accommodation and food services, public administration and mining as well as utilities, construction and information.'
  20. Democracy makes mistakes. In a democracy, mistakes can be corrected by elections. Do you have an alternative to democracy other than authoritarianism? If so, please share it. If not, please explain how an authoritarian government can be removed if it doesn't want to go.
  21. Just to be very clear: You are OK with a coup that prevented an election in 2014. The year in which the Thaksin backed party was at perhaps its lowest level in popularity this century. Is that correct?
  22. I think Rudy Giuliani and the rest of the gang of idiots that tried to overturn the 2020 election were Roy Cohn wannabes, and not very good ones. It looks like Trump is so scared now he hired a competent lawyer rather than a headline seeking one. Now let's see if the competent lawyer can somehow keep Trump from incriminating himself or committing other crimes. It doesn't look good. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-threaten-judge-incite-violence-1792620
  23. I hadn't thought of that. I don't know much about him, but he is definitely an outspoken anti-vaxxer. No way will he get my vote.
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