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Sir Dude

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Everything posted by Sir Dude

  1. They are slowly walking it back and watering it down. By the look from the above, when they are done moving the goal posts, folks will have the options of spending it in 7-11/Big C/Blue Flag shops as they are way cheaper than the Mom & Pop shops... and all the wrong entities to be profiting from this hand out. They might even restrict it to just the government Blue Flag shops so they get as much back as possible... wouldn't surprise me at all if they announce that in the next few weeks. Compete bunch of liars and rotten to the core.
  2. From my observations, it all basically goes wrong for Thai students at high school because it's little more than 6 years of mindwashing nonsense learning fluff or nothing at all... along with nonsense activities. By the time they get to university, it's mainly too late... they sink or swim in class sizes of 50 etc. as that's not "teaching", it's a lecture. You often hear people talking about/promoting how important critical thinking is and how it should be taught etc... but I see very little evidence of it being taught or even of people knowing what it actually is (observation, analysis, logic, systematically following processes of thought, judging relevence of ideas or augments, spotting errors or inconsistencies in comments/arguments, reflecting on your and others' assumptions and beliefs or biases, reasoning, balancing pros and cons/good and bad plus forming defendable opinion with supporting evidence etc.) so as to get to the best conclusion at a given time. However, having a properly educated population that can think critically and freely, simply isn't in the interest of the 1%. Thailand needs a compliant and subservient workforce/populous to the elite. You can see it in the politics and establishment regarding how scared the puppet masters are of change and entities like the Move Forward Party... the dinosaurs even jumped into bed with Taksin and allowed him back with little sanction, just so that they can hang on to power for a little longer and forestall the progressives and change. Although, they are kidding themselves as change is inevitable and it's coming... the internet and social media has seen to that, and these kids that have been leaving university for the last 10-15 years or so won't stand for the same nonsense forever, as they will be entering positions of power shortly.
  3. Blimey, what sort of thicket of idiots puts a police general in charge of a country's education ministry? That's the equivalent of putting Alan Titchmarsh in charge of training commandos.
  4. When I read "DPM" I thought straight away of "damage per minute"... then realised I wasn't playing an online game.
  5. "Viral social media rumors have spread fear that tourists could be kidnapped and forced into scams across the border in Myanmar or Cambodia... by Chinese criminals." There, fixed it for everyone.
  6. Hmm, I don't think retirees have too much to worry about who just live off of their pensions... although I understand the concern shown in the thread due to previous hair-brained ideas governments have had here. Also, there is a good chance that this will rattle the cage of the elite here so much that it is quietly walked-back or dropped further down the line. However, if they did follow through with it, then I'd have serious misgivings about how they would enforce it without out-rightly sparking an exodus of people from multiple walks of life/demographics. Also, for example, how would they police ATM system when someone takes like $300 out of their foreign bank on any given street or place with an ATM... sure, might be possible but the logistics involved are huge, plus the high street banks here might well baulk at the extra cost and time/effort involved. It would require considerable investment in tech and all sorts. The sad thing here is, if you legally work here and have a WP, then you might get screwed if you bring in anything from overseas... and mostly those like this are the ones who might need extra cash. What about if you worked here (like a teacher), and say, your brother sends you $1000 for your birthday... is that liable to tax? It's not "income", it's a gift. Complete BS. On top of that, if more needed to be mentioned, the leeches want more money from us but are not prepared to pony-up anything in return. How about Anutin makes "residency" easier? How about some more rights in return? How about less discrimination on so many things? How about a less oppressive immigration department for the legit folks? How about longer visas for the workers you want to take more from? Someone might live and work here but they are not a "resident" with the associated rights that go along with that word. A completely ill-thought out idea that's loaded with problems stamped all over it. Good way to tank the economy even worse... as even if there is disparity in wealth dispersion, all the money ends up being spent in the economy eventually, which is an overall positive. If they convince people (or money generally) to bail like the CCP has in China... then we can all see how well that is working out. The new government is a bunch of muppets that sold out to the old government and puppeteers just to get their exiled leader back... and now need new revenue sources to pay for the ill-conceived ideas they promised the mob to get the votes, who they also ultimately betrayed. So shamelessly cynical. Okay, rant over.... have a good day everyone.
  7. This is a non-event... and only advertised because the content is woke and fashionable. How many people die and it is nothing other than a footnote at the coroner's office?.... another social-engineering psy-op load of BS.
  8. All of these annoying petition-waving activists should be investigated themselves... bet they have skeletons in the closet too.
  9. Thailand is already a vassal-state of the CCP... it's just that the regular Thais don't know it, and by the time they wake-up, it will be way too late.
  10. Doesn't pass the smell test... a very rural wiff coming from Toady on this one.
  11. I don't drink Thai beer anymore because it's just so bad... even worse, I've begun to consider the regular Budweiser from the Philippines as the best bang-for-the-buck at around 65 baht for a 500ml can, as it has become fairly ubiquitous everywhere now. Some of the larger malls have good booze sections, but they aren't cheap.
  12. The Thai police should start using phrases like "death through misadventure" as it would sound a lot better than these swift off-the-cuff explanations about what might have happened like "Yeah, he might have been too hot and boozed up, so could have just gone to cool off in the water... and promptly drowned." Off to the next situation to give a armchair explanation to and minimize the paperwork and investigation. Just sounds so amateurish with the speculation.
  13. The military, establishment, and elites are much more scared of Move Forward than any of the others, as MF clearly shows the writing is on the wall and how the future will form regarding politics here. Pheu Thai is on a slow decline into its regional strongholds and has had its day (although still strong for now), in my opinion... and also represents the old style of politics to some degree. It is increasingly clear that people want their freedoms and a better life, free from the oppression that so often rears it's head through intolerant self-serving types and their antiquated agendas. Move Forward represent a much more serious threat to the traditional conservatives and establishment of Thailand, so I expect that some plain nasty and dirty tricks to come out soon from the puppet masters through the courts, senate, their minions, and Election Commission etc.
  14. The thing with a safe is about who knows you have one, from point of sale/acquisition to anyone who even enters your home or you/the wife/kids blabbing about it to anyone. There is some merit in having a certain amount of cash instantly available for certain eventualities, but it is a massive temptation to anyone... especially these days. It's almost as if people can sniff safes out. It could be anything that can betray that a safe is in your house from the sales assistant at the shop you buy it from who then looks at your or your wife's stored data, or noting your vehicle licence plate so they can check the address somehow later through corrupt contacts, to the neighbour snitching as you unload it, to a maid/gardener/furniture delivery person/air-con service guy, to anything. The trick is to get the safe from where you get it from without anyone knowing anything about you or where it is going (which is harder than you might think). Might be better just to keep some money somehwere cunning inside the house without drawing attention to yourself... but 2 million cash is a bit excessive, unless you are up to no good and putting it in the bank would raise flags. However, all things aside, this case looks like the perps knew everything and it was properly prepped & planned. Can't trust anyone.
  15. I truly hope that this muppet Anutin is consigned to political history at the up-coming election, as he has had a very toxic effect on Thai society.
  16. Anyone would be better than these cretins and crooks that have power now and for the last wasted 8 years... even a MF and PT coalition would be okay for now. Hopefully the Thais stand up say make it clear that it's time for something new.
  17. This is not surprising considering the unfairness of Thai society, especially towards the young, and a general lack of opportunity for most who have little to look forward to. Once the dinosaurs are extinct, there will be much change in a short amount of time here... maybe another 10-15 years, as I can't see these university kids that are graduating now standing for it once they move up the ladder.
  18. Not just salt, but the sugar too, as every time you eat, your insulin spikes and high insulin levels are at the base root of so many health conditions. What a lot of people don't realise is that the human body simply hasn't evolved to eat three salty meals a day plus sugary snacks and drinks. For thousands of years you were lucky if you ate once a day, and if unlucky, once every two or three days, and the human body has evolved to cope with that... hence why intermittent fasting is so good for you. Of course, the food industry and big pharma don't want people to know that though.
  19. However, the accused officers' lawyer did make a statement saying that in their defense it was an occupation reserved for Thais only.
  20. There are some caveats to rejoining that may be a too harder sell to the UK public, so if the UK does get closer to Brussels again, then it will be on the sly... at least for the foreseeable future anyhow. Examples of questions that would need answering, and you also have to remember the basket-case countries lined-up to join the EU in the next 5-10 years and how that will influence things too, are as follows: If we rejoined the EU, how much would Britain pay into its budget per year? If free movement into the UK from the EU were to be restored, what would annual net migration be? What proportion of the global economy, and of British trade, will the EU represent in 20 years? What would be the effect on future trade of abandoning our new, closer ties with the growing Pacific region? What would be the economic cost of joining the eurozone? Will the UK rejoin the Common Fisheries Policy as the UK will gain full control over their waters in 2026? As we now have a Free Trade Agreement with the EU, what precisely would be the advantage of rejoining the Single Market and Customs Union? Would Brussels lawmakers have priority over Parliament, and would the European Court of Justice be superior to British courts? Would Rejoiners agree to the EU being in overall charge of our foreign and security policy? Would Rejoiners commit to a referendum to approve the terms negotiated for a new relationship with the EU? The above are examples of sensible questions that would need convincing answers... which there might be, but certainly not as simple as some think. Personally, the UK would have to give up the Pound and accept the Euro (which is hardly a tub-thumping success), accept uncontrolled immigration again (think also about the countries lined up to join the EU soon), pay ludicrous amounts into the financing black hole that is Brussels, no rebates, no foreign policy of our own, etc., etc. The conditions of the EU allowing the UK to rejoin would simply be so bad that they would be political suicide and not acceptable... as they would be punishment terms, so as to set an example. Whichever UK party is in government might try it on the quiet, but that's a whole different thing.
  21. Wearing a face mask should go... it is dehumanizing and robs people of a level of individuality. It is truly amazing how much of yourself you lose wearing one of those things and how nice it is to see peoples' faces again... especially smiles. It should be like it used to be, the vulnerable and old get their yearly shots and just the germaphobes prancing around in masks... crazy that so many of the vaccinated healthy are still blindly following the mask mandate like sheep, even though it's been dropped.
  22. Great photo, not even a token white guy in the lineup. I guess loneliness is a powerful feeling, but you would have thought that this scam has been so beaten to death that these women would click. Suppose not... but a crime for really low individuals to commit..
  23. Ridiculous idea, got trouble stamped all over it. What about all the responsible and diligent people who honour their commitments? What's in it for them? What you will get is all the "live today and screw tomorrow brigade" pile straight down the nearest lender and attempt to scam as much as possible out of them, then go right back to defaulting on repayments... Duh!
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