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  1. I had Rezum treatment two months ago at a private hospital here. It did not work. I'm still wearing a urinary catheter around like a ball and chain. I had to borrow money for it, and now I'm very disappointed.
  2. I prefer Led Zeppelin, their first few albums. It's loud, not for everyone. But it gets me moving and gets the job done. Happy New Year! -Zenwind.
  3. I have long heard of Buddhists reflecting on their history of having other religions trying to overwhelm them, with both persuasion and coercion. I can’t remember where I first heard the term, but they called these religions/ideologies “Predatory Religions”, ones that have such a need to “save” you that they are determined to either convert you or even kill you. Historically, some Buddhists have named Christianity and Islam in this class, and, in the 20th century, Marxism. Convert you or kill you; history is full of the bloodbaths – although, certainly, not all proselytizers of these religions are murderous; but they are intently focused on converting you to their worldview. Caveat: surely history can show us some similar examples of intolerance on the part of Buddhists. But Buddhists usually have not tended to be such “predator” religionists.
  4. I smoke cannabis – Sativa – in mindfully measured micro-doses in order to encourage Exercise and thus restore my health. I am 74 years old, and aging tends to make one chronically achy, fatigued, and lazy. I have long suffered from Fibromyalgia and, more recently, from crippling Sciatica pain from lumbar disc herniations. (I refuse to take narcotic pain-killers, since they tend to be addictive and dumbing.) But a micro-dose of two tokes of good, strong THC Sativa, and it makes me Move, to get off my lazy butt and work out. The Tai Chi sessions immediately after are unparalleled for mindfully exploring all my aged muscles-joints' sore spots, working them out carefully and comprehensively. The follow-up stretching, yoga and mild calisthenics get me ready to move out – primarily long marches and stair climbing, often with hand weights. Excelsior! Thank you, Thailand, for allowing me to use this fine Medicine. -Zenwind. I have written previously on this matter on this forum over a year ago:
  5. Kind of reminds one of today's Venezuela, doesn't it? Ban the folks who get more popular votes than you.
  6. As a retired US History teacher, I answer NO to adding Biden to Mt Rushmore. The monument, with its grand artistry, originally was an attempt to honor the American Heroic Age, with iconic figures. The earliest two on the left are among my all-time personal heroes. But that Heroic Age is long gone. We are now living in The Age of the Buffoon. Therefore, only Clowns should be carved into granite to best represent our times. I suggest immortalizing, as iconic Clowns from the past century, such eminent jokers as Alfred E. Neuman, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Groucho Marx. -Zenwind.
  7. Cannabis is NOT a narcotic drug. It is a Medicine. Smoking cannabis flower buds with THC -- in judicious Micro-Doses -- is medicine that has restored the health of my aged body because it motivates me to Exercise. Here is my personal experience:
  8. Smoking THC cannabis – in moderate micro doses – is some of the very best medicine I have ever taken. I am 74 and suffer a lot of debilitating pain and fatigue. Two or three tokes of C. sativa induces me to exercise, to move, and to mindfully work out my physical pains and build up strength. I have written about this several times before on ASEAN NOW. You can find more detail by looking at my posting history here. Cannabis is not a narcotic drug. It is a medicine. -Zenwind.
  9. I am 74 years old, and only the smoking of cannabis buds with "recreational" THC have helped me with my debilitating health problems (mainly spinal injuries). The other derivative products from the plant do nothing to help me. I micro-dose good Cannabis sativa smoke, which motivates me to exercise – that is its amazing health benefit. When one gets old, one tends to get too lazy. My doctors told me to "move more", and smoking THC (in intelligently measured MICRO-DOSES) gets me off my aged butt to work out. It has restored my health. I wrote in detail about this a year ago on this forum: https://aseannow.com/topic/1289233-health-benefits-of-high-thc-cannabis/ I trust that I will continue my micro-dosing of cannabis flower here in Thailand. What are they going to do? Put this old man in prison for using the only medicine that can safely and effectively treat his maladies? (Well, it is in the nature of nanny elites to try, but I sure hope not!) -Zenwind.
  10. The Rock Pub, my city home-away-from-home.
  11. Zorro (1957) Firefly (2002)
  12. Well written OP/article. Smoking THC weed is definitely Medicinal – especially when micro-dosing. I’m an old guy, and smoking marijuana flower buds here in Thailand within the last year has significantly improved my health and well-being. My testimony is here (posted in this forum’s Health section earlier this year): https://aseannow.com/topic/1289233-health-benefits-of-high-thc-cannabis/ -Zenwind.
  13. It’s great to read the experiences of fellow old-folks about your walking routines. Keep it up, and keep inspiring the rest of us. I am 73 and have been benefiting immensely from my own walking program. I walk a bit every day, but my current program is to take longer marches of 6 to 7 kilometers at least twice a week. On these marches, I do stair-climbing by climbing the pedestrian “flyover” bridges that cross my street. On my regular walking path, there are 5 older flyover bridges, plus 4 more on the two newer MRT elevated rail stations (one on the north and the south platforms of each station). That’s 35 steps up each of the old ones and 50 steps up the MRT stairways. On a round-trip walk, I zig-zag down the street and back up, crossing at every flyover, with a possible total of 14 stair-climbs in my 90-minute march. (Important: hydrate constantly!) I hope to start incorporating hand-weights into my walking routines – which can be an amazing intensification of a workout. Decades ago, when living in America, I had a complete set of Heavy Hands™, a set of light hand-weights that can be adjusted from one pound in each hand up to much heavier combinations by one-pound increments. In those days, I would hike with these weights through forests and backroads, up hill and down, and the added aerobic and body-wide muscle-building effects were incredible, building strength right down to your toes. To keep the aerobic exercise going on the downhills and on the flats, I would pump my arms and swing them with vigor. At present, I have a pair each of one-kilo and two-kilo dumbbells, and I plan to initially start using them while climbing the stairways in my home, a total of 30 steps – up and down, up and down, etc. I have suffered for decades from fibromyalgia, which involves chronic pain and debilitating fatigue, making it an extreme effort to get up and move. My upper back has been vulnerable to injury so I must use lighter weights. In the last few years, I have also seriously injured my lumber spine, causing intense sciatica pain – causing me to limp only short distances with a cane over a year ago – so I have to carefully limber up and stretch before exercising. I have had a remarkable breakthrough in the last year – and my remedy may be controversial to some. Now that it is legal, before my longer marches I Micro-Dose a mere two tokes of Cannabis sativa, then I limber up with ultra-inspired Tai Chi, do some mindfully thorough range-of-motion calisthenics, then stretch my leg muscles very carefully. Then I do my long flyover climbing trek down and back up the street. My overall health has improved extraordinarily. (It’s not for everyone, but if anyone is further interested in this experience of mine, check out some of my posts on my Profile here, e.g., Health Benefits of High-THC Cannabis, and other posts.) Keep walking everyone! It is not only healthy, it’s great fun.
  14. Here is a link to my original 15 March post here on Asean Now (in the subforum “Health and Medicine”). It is called “Health Benefits of high-THC Cannabis” and it documents my recent positive experiences with Micro-Dosing: https://aseannow.com/topic/1289233-health-benefits-of-high-thc-cannabis/ I am 73 years old, and, quite simply, marijuana’s very significant health benefits to me are to get me to Exercise. Please read that original post to get the full story. Here, I want to add some info to that OP. I only smoke cannabis two or three times a week, usually when I realize that I must break out of my old-guy laziness, get up and move more. I have refined my Micro-Dose intake to only two “tokes”, and they are quite modest inhalations – all I need. My walking distances have increased (from 100 meters with a cane a year ago), and twice a week I usually do a seven-kilometer loop in around 90 minutes, with shorter walks on days in between. If I feel especially spunky, I will climb the 35-step pedestrian flyovers crossing the avenue and any even higher stairs to elevated train stations, up to 12 of these stairways in my seven K marching route. Nice workout. The past month has seen 100-degree F heat on my midday marches, so I recommend diligent hydration. I always have a water bottle in hand and wear a quality mask because of the dirty air. You may be skeptical of my experience, but my original post (linked above) is worth examination. -Zenwind.
  15. I’ve lived in Thailand for 17 years at the same address (in Bangkruai, Nonthaburi), and postal service here has always been sketchy. But it is much worse since the Covid pandemic. I rarely get any mail at all. Christmas cards from family in the USA no longer arrive. Monthly bank statements from the USA will only arrive maybe one out of ten. Important bank packages have been returned to the US as “undeliverable”. Over the years, I found that sending mail to the USA is impossible through the Thai Post – it never arrives. I use DHL to get it there. The US Postal Service is famously bad, but these clowns in my Thai province make the USPS look competent.
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