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Posts posted by bkkandrew

  1. Tottenham 2-1 Aston Villa

    (Courtesy of BBC)

    Defoe has scored six league goals for Spurs this season

    Jermain Defoe's goalscoring instincts led Tottenham to a deserved win over Aston Villa in an entertaining game.

    Villa had frustrated Spurs for nearly an hour when Dimitar Berbatov's pass released Defoe, who sidefooted home.

    The impressive Berbatov also set up Defoe's second goal, the Bulgarian flicking on for the England forward, who thumped a shot past Gabor Kiraly.

    Gareth Barry reduced the deficit when he bulldozed his way past the home defence before scoring with a shot.

    Defoe might have had a hat-trick but Kiraly did well to save with his feet after the striker had beaten Gary Cahill with a deft piece of skill.

    Both Spurs goals highlighted the ability and intelligence of their two forwards as well the weakness of their opponents' attack.

    For Defoe's first goal, Berbatov turned deftly away from a couple of Villa defenders before sliding a weighted pass behind the visitors' defence.

    Defoe used his first touch to create space to widen the angle for him to shoot and his finish was perfectly placed.

    For Spurs' second goal, Berbatov used his height and strength to head on to Defoe, whose brilliant first touch carried the ball forward before he crashed his shot past Kiraly.

    Before Spurs' two forwards took centre stage, Tom Huddlestone, who turns 20 on Thursday, had excelled for Martin Jol's team, moving them forward with a series of inventive passes, both long and short.

    As well as linking the play, Huddlestone found time to conclude it, getting forward to unleash a shot that was tipped over the bar by Kiraly.

    Huddlestone was responsible for the pass of the game when he dinked the ball over the Villa defence to Berbatov, whose shot was well saved by Kiraly.

    The excellence of Defoe and Berbatov only served to highlight the failings of Villa's attack.

    Gabriel Agbonlahor, who only turned 20 in October, troubled Spurs' defence with some strong running but his partner Milan Baros was altogether more ineffective.

    That Villa survived for nearly an hour owed much to Kiraly's impressive keeping as he made a series of saves to frustrate Spurs.

    This was only Villa's second away defeat of the season - Martin O'Neill's side have notched up seven draws on their travels - and the manner in which they kept going after falling two goals behind said much about their tenacity.

    Barry typified that dogged nature when he barged past a succession of Spurs defenders before shooting past Paul Robinson.

    Although Robinson had to punch clear after Barry's goal in a nervy moment for Spurs, Villa's inability to create clear chances ensured the home side held on to win.

    Tottenham coach Martin Jol on striker Jermain Defoe:

    "Jermain was probably the sharpest player this season, that is why he started most of times.

    "If you have three games in six or seven days we've got the quality to change. It's better for the clubs if we have more options.

    "Today there was no other option - Mido and Robbie Keane were injured."

    Tottenham: Robinson, Chimbonda, Lee, Dawson, King, Malbranque, Zokora, Huddlestone, Ghaly (Murphy 69), Defoe (Davenport 89), Berbatov.

    Subs Not Used: Cerny, Assou-Ekotto, Ziegler.

    Booked: Malbranque.

    Goals: Defoe 58, 77.

    Aston Villa: Kiraly, Mellberg (Osbourne 46), Hughes (Ridgewell 36), Cahill, Gardner, Barry, McCann, Petrov (Bouma 46), Davis, Agbonlahor, Baros.

    Subs Not Used: Olejnik, Angel.

    Booked: McCann, Cahill.

    Goals: Barry 81.

    Att: 35,293.

    Ref: U Rennie (S Yorkshire).


    Great result! Bring on the thieving scousers on Sat!!! A win would see us go level on points with them and they lost yesterday to Blackburn... :o

  2. What I find somewhat ironic now (when it is all too obvious) is that Suvarnabhumi airport is now shown to have been a shody job from the word go. Anyone with half an eye could have seen that.

    Everything; planning, letting of tenders, transparency, construction, commissioning, not to mention the fact that the taxiways are falling apart (and probably the runways as well), everything to do with Suvarnabhumi was suspect from the outset.

    Does this really surprise anyone? :o

    Back in September a lot of the old TV hands were lauding the new airport and saying what a great job had been done in getting it up and running (and) on time.

    And the problems they are acknowledging now are the ones that cannot be hidden.

    What about the distinct likelihood that all the landing systems, radar and the like are all substandard as well.

    The best thing would be to shut it down completely and go through the issues with a fine tooth comb before a major disaster occurs.

    What a joke. But then when it comes to building something everyone is an "expert"

    That's why they put windows or viewing points in hoardings around construction sites isn't it, they are for all the "sidewalk superintendents"

    Far be it for me to say now "but, I told you so"

    I'll be bolder, I did tell you so. I believe I used the expression that the place "brings shame on the Thai people"...

    As a user 4-5 times a month, I have charted the "progress" of this debacle rather more (I suspect) than the 'don't whinge' lot!

  3. It would seem that the whole of the Spurs appreciaetion society has either gone underground or commited mass suicide

    No. Just getting unashamedly and totally drunk... :o

    (Not So) Merry Christmas fellow sufferers...

  4. You can get 15min delayed data on advfn.com - also you can get graphs without registering

    On advfn i saw trades going through at 69 approx (with bid and offer at around 69) and at 71 approx (with bid and offer at around 71) - not seen this at all before

    No one on here seems to know why so far (yes theory, fact no) and there is no news i have seen to explain why too.

    I want to move some euros to baht and may do a small trade to find the price.

    The bot hari-kari was not a complete u-turn - there were still some elements enforced - could this difference in trading be as a result of it ?

    Anyone got any suggestions on how to keep GBP or EUR tied to appreciation (or devaluation - bale out before...) THB, without direct exposure to THB ? I have seen suggestions of gold and off-shore THB...

    Quite agree with you. FX is a central part of my job and the situation makes no sense at all.

    Surmise that the current 4% variance quoted will only be dealt with by the Japanese market opening in a few hours, but may wait until London opens on the 27th... In the mean time I am laying low and drinking/eating too much :o

  5. It is the end of year positions being cleared up. Most traders don't bother between Christmas and New Year, so today is the day to unwind bad positions and settle trades that need to look good for year-end. Nothing to worry about...

    Although showing at 4% down (GBP - THB), I would expect this to settle back to 71.5 during the holiday and early in the new year...

    One the point about data feed, I believe that the BBC has an unusual policy of basketing trades to post a behind-time number. This can be skewed by the above situation.

    Chill, and Merry Christmas!

  6. This thread is hilarious. Everyone has an opinion including me. People hoping the US economy will collapse because of the Evil Bushman and others using criteria that don't matter as far as economies go are probably all wrong.

    If Martin gets his way and we go back to caves, the US will be fine because it has lots of caves and lots of unpopulated space and food. This has nothing to do with the dollar despite trying to tie in the death of industrialization from some esoteric belief.

    Hang on, I claim copyright here, I was the one that identified Martin as Amish... Se threads passim (cannot be bothered to search)... :o

  7. Strong growth ahead for construction, auto and electronics

    "Santi said that after weighing up the expected positive and negative impacts on industry next year, the FTI forecasts that Thai industries will grow 7 per cent next year overall, the same rate as this year."


    As a Thai, it's been pretty interesting for me to see how some "farang" expats on here can always find anything ( in/about Thailand) to be negative or spin it so that it would look negative. It makes me wonder why they are still here.


    Your command of english is good. Are you aware that "goon" is defined by Cambridge dictionary as:

    goon (SILLY PERSON) Show phonetics


    a silly or stupid person

    goon (CRIMINAL) Show phonetics

    noun [C] US INFORMAL

    a violent criminal who is paid to hurt or threaten people

    I wonder which one you purport to be... :o

    On the matter at hand, it is surprising that the Thai authorities express monetary values in US Dollars, rather that Thai Baht, given that, er, THB is the local currency. With the currency differential, expression in THB would show a marked worsening of the trade balance, but I suppose this would lose face...

    Who knows what they will say next year, perhaps the world's weakest currenct will be the Israeli Shekel and they will disguise their shortcomings by publishing reports quoting values in that currency :D

  8. "Like a lone voice in the wilderness, I have been saying this for some time - the property bubble is going to burst! As demonstrated by many economic examples over hundreds of years, this inevitably leads to wider economic decline, or indeed, collapse."

    Get over yourself. Many posters have been predicting a "collapse" of the BKK housing market, for the past 5 years. It wasn't correct then, and it isn't correct now.

    Hear hear, well said!!

    I call it stopped watch economic theory. The doomsayers keep repeating this mantra and sure if they keep at it, eventually they will call the 'crash' with perfect timing, but its hardly what you would call reliable.

    You pair of nutcases!

    Predicting for the last year that the BKK residential property sector is developing into bubble and pointing out that, historically, this can lead to wider economic problems does not turn me into a "doomsayer" repeating a "mantra".

    I sometimes wonder if it is regrettable that that ThaiVisa do not include an IQ test as part of the sign-up process... :o

  9. Like a lone voice in the wilderness, I have been saying this for some time - the property bubble is going to burst! As demonstrated by many economic examples over hundreds of years, this inevitably leads to wider economic decline, or indeed, collapse.

    There are none so blind as those that do not wish to see...

    As the thai py will say, up to you!

    They said the same thing recently about the Australian property market.....it didn't happen and now prices are beginning to rise.

    They are saying the same thing about the US property market, so far so good.

    They have been saying the same thing about the Thailand property market...for years and years....it hasn't happened.

    Bubbles burst, balloons deflate.

    These days property markets around the world deflate in line with the 8 - 10 year property cycle. Property market collapses usually result from a market oversupply, coupled with rising interest rates.

    Available land is becoming very scarce and that creates demand. There will never be a property crash as long as there is demand.

    Further interest rate rises are also doubtful as the world is experiencing stagflation/deflation. The next move for interest rates may well be down.

    You are not the only voice in the wilderness, but you are quickly running out of company.

    Are you unaware of the property-let slide in US that is a large contributor to the current slide in USD?

    Are you even aware of basic economic principles? "These days" were the excuse for explaining why the Dotcom boom in 1998-2000 was sustainable, er.. by people like you :o

    Yes - sustainable - your arguments are not that, certainly.

  10. Yes. NY about to close and its GBP-THB 71.52. Excellent... :o



    I think that actually the 30% witholding is beginning to bite in the intended manner (lowering the THB) now. The unintended (earlier) consequence of affecting Thai equities has now been dealt with by way of exclusion of SET trades.

    This does, however, leave the continued consequences of inbound foreign currency transactions for spending or real estate purposes, which will surely result in depression of foreign capital spending in the Kingdom and, specifically, a decline (possible dramatic) of the residential property sector...

  11. Its a catch 22 for condo buyers. If you transfer less then 800,000 baht you wont get the necessary FET certificate. If you transfer more ,they might withold 30% of it. Ive got my swift form filled out and ready to post today, but wont do it until this matter is cleared. Between that and the anticipated empty rental condos vacated by the visa runners whose 90 days run out, it might be a good idea to hold off on condo purchases. IMHO

    You could have also mentioned the insane increase in supply with new-build projects... A perfect prick to burst an over-inflated bubble! Actually sums up K. Tarisa Watanagase rather well... :o

  12. City (A)

    A game of two halfs !!!

    I'm sure i will die of a heart attack following THFC, we should have been 3-5 nill up at HT and Defoe should have had one inside 4 mins of re start, but no, 2-0 and they get one, 1st shot on target i think !!! then its backs to the wall and me holding my breath everytime they came forward !!!

    Anyways, Tommy H, you are a Hoddle in the making , what a goal, i was going mental, my viens were showing in my neck as i jumped around the room, shouting YESSSSS. Brilliant

    SeeSiders at Home next, i cant find anywhere to view this game on the TV or Internet, i will keep looking but if anyone knows any different , then let me know please ??

    Lennon may be fit, Whats happened to Davids ??? where he go! :D

    Match only on Five live sports extra I am afraid...

    Davids just dropped, thats all.

    You around for New Years Day game?? - I will be in Xtra Time as I fly in on the 28th!! :o

  13. The Nation

    Tue, December 19, 2006 : Last updated 23:17 pm (Thai local time)

    Non-elected PM? Don't even think about it

    Yesterday was definitely not a good day for the interim leaders. The stock market crash following the central bank's measures to deal with the baht crisis has taken some more gloss off Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister MR Pridiyathorn Devakula, threatening to turn a man once considered the biggest asset of the Surayud administration into a major liability.

    And this bad economic news came hot on the heels of a nasty coincidence in the ongoing process to form a charter-drafting assembly.

    When a little-known figure who received the most votes from fellow nominees to the Constitution Drafting Assembly allegedly happens to be a close buddy of the coup leader, the promised political reform gets off to the worst possible start. But a mixture of guarded criticism and straightforward booing will be nothing compared to what will surely come next if a crazy idea being mooted at present makes its way to the CDA's table.

    Yes, we are talking about the "ghost" proposal - that the next prime minister doesn't necessarily have to come from the election. I call it a "ghost" because it seems to have come out of nowhere and every usual suspect appears to carry a disclaimer sign when approached by reporters. "The people will decide" has been a standard response, which has now started to sound unconvincing and scary.

    We can only hope "The people will decide" doesn't in fact mean "Let's put it in the draft and see what happens in the public referendum". A constitutional clause legitimising a non-elected prime minister would be unlikely to make it that far.

    If there's one single issue that can blow away the credibility of the interim leadership overnight, this is it. Such a provision would make the present stock market problems look like a storm in a teacup and turn other political bad guys into saints.

    "Black Tuesday" sliced hundreds of billions of baht off the stock market's value. Countless investors, if not contemplating suicide, must have been in tears, ruing an alternative scenario if Thaksin Shinawatra & Co had still been in charge. The overthrown "new money" camp held stakes so huge in the market that implementing similar measures to cure the woes caused by the strong baht would have been sheer insanity.

    The last thing this interim leadership needs is another battle front in the face of its biggest economic test.

    No, it won't be another battle front; it will be a real war if the CDA takes up the non-elected prime minister idea. Champagne corks will be flying in London, coup advocates will hang themselves in shame and "Thailand, we told you so" will make editorial headlines across the globe. The Democrats will abandon their reluctant alliance with the military and the scattered Thai Rak Thai elements will be revitalised and converge with political activist groups to form a strong pro-democracy movement.

    The coup leaders, the CDA members and the Surayud government only need look at what happened to the National Peacekeeping Council in 1992. It took just a few weeks for initially subdued anti-military sentiment to explode into a bloody uprising after NPKC leader Suchinda Kraprayoon took advantage of constitutional loopholes to become a non-elected prime minister following an election.

    It could be argued that the NPKC, which overthrew the elected Chatichai government in 1991, was far less popular than the Council for National Security, as the leaders of the September 19 coup call themselves, and the NPKC showed no intent to reform Thai politics. But on the other hand, the 1992 "May Crisis" occurred despite the fact that Chatichai Choonhavan wasn't the most popular political leader in Thai history.

    The NPKC was doomed when it was just fighting a pro-democracy movement alone. The CNS will be up against more sophisticated opponents, some of them very well financed. Most of all, the non-elected prime minister proposal will negate two of the four proclaimed goals of the coup makers - to bring about genuine political reform and to reunite a badly divided nation.

    Prime Minister Surayud, who insisted that his non-elected status had been warranted by the country's snowballing political crisis, last week called on the media to give advice if post-coup rebuilding efforts seem to be veering off-track.

    Here's my take: Whoever is behind the revival of this always acrimonious constitutional issue should be temporarily banished until the new charter is in place.

    The proposal, if adopted, could become a time bomb. This "ghost" isn't worth playing with and should be locked up with all known spells available and buried as deep as possible.

    Tulsathit Taptim

    Interesting. In UK for Christmas, but 3 phone calls today to various Thais I am in business with included the word "Patiwhat"....

  14. Just as a word of warning to folks from the UK wishing to transfer Thai Baht from Sterling to Baht - it cannot be done!

    I've spoken to my bank (Barclays International) and Currenciesdirect.com and both had stopped trading in the Thai Baht.

    For me in Laos it's only a hinderance as we have Dollar and Kip to accounts which aren't a problem - but for you folk in Thai and only with the Baht I foresee problems!

    CurrenciesDirect use HSBC for buying and said maybe if I go direct to them it *MIGHT* be possible.

    I've just read the thread about the currency and people saying it'll only affect business . . . not so!

    A Royal pain in the butt - particularly on how pitiful the dollar is against both the kip and baht! :o

    Just to clarify - are you saying that you requested a SWIFT transfer from your Barclays account to a Thai bank account that was denied? If so, this is a serious development...

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