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Jim Blue

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Everything posted by Jim Blue

  1. And the prize for the most criminal pardons is .......
  2. But George I couldn't hear my mobile properly in the bar ?
  3. Pack ice ? I thought the world was supposed to be warming ?
  4. There are a few defence contractors who might disagree with you.
  5. Yes that's the easy part , ³how did that twitter story work out ?
  6. I have always found you must get the 800k bank book account updated and get the bank letter for immigration up to three days before .No need to go the same day .
  7. Because the truth hurts ...you forgot Count Falk.
  8. Well that would include the CIA who supported the Afghani side they liked ie Charlie's Angels , the anti Castro invaders in 60 's .The list goes on.
  9. To pardon his son is a forgivable sin.To pardon someone thrown out of his own regiment for murder is unforgiveable.
  10. Yes as an example when he bombed Syria for chemical bombing the opposition and called his mate Putin and told him what was going to happen !
  11. Since its taken over eight hundred words to explain this ,it obviously is a flawed concept . But given that there might be a problem a simple and cost effective solution would be to promote birth control on a massive scale. Never going to happen.Block your wallet ....they just want your dollars .
  12. After over fifty years of drinking alcohol perhaps its time for me to stop !
  13. You did not do well at school but completed your education at college until you were 18. Things must have changed since my time in the 60's. Everyone who did not do well at 16 had to .......work !
  14. Egypt is a confusing mystery!
  15. Maybe the BTS and Metro made other places easier to get to and stay...
  16. Bet your a bundle of fun on a Saturday night Mike .......!
  17. Mavideol if the family were abolished who would spend money to come to the UK to see some mayor and his wife/boyfriend.? Not me ....
  18. Seems its going to be a case of mines bigger than yours ?
  19. Seems we may need a new separate set of bathrooms !
  20. Seems she is thrustingly ambitious ! Should fit in nicely .......
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