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Jim Blue

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Everything posted by Jim Blue

  1. Taylor Swift won the debate and possibly the election
  2. Thai politics - so very complicated , I think I ' ll just go and have a beer .....
  3. Sperm it's because the tatoos are so frightening !
  4. I thought it was only other nationalities and religions that did this sort of thing !
  5. It s an easy mistake ...
  6. Apologies I misspelt the word depraved as deprived .....its an easy mistake!
  7. Try a gold shop first ?
  8. Oh dear there goes my dream of a 50 baht pound !
  9. Your being too harsh Jing , after overcoming his dreadful childhood he started a university and a charitable arm unlike some of his money chasing peers .
  10. Proton - I bet your a bundle of fun on a Saturday night !
  11. Can't wait to see his vaccine policies !
  12. This kind of thing gets up my goat !
  13. Well since he had such a deprived childhood ie an overbearing father and a spoiling mother etc then perhaps he could be forgiven for having a few defects in his character .
  14. Well Burma thank you for spelling K.K correctly .!
  15. Jacko I think the uniform might have something to do with it !
  16. I get the impression you don't like Trump very much Jingthing ?
  17. Wonder if that guy who had the space temple and did a runner would be on the list ?
  18. So he likes a drink and likes to chat up women - I wonder if he likes to have a bet on the side or is it just the two out of three ?
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