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Jim Blue

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Everything posted by Jim Blue

  1. So based on previous policies starting with Bush ,the poor bastards are going to get poorer and the billionaires will get richer It 's the American way !
  2. Sorry I was not aware you were part of these confidential strategy meetings .
  3. Starmer? I thought he had tea and Trumpets in NY with the man last week .?
  4. Nick in the US we vote like men !
  5. Sounds like a nice little earner for my wife !
  6. Your right Mog she doesn't mumble or ramble on and for a politico most of it makes sense !
  7. I'm sure all this is exaggerated and whoever wins it will all turn out ok in the end !
  8. Seems the games have already commenced .!
  9. Interesting how come crooked Biden after a lifetime of "crooked " government service ends up worth a measlly 10 million?
  10. Looks like there are no takers !
  11. Falkland Islands ?
  12. Jesus!
  13. Is this the man that cost his employer 750 Mill $ and lost his job .?
  14. Good idea but at their expense? I don't think so .A fundme whip round maybe !
  15. Well let's not judge to harshly, last time it turned out the strange man was a property millionaire back in the UK !
  16. Maz seems he let the garbage out of the bag ......!
  17. Ban was on a radio talk show .Never heard someone yack on and on almost without taking a breath.A deeply unpleasant man.
  18. Thank god I live in Pattaya and well away from these village thugs .What will they be like when they . . .grow up !
  19. Well sounds like a plan. I thought this man was supposed to be senile ?
  20. I smell cordite somewhere down the line !
  21. Christ are these the people I'm living with ?
  22. So so boring.....if the vac was such a disaster then where are the thousands + class action cases against Big Pharma ????
  23. Imp. I'm sure she will do fine even if her teleprompter breaks down. !
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