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Jim Blue

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Everything posted by Jim Blue

  1. You mean like a nodding donkey?
  2. thai... just the wives?
  3. They could have chosen another color !
  4. The lawyers will get involved !
  5. Armed laundrette guards ?
  6. Kennedy files out yet ?
  7. Makes you wonder what the attraction ,why so many US tourists visit ,and revere the Royal family, whose greatest fan seems to be MAGA himself ?
  8. Everyone blames the police but if the country takes the ever increasing tourists in without increasing the police resources they are just at the sharp end .
  9. I'll be taking a close look at my fellow passengers on my next AA flight!
  10. Well if its allowed to go back on topic WB also did well for MAGA and paid 30 billion in taxes last year I'm not up to date with DLT 's tax audits but since B'Berg put his wealth at 7 bill perhaps he paid a bit less !
  11. Not bankrupt but mortgaged up to the max .
  12. I think that James Madison was the best President ever cause he got his name on a dollar bill !
  13. I suppose it was a case of KMA goodbye !
  14. I'm sure it was all a politically motivated case .......!
  15. Anyone know why the 2nd hand car dealers show mileage as ' 0 - 5000 kms '. What does this mean on a 4 Yr old car?
  16. Well the way things are going , certain parts of the world may well be flat ...very soon !
  17. Who's going to clean my car on a freezing Sunday morning ?
  18. You forgot to mention the Trump Charity.How did that go ?
  19. Great no more empty village condos .
  20. Yes that's where his daughter used to get her frocks and dresses made .Well until she went under !
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