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Evil Penevil

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About Evil Penevil

  • Birthday 12/05/1945

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  1. Dementia often causes aggressive behavior, especially when coupled with alcohol. From what I saw while living in Pattaya, some older ex-pats of all nationalities appear to suffer from age-related dementia.
  2. The crime is not just holding a flag. As the OP explains, the intent to "harass, threaten, or intimidate" is what makes it criminal. My bold text. The text of the NY state law that is being amended to include terrorist flags: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/laws/PEN/240.31 The national flag of Palestine would NOT be forbidden under the statute, only the flags of terror groups like Hamas or Hezbollah displayed with the intent to intimidate others. There have been cases where Palestinian supporters have waved terror-group flags in the faces of Jews or in front of synagogues. They already have been banned: NY Gov. Kathy Hochul bans the Confederate flag, other hate symbols on public property New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation Tuesday barring the display of symbols of hate on all public property and equipment after a fire truck decorated with a Confederate flag sparked outrage last year. https://www.nysenate.gov/newsroom/in-the-news/2021/anna-m-kaplan/ny-gov-kathy-hochul-bans-confederate-flag-other-hate
  3. Self-defense is an accepted defense at trial under Thai law. Sections 67, 68, and 69 of the Thai Criminal Code deal with self-defense, with Section 68 stating "such act is a lawful defense." https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-criminal-liability-sections-66-72/ Unfortunately the unofficial English translation of the Thai Criminal Code is very clumsy with some laughable mistakes, i. e., what should be "guilt" or even better "guilty" is given as "quilt." The Thai laws on self-defense are similar to English common law and modern U.K. criminal law. The test in both countries is that acts taken in defense against imminent danger are "reasonable" and "proportionate." This is different from the U.S., where 11 states mandate a "duty to retreat" before deadly force can be used in self-defense; 38 have "stand your ground" laws which don't require an attempt to retreat; and one state and the District of Columbia have a "mixed" law, with a duty to retreat under some circumstances and stand your ground under others.
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 185 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 119 seconds  
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 143 seconds  
  7. Pro-Palestinian groups in the West have at protests been calling for a ceasefire in Gaza since Oct. 8, 2023. Now that Hamas has rejected an extension to the first phase of the earlier ceasefire agreement, I wonder if these groups will continue to demand a ceasefire? It ain't the Israelis who are saying "no" this time round.
  8. Was it this T-shirt? Or one of these? I remember there was some controversy when a Thai artist designed and sold these T-shirts.
  9. That's a decent price for a 24" all-in-one Lenovo with those specs. It certainly has a strong enough CPU and sufficient memory for ordinary home use. It's easy and cheap to add more memory if you need it. As long as you're not trying to play the most advanced games or edit videos in 4k, you should be fine.
  10. Yup, last I heard.
  11. Wow! I think your Hungarian friend may have moved to Jomtien. He's famous for using that strategy to get working girls at rock-bottom prices. I could name him, but I don't want to gab or someone might flame me.
  12. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 154 seconds  
  13. The hakenkreuz (hooked cross) of Nazi Germany is never worn or displayed by Thais or other Asian people to represent the swastikas of Asian religions. The hakenkruez and images of Hitler on clothing are due to Nazi chic fashion style rather than agreement with Nazi ideology. Because the Holocaust is not taught in Thai schools, few Thais, even university students, are aware of it. Hitler and the heads of WWII Japan aren't regarded as war criminals but are seen as opponents of the British, French, American and Soviet "empires."
  14. The official Pattaya ex-pat shirt: Top styles this season:
  15. She has also revealed she's been diagnosed with autism (Asperger’s syndrome).
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