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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. English humour is a typical thing for the U.K.. 
    There is also the "figure of speech" thing, apparently saying something must not always be considered to the letter of it. 
    So, it seems that
    "Leave" "Brexit" 
    can now be considered as "English Humour"
    "A figure of speech". 

    Slight correction only as an observation.

    ‘British’ humour comes in various guises.

    Irrespective of where a Brit is globally the only thing typical is many of our overseas friends & cousins may struggle with banter, flippancy, dark humour (MoD) & slang without asking questions. [emoji38]

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  2. “Lastly, remainers are furious due to the PM sending two letters, once signed & one not, my prediction is...”
    Who’s furious, I’m not.
    Johnson displaying his feeble childish games is not something that annoys me in the least, it’s the nature of the beast.
    Edit, remain politicians are furious.

    Nature of the best, fair & balanced summary I concur.

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    re agreeing great new deal
    just heard a cut on the radio with Corbyn asking MPs to vote against this deal,
    which is bad for UK
    which is bad for UK workers
    which is bad for worker's rights
    and also probably bad for a whole lot of other things .. . ..'

    Corbyn only spouts whatever appeases his paymaster unions.
    Corbyn is a proxy leader, Starmer & McDonnell are running things.
    Corbyn has rejected a GE as he knows he’ll lose
    Corbyn is on borrowed time & knows it.

    Johnson is far more intelligent, yet has many enemies cross party.
    Johnson speaks from the hip, explains bluff & bluster.
    Johnson has genuine good intentions fighting against a 2/3rds remain parliament refusing to deliver Brexit.

    The deal is bad, however both sides have compromised considering the EU said they refuse to reopen the WA & they did.

    The DUP have temporary shot themselves in the foot, MV & HMG will up its tempo on further legislations this week.

    Lastly, remainers are furious due to the PM sending two letters, once signed & one not, my prediction is...

    Another extension quite possible as they fear no deal the most.
    Boris will win a GE with a higher majority & blame Parliament for refusing to deliver what the majority voted for, the build up to 31st Oct will be bizarre and frustrating for some.

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  4. I'm a fence-sitter just like Corbyn. but unlike Corbyn I consider that the best approach would have been to address the leavers issues from a seat within the EU. Clearly the EU is nowhere near a perfect Union, nor for that matter is the UK, and especially the government whose austerity programme was one main reason why many  'fed-up' people, and 'out of workers' voted to leave.


    As regards to respecting the vote, I acknowledge that the government promised to act on the result, but they fell far short of expectations. Nevertheless, both May and johnson delivered a deal that complies with the ballot paper of leaving the EU. That also has to be respected, including MP's. 


    For example, as is the case for all MPs, I have a democratic right to oppose that decision along with Remainers, as does everyone else who abstained, who voted to leave, and those who oppose the (not as anticipated) deals made by May and johnson.


    This is truly democracy in the UK - because everyone can join the party, not just 17.4m or 16.8m minority elements.



    Labours biggest issue was consistently ignoring the EU referendum, Blair tried then renegade, the current Labour bunch a worst shower I’ve seen in years.


    Brexit is similar to the Scottish Indyref IMO, the political class doesn’t get ‘their’ desired result thus using every weak woeful excuse to refuse or drag its feet to implement the result.


    Both referendums have big a huge wake up call for the political establishment, it will take years for any kind of trust if at all to be reinstated.



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  5. I still struggle to make sense of EUs sudden change of will. It was only a week ago that Tusk and Juncker declared that there wasn't enough time for a new deal. And all of a sudden he's chin down on the podium with Boris who looks like he just robbed the bank and got away with it.
    What happened?
    If I may speculate, I THINK they know something we don't. And the only plausible explanation I can come up with is that EU are trying to save a couple of bucks from what will otherwise be a No Deal Brexit.
    I wonder if what they already know is that an extension will be declined by at least one member state.

    There’s two ways of looking at this, firstly.

    A, the EU don’t change or have a change of heart it’s primary focus is the protection of MS, CU & SM as you’d expect, also the backlash from other MS having to increase subs is another factor.

    B, Boris big gamble is what it says, however the PM & Cummins would have planned lol scenarios to counter EU & internal domestic rejection, A51 & CCA as previously mentioned.

    Lastly, The Letwin amendment to the Benn surrender deal? Parliament is already fully aware of electorate mood & Brussels has made it clear no need for further extension thus the EU attempting at all costs to ensure any failure will now be at the HoC doorstep not Brussels, reducing any litigation.

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  6. Can one of you who has actually studied this "deal" explain it to me? I am neither a UK citizen nor a citizen of the EU, so I have little skin in the game other than that our company has a significant number of customers in the UK and if the GBP falls off a cliff it is going to hurt. But I just can't understand how this "deal" will work. From what I have read, Boris needs all 10 DUP ministers and at least 8 Labour ministers to support this in order to get it passed over the ones who have already flat out said they will reject any deal.
    But at the same time, I read that Boris has completely capitulated to the EU over the issue of VAT, and agreed that NI will be taxed at the EU rates independent of the rest of the country.  This is baffling to me.  Since he absolutely has to have DUP support in order to get this passed, this seems totally counter productive. Why would any DUP minister support a deal that penalizes them with potentially higher taxes than the rest of the country? Lowering VAT is one of the easiest ways a country can stimulate its economy. It is almost inconceivable to me the UK won't use this lever when the economy starts going south (and let's be honest, the whole global economy is heading to the dumpster).  How could anyone in the DUP then, agree to punish their residents in this manner? It just doesn't seem to me there is a snowball's chance in H-E-double toothpicks that this can pass, as without the DUP this whole thing goes nowhere. Why would the EU even request something like this?
    Have I completely missed something here? Is there some kind of VAT refund in the deal that will be offered to NI residents?  I would love to hear a coherent analysis on how the current deal can possibly work? Anyone? As I said, I don't have a direct stake in this fight, but the whole world will be affected by the changes to the currency markets. Just trying to figure out what prevantative measures are necessary.
    This may or may not aid your queries, bear in mind this deal is not final, No Deal is still legal default & possibility hence why both sides were so keen to get this resolved PDQ.

    BBC News - Brexit: What is in Boris Johnson's new deal with the EU?


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  7. No, I am asking you.
    The UK as a whole is NOT leaving the EU which has always placed integrity of the Union, all that Brussels have done is annexed NI.

    You could say its #BorisBRINO

    Lastly, as Junker has ruled out any further extension it's now either this Boris Deal or No deal, which is still a possibility.

    Personally, I don't accept the deal for those reasons.

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  8. I am liking your civil and polite asterisk......plus I am 1000% on your Unionist stance - Scotland had a referendum and voted No and that's that. Stronger together and all that though a lot of your Brexiteer friends see it a a subsidy junkie on the English purse they would like to be rid of. 
    Obviously, i'm unable to speak on behalf of other leavers OR remainers however politics is 'nasty vile business'. To the point I believe the HoC has become a national embarrassment.

    However, honouring & delivering on referendums is vital to democracy not just ignored by the chosen few aka minority.

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  9. Err you won a poisoned chalice that has poisoned British politics ever since. Well done. 
    British politics has long been poisoned well before Brexit, in fact it's been broken for years, it's just HoC chose to ignore it for political gain.

    It's just remainer people vote losers continue to whine they lost.*

    *Please note, that's a not a personal dig just an observation that the losing side who say they 'respect the vote' but really many don't, aka Libdems, Labour & SNP.

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  10. That was purely timing, nothing to do with either character. Mays deal was voted down as there were enough clowns around thinking they could get better and held a decent hand. Johnson’s deal (Mays deal) MAY get nodded through as the aforementioned clowns now realise they have been outsmarted every step of the way by the EU and they’re feeding on scraps! 

    A thrice rejected WA purely timing? Would that be a 3 year time wasted exercise as all she attempted was a faux Brexit aka BRINO.

    Parliament now faces this alternative deal or no deal as Junker has ruled out any further extension, thus making remainers heads explode, primarily as they were relying on the Benn act as their ace card.

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  11. You can argue all you want for a catastrophic Conflict with our neighbours, but that was not the basis of the Leave campaign.  Your elected government negotiated a deal that would minimise economic and political harm to our country, and hard-liners sabotaged it.  Now the Tory party has given the hardliners the reins.  Let them try to find a way out.
    Good job, Boris!

    The hard liners, That’ll be both from all sides of the HoC not just the Tories.

    Replace sabotage with overwhelmingly rejected for a valid reason.

    I’m no fan of Boris however May was utterly inept, incompetent & a failure.

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  12. "has been rejected/denied."
    A small correction in full.....
    3m ago 10:25
    Judge Lord Doherty dismissed the action ahead of a full hearing originally set for 6 September.
    I concur, IIRC next Tuesday.

    The Anti Brexit Barrister is also attempting to obtain/demand an affidavit (scottish legal document) from PM of his objectives of Proroguing.

    Clutching at straws with that one considering No#10 would taken specific legal advice from AG Cox.

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