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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. Nah, the EU won't let it happen.
    I'd have agreed with that analysis however Brussels continue on it's hardball WA refusal tactics, giving no political or legal status, meanwhile the EU releases it's No Deal white paper.

    Makes interesting reading, flights continue, visa free movement for holidays & business for a 12 month buffer period. However the EU says the WA deal is far better than a no deal situation.

    Now, they WOULD say that wouldn't they.

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  2. The minister who should resign on December 12th is May. Hopefully her replacement will bring some honesty and competance back to the UK government.

    Your being rather optimistic however its policy change not Prime Minister change that’s what’s needed at the moment.

    May will go in 2019 that’s almost certain, however I do agree with the earlier post that British politics is broken, far too many hypocrites & appeasers.

    Labour are equally a shower of Shiote, with Starmer & McConnell even more dangerous than Jeremy, I never thought I say that.

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  3. The minister who should resign on December 12th is May. Hopefully her replacement will bring some honesty and competance back to the UK government.

    Your being rather optimistic however its policy change not Prime Minister change that’s what’s needed at the moment.

    May will go in 2019 that’s almost certain, however I do agree with the earlier post that British politics is broken, far too many hypocrites & appeasers.

    Labour are equally a shower of Shiote, with Starmer & McConnell even more dangerous than Jeremy, I never thought I say that.

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  4. Not give the UK the deal the UK desperately needs. 
    Or are you still convinced the UK is holding all the aces here?

    Far more convinced the EU doesn't hold the cards except it thinks it does.

    As for desperately needed deal, remind me of the deficit versus surplus situation?

    The primary flaw is Theresa May, she's attempting to be nice & diplomatic, instead she needs the attitude, drive & act like a ex-wife in a divorce settlement & being a relentless pain in the ass.

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  5. I'm not here to brag.. oh heck I am! [emoji1] I just asked Damon Hill on twitter if the F1 champs have a secret handshake when they meet. 
    His answer
    DH is one of the sensible chuckle folks on twitter, who don't always take things too seriously. Worth of following. 
    Firstly, well done for receiving a reply.

    Perhaps the drivers detox in this secret location too ;-)

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  6. I think everybody did not enjoy that win...
    Least of all Lewis, no jumping on the car, no crowd surfing the mechanics, very subdued finish.
    Would have liked to have seen Lewis win without team orders which I think would have been the most likely outcome.
    I was suspicious Lewis went wide in Q3 on purpose to let Valtteri take pole.
    I hope Valtteri will collect at least two wins out of the next five races.
    At least the cars did not get scratched...

    I’ve not caught up & seen the whole race however the podium mood & post race clearly showed unease at Mercedes team orders, I do have sympathy for Bottas & I’ve utter respect for the guy and his composure in Moscow.

    Unfortunately, this is F1 & it’s unlikely to change anytime soon.

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  7. They always listen. The BDI run the place.
    Hence my 'dominance' term ;-)

    I noticed on Twitter earlier (VIA an MEP) that the EU plan on offering a Canada super + deal to May seeing as Chequers has been rejected by the EU.

    Another point, Brussels must be getting really itchy & worried too, which might explain why it's meeting Jeremy Corbyn again, especially after Labours recent speech with Starmer leadership bid in guise of his Brexit speech.

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    People keep talking about the "EU" as if it's some egalitarian brotherhood of nations. It isn't - it's German industry subsidising agriculture (originally inefficient French agriculture of course). It still is - and now the BDI have spoken. Without the BDI there is no EU.
    When did we hear "Greek/Portuguese (add you own from the 27) xyz producers demand blah blah blah from the UK"?
    And by the way, I'm not knocking Germany at all (or Greece or Portugal): I admire German investment in core skills; I admire Germany's ability over the last 30 years to get all sections of society on board.
    I'm glad the BDI have spoken - as I commented a few weeks ago more than once - the combination of potential German export losses (to the UK) plus "divorce payments" is going to breathe some reality into the late stages of negotiation.
    Germany's BDI views are very significant, as the two powers at play are the two dominant neighbours of Germany & France et al.

    I also agree reference the remaining MS industries, manufacturing and business contributions however many remain rather disappointly mute.

    Lobbying & pressure groups from the EU's broader spectrum are all equally effected in some form. I certainly hope Brussels listens.

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