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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. You could well be right about the UK punching above its weight but right now it's punch drunk with all the BS from Brexiters. Thinking that the EU will collapse is looking into a very wonky crystal ball.


    This is a typical cowardly act by Johnson who, despite all his rhetoric has never come up with his 'technical' solution to the backstop. Obviously he hasn't one so has to resort to an anti-democratic effort to try to steamroller his no-deal through. Hypocritical no-deal Brexiters applaud his non-democratic action while paying lip service to the original vote, which was democratic but had no no-deal mandate.

    Would that be the same cowardly act that John Major previously carried out when he prorogued parliament?


    Only difference here is circumstances, this prologue is slightly longer but still legal.


    The EU is doing it's usual default setting however I for one don't think it will collapse however it will continue to face struggles without reform.


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  2. But the democratic process TODAY would reverse it - do you see the irony ?


    Which is why brexiteers are desperate to get this over the line 

    The desperation comes from the remainers attempting to use legislation to prevent legal default No Deal, you cannot remove a legal element.


    As the EU is refusing to ‘conclude talks’ as per A50 it is they (Brussels) failures not the U.K.


    The EU has simply sat on its hands, listened to advise from Brexit haters hoping TM would still be PM and HoC would eventually pass the WA. What they didn’t expect is Boris.


    As I’m not most people, however the desperation is clearly from the remain side as time is very much running out of options for them, hence all the MSM faux outrage.



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  3. Bit harsh - not a single brexiteer has taken responsibility for the pound plunge (cos its happened in Australia as well apparently!) - albeit a subject brexiteers avoid like the plague so you shouldn't be blaming them apparently !


    One eminent, but ineligible, brexiteer on here even claimed its RISING yesterday !! 


    Ohhh good opportunity for the 21st time now to ask a brexiteer why the pound isn't rising given their well costed, researched and universally acclaimed new dawn ? ……..


    Correction: the pound plunged at 0936 GMT due to PM Proroguing Parliament announcement & since then has returned at lunchtime.


    Balanced facts please.



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  4. An extra reason for the Scots to "Leave" ( the UK) as long as they still are able to… 31 Oct a free state, and.. will stay in the EU without any disturbance. A ferry from Scotland to EU ( Eems port)  is already organised. No need to truck all the way through England and be stuck in Dover. Let the English with their own waste.

    "William Wallace" will finally win...  https://www.biography.com/military-figure/william-wallace  




    Good job that once in in a lifetime referendum majority of Scotland remains part of the U.K.


    I’m fully aware it displeases many, but facts are facts.


    As for Macron telling BoJo, I nearly spilt my coffee with laughter with that one.



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  5. barely anything is UK owned these days,an even bigger reason to remain,as i have stated many times on here the weaker the pound the cheaper our assets become,its a no brainer but brexiteers just dont get it,you cannot blame the wealthy french and germans,we are there to be pillaged,they dont have our problem,the euro is just too strong,the brexiteers claiming it was doomed 4 years ago have been made to eat humble pie,[emoji13]
    Euro too strong?

    Bizarre & incorrect analysis.

    As for wealth, I encourage the wealth creators, as in many cases it filters down.

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