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desert dueller

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Posts posted by desert dueller

  1. On 4/29/2021 at 10:29 PM, jack71 said:

    Thanks so much for your 2 comments. 


    Having thought about them more... back in Jan I was thinking they were very astute business people and are negotiating with us now. When they split the monthly rent between them I dont think its the end of their world. They said that they have closed all their other businesses but have salaries to pay. Probably B.S


    Your questions:

    1. Is your rental fee at a fair market level?

    Its high end fair value based on being the best position in town. 


    2. Is there any impact to their proposed trade from covid that was not apparent in Jan when they signed the lease?

    No, same covid situation. We are not in a red zone or anything and no lockdown.



    3. Are they behind in preparing the opening so expect you to cover the shortfall in their income while they finish there fit-out and open? In this case i would not give a reduction.

    Its possible but I dont know. A good point you make though


    4. Did they get their feasibility assumptions on construction cost wrong and spent too much and again want you to support their mistake?

    Its possible but again I dont know. They made some quite big changes to my building which I agreed to in the contract. The biggest being that they took out 4 big new windows that we previously installed and knocked out the brickwork under the window frame area. We agreed to it spefically in the contract. After they did this we got a message from them asking if we can store the glass and the frames at our place.... ha ha. A big no to that one. 


    I think Im going to say to them that they must pay the rent in a few days at the agreed amount and that I will discuss with my attorney and let them know. 


    What Ive learnt from 20yrs of tenants is that if you give them too much they will expect more down the line. 


    Your idea is excellent and this is what I want to discuss with my attorney. 


    I do worry about our deposit being so low. I wonder if we could ask for more if we agree to reduce the rent??


    Thanks so much for your comments


    Based on your past experience, if they are asking for a reduction so early in the piece, having signed up not pre-covid but during covid, then covid is just a sham excuse to soften you up. There will be more niggling troubles down the track. Better to bail out now. Call their bluff and say no to a reduction. If they don't like it, they can pack up and start afresh somewhere else. See if they are prepared to do that, with all the modification completed already to suit their business operation. Say no, and let them make the call to stay or leave.

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  2. 16 hours ago, hotandsticky said:


    The Pattaya News

    1tS0ponlsoonlhred  · 

    Final new Chonburi orders. There is not much change from the prior orders and CCSA orders and what we announced this afternoon. We will give a brief overview on tomorrow mornings video and daily Covid19 update but as very little has changed besides the national and prior directions we won't translate it tonight due to the late release. We will talk about checkpoints, beaches, outdoor exercise areas tomorrow morning.


    สำนักงานประชาสัมพันธ์จังหวัดชลบุรี - Chonburi PR

    1tS1ponlsoonlhred  · 

    The order of the Kor Kor. The epidemic of Chonburi province, 20/2564th, dated 30 April 2564

    1. to cancel the order. The epidemic of Chonburi province. The 1/2564th is dated at 4 m. July 64 at 11/2564 dated 29 m. July 64, 18/2564th, dated 16 April. Nov. 64 and 19/2564 dated 17 Apr. Nov. 64

    2. close the following locations

    2.1 Entertainment service, pub, bar, karaoke, business, shower, massage.

    2.2 rooster field. Practicing for boxing chicken everywhere.

    2.3 cinemas, cinema, algae theater.

    2.4 Snooker table, billiard, bowling, roller, blade everywhere.

    2.5 Game shop, internet shop, computer service, game cabinet.

    2.6 swimming pools, water parks, indoor and outdoor amusement parks.

    2.7 Banquet service room, catering site

    2.8. nursery, elderly care facility.

    2.9 Phra market, Buddha statue, Buddha statue, everywhere.

    2.10 Healthy Massage, Reflexology, traditional massage, spa, beauty clinic, weight loss service, tattoo, skin drill or any part of your body.

    3. Set control measures for event venture locations to open under conditions.

    3.1 Restaurant, drink cart, mineral, floating panel, restaurant, food park, cafeteria. Open for sale. Only take back to eat elsewhere. It can be opened until 21.00 pm. Refrain from eating alcoholic beverages and beverages in the shop.

    3.2 Close the stadium, gym, gym, gym, fitness, except the stadium or gym location in the empty area. Open up no later than 21.00 pm. Competition can be held without audience

    3.3 malls, commune malls. Open regular hours until 21.00 pm. Except for the game cabinet, playground, game shop and amusement park. Must stop servicing.

    3.4 convenience stores open 24 hours for service 04.00 until 23.00 pm.

    3.5 convenience stores, supermarkets, flea market, night market, river market, walking street. Open to operate normally but not over 23.00 pm.

    4. Other locations besides No. 3, the owner of the site or responsible for doing the following.

    4.1 Temperature measurement or screening of patients with pathway system.

    4.2 Wear cloth mask or hygienic mask.

    4.3 Distance between people at least 1 meters and limit the number of participants.

    4.4 Make it happen with soap or hand washing alcohol gel.

    4.5 Cleaning the place before the event.

    4.6 Register to get in and out with the government's application.

    5. Prohibited or organised events

    5.1 Let people wear a sanitary mask when outside of Kehstan or in public or into community places all the time.

    5.2 Stop using the seaside area, beach, reservoir, park in Chonburi province. It's a gathering place to eat or eat all kinds of drinks except for exercise and sports.

    5.3 Don't organize events with more than 20 people gathering.

    5.4 For people to stop travelling out of the area unnecessarily. If you need to avoid, inform about the documentation of the necessity at the district, local governance organization. The village's village's adult

    5.5 Let the public stop catering, party, party, except traditional or family events.

    5.6 Do not use the building or location of any school or school to organize the teaching, training, examination or any activity.

    5.7 Government head in Chonburi province is prohibited.

    6. Government sector that needs to serve many people and risk the epidemic. Provincial epidemic to consider orders to fit the situation.

    7. flea marketplace, marketplace that doesn't open every day to have strictly controlled measures to prevent the epidemic.

    8. Let local governing organisations in the area supervise market neatness.

    9. markets in private sector governance for local governance organisations in the area to supervise neatness according to 7

    10. measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic in establishments.

    10.1 In case employee comes back from landscape or other provinces and comes back to work. The establishment / employer must take the following measures.

    (1) Employees report travel information to employers. It consists of date, time, place, travel and daily activities.

    (2) Establishment / employer must assess which employee is at risk or suspect that they are infected with COVID-19 because they are close to the infected person or go to crowded places that are risky for diseases like pub barcara. Oke, dense flea market, etc. holds 14 days in accommodation or places employer provides, allowing for sick leave or annual vacations or as agreed to observe symptoms. Employers must report to public health in the area. Too.

    10.2 establishments / employers must provide public relations advice for preventing COVID-19 infections to employees. Provide alcohol gel soap or handwash points and all employees to wear hygienic mask all the time. Temperature and screening all employees before entering into their hands. Works including contact or attendants following public health measures.

    10.3 cases risk of an outbreak in establishments such as many sick employees, consider pausing all or partially manufacturing services.

    10.4 cases of establishments / employers provide accommodation for employees to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic in accordance with strict public health measures.

    10.5 Let establishments consider taking work from home (work from home) accordingly.

    11. Legalized migrant workers to travel across provincial areas under the following conditions.

    11.1 Migrant workers 2 Groups. Business is 1) Cargo and 2) Construction contractor.

    11.2 Before moving, you need to check COVID-19 by employer. Responsible and moving only for non-infected people.

    11.3 Business owners must investigate the provincial provincial measures to move and follow the provincial guidelines.

    12. Let the people, business owners, entrepreneurs take action considering working outside the location.

    13. Let every district sheriff set up the center for Disease Control at district level (Prof. A.D. )

    disobeyed, not following the orders, penalty according to the proposal. The epidemic of 2558 including the guilty of the blessing. Emergency 2548 and other laws involved

    From May 1, 2564 until the order changes.

    Download the order https://www.chonburipr.net/attachments/view/...


    2.3 What is an algae theater?

  3. 5 hours ago, SymS said:

    I also felt the same about Taxi drivers in the past, but now we are like best buddies. How did I achieve this feat? I simply walk.

    When I discovered the frustration of dealing with taxi drivers, I decided walking was the best solution. It's good for health, it saves me money, reduces my stress levels, and I've heard it's good for the planet. Now, when I talk with taxi drivers, I feel happy talking about the weather, women, how I'm just going to walk to that location five kilometers away, etc... with a big smile on my face!!!

    Indeed. When walking along the various beach roads, as songtaws creep past at a snail's pace and honk, and motosi taxi drivers shout, clap or stop to solicit my business, I simply keep walking, smile at them, and say:" I not Chinese. You wait Chinaman!"

    • Haha 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    I'm not wishing to detract from your point.


    As an aside I've watched quite a few UK police traffic accident investigation documentaries.

    I noticed they now use the term RTC (Road Traffic Collision), changed from RTA (Road Traffic Accident).


    One officer explained that from an investigators point of view there is no such word as 'accident' - it gives the impression something was unavoidable.
    The cause can always be pinpointed - whether driver error, mechanical failure, unmaintained road surface, etc.

    In that case you need to delete the word "accident" from the English vocabulary because every action has a definite cause and could have been avoidable, given choices. Maybe "non-intentional" is more appropriate, at least in a legal sense and context.

  5. 9 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Germany has tons of restrictions for ENTRY to the country.

    Thailand is on a low risk list, little to no requirements for Germans to enter from Thailand.


    I don't find a chapter about leaving the country.

    Practically this is controlled by the entry regulations of the destination country (as Thailand in this case).

    Those Germans who were locked up behind the wall for about 30 years would react very sensitive!




    German friend flew from Germany to South Africa last week, just returned to Germany, 14 day quarantine at home. No probs.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 hours ago, polpott said:

    In reality neither. Vaccinated people can't catch Covid so can't pass it on. Equally, an unvaccinated person with Covid can't pass it on to a vaccinated person.


    A vaccinated person passing it on to another vaccinated person has more chance of winning the lottery.

    Total nonsense. Please educate yourself first before spouting off false information.

  7. 2 hours ago, Zatoichi said:

    First thing I'd teach them is the word "Drunk" it's Drunk Driving, when you're inebriated you're DRUNK, they got caught driving while drunk. Drink driving sounds like something a bar girl would say.

    Drink driving is a compound noun, with the noun "drink" having an adjectival function without being an actual adjective. It is a common term used in the UK and also NZ/Oz / ZA. It is used in legal contexts as well. Maybe one day there will be a similar term describing the use of a mobile phone whilst driving a motor vehicle etc.  Language evolves. Prescriptive or descriptive approach. Ca c'est la question.

    • Sad 1
  8. On 3/20/2021 at 8:00 PM, madmitch said:

    Could you explain how someone earning 33,000 baht a month can save millions?

    Read in context, learn to comprehend, and you will hopefully find the answer to your question. The millions are meant cumulatively, not individually. And yes, any local earning 33000 baht a month can save from that. Needless to say, it won't last forever - most savings never do. But they should tie you over for a year or so, to survive and cater for basic needs. No car repayments, of course.

  9. Get used to it. You're involved in a very cyclical and competitive industry - at the best of times. Thailand was on the way down rapidly prior to Covid which has only accelerated the decline. Stop crying, find solutions, repair your reservations website (apparently it is not fully operational), streamline your business, and if all of that is just too much for you, get out of the industry. In the interim, do the Thai thing and dlouble your room rates.

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