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Posts posted by sedeflonga

  1. i always think the thai people are all very kind.but never thought such kind of thing was happened

    in this beautiful country. i request to put these women to death immediately

    huh? this is not china or Russia. Crimes are committed in every country. Even in paradise was a crime committed.

    Thailand is nothing special. It has good and bad peoples.

  2. Once again I ask, where were the oft-mentioned Foreign Tourist Police Volunteers when all of this chaos was occurring? Isn't providing assistance to foreigners during this the very sort of incident the reason usually given for why that they exist?

    I wonder that myself. Especially in Phuket :) Some more bad news for Thailand...

    "Another one bites the dust..."

  3. moral to the story(?) if you see Thai people arguing, stay clear.

    If it appears they're drunk and there are weapons involved, duck for cover.

    However, on the other side of the coin, there are some among us who might be inclined to step in to try and rescue someone being browbeat. pedestrianus emptor.

    Hope they caught the a**hole with the gun - and get him to suffer the full weight of the law.

    This happened in Pattaya a few years ago, 2 brits pulled a thai off a restarant owner that was getting slapped,, he returned later with a gun and killed 2 of them, as advised elsewhere, keep out of thai arguments, they dont value life as we do and dont consider the consequences of their actions, . :)

    oh yes, I remember that. Even dragged the body of the woman with the car around. I wonder what sentence that thai-police guy received... if anything.

  4. IT Professionals w/over 26yrs of experience

    41 year old German man looks for IT work.

    Had my first computer shop in 1983 with C64, Apple II and Amstrad CPC 464 selling and service center.

    *System Administration Windows, Unix and Linux

    *Website design

    *Network Security

    *'Real' repairing of OS and not just 'format the machine' and putting new OS on it and loosing half of data

    *Tuning - slow boot, work? We're gonna fix that!

    *Hardware/Software upgrade and advice. Wide and deep knowledge of PC/Linux/Unix Software to keep your machine/server at peak performance

    *Many years of Unix and Linux experience.

    *I read & speak fluent German and English

    *Speak fluent and read some Thai

    Maybe you have a company who need some Service to hire me for a project or you want to employ me full time.

    Just PM me your phone number and we'll have a chat.


  5. Maybe there's a special watch out for Discharged Seaman in Bangkok?

    Brazil's visa regulations are pretty tough for any foreigners working offshore Brazil; I assume your charge was a ships crew in transit?

    Did you get your crew out by the way? I always found KLM were the most amenable in these instances, having experienced over zealous BA check-in staff and supervisors in Seattle deny my US crewmembers passage to Cameroun. Ended up using KLM the next day with the same paperwork.

    Special watch for discharged semen? Well, those guys will have a lot of work in Thailand then =)

  6. The following 'Letter to the Editor' was in Nation newspaper, April 30:

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    An Indian traveller was detained in Bangkok for [allegedly] stealing a box of cigarettes from a duty-free shop at Bangkok International Airport. He had paid for chocolates and a carton of cigarettes. The cashier put a packet of cigarettes into his bag and he thought it was a free pack. He was arrested for shoplifting and the Thai police extortion price was Bt30,000 for his release. He spent two nights in jail and paid Bt500 for an air-conditioned cell, Bt200-300 for each visitor, and Bt11,000 for his final release. The police shared the money in front of his eyes. On top of that, he was charged in court and fined Bt2,000 by the magistrate and handcuffed and escorted to his plane. His passport was stamped "Thief". While in jail, his relatives requested help from the Indian Embassy but were told the embassy was unable to assist.

    The man shared a cell with a Singaporean on the first night, who paid Bt60,000 for his release. On the second night there was a Malaysian national who paid Bt70,000. Many Asians are victimized similarly daily, and letters and phone calls to the Thai authorities are ignored. This was not in a shop in downtown Bangkok but in a duty-free shop at Bangkok's international airport. Be warned.

    this sounds more like a fake accusation... I received that mail a few month back already and it gets circulated. Yet, the numbers and nationalities are different, funny =)

  7. A lock that needs a key from the inside could be a big safety problem...

    When I lock on the inside I leave the key in the lock. When I leave, I unlock, remove key, open the door, go out, close the door, lock, put the key in my pocket. I've done that for over 30 years and have never had a problem.



    My problem was that I was running (jogging) and took the house door key away from all other keys so the key won't bang at me so hard when I run. So I took the key (not the single one) and went out of house, forgetting the single door key. Simple, isn't it?

    I think this topic is resolved for me. Thanks for help and flames.


  8. You'e be better off hiding a spare key somewhere ..... the issue with lockpicks is that they are only one half of the needed combination

    Get a spare key and hide it (or bury it) somewhere.

    You can get quite good lock picking kits from locksmiths in Chinatown.

    I agree. Picks are useless if you don't know how to use them. I don't believe the OP's story. He just wants to play with lock picks and this is his excuse to ask about them. Nothing wrong with learning how to pick locks, it can be a useful skill, but it is not a practical plan for opening your house when you forget your key. Try a key box with a combination lock.

    You are obviously wrong. My story is true.

  9. If I locked myself out of my house 3x in one day, I wouldn't be looking for a lock picker, I would go see my nearest alzheimer specialist.

    The only problem I see about order one into Thailand is the suspicion you may raise with authorities.

    If you think I am having a hard time believing you - imagine the looks on their faces when you try to explain why you need one. :) (sorry)

    I didnt lock myself 3 times the same day out LOL, but its the 3rd time.

  10. Hello,

    I just shut myself out of my house today for the 3rd time (forget key inside) and had to call a locksmith who used a lockpick to open my door. I took ages and cost me 1k baht (incl travel).

    Now I am looking at some websites because I want to purchase my own lockpick set. There are some simple sets for 15US$ and more advanced electric door openers. However, I am interested in a simple set which I can hide in my garage (which is full of stuff) and can't be found that easily.

    My question:

    1) If I order from abroad, do I get trouble with the customs?

    2) Are they sold in Thailand?

    I can't really imaging getting in trouble with it, but I want to know what you guys think. Please don't recommend me to put my key in my garage...


  11. just arrived at Bannanaguesthouse and I can only recommend it. You can get a room for merely 18 Ringit (180 Baht) with fan or as I did a room for 60 Ringit with Air and Bathroom. other rooms you will have to share the bathroom with other guests. It is clean, cheap and the bus stopped in front of bananahouse.

    One side note for supersavers: If you take the bus from Airport you will only pay 2 ringit up to the end station. I was sitting approx 45m in the bus and its not that bad. Its more a sightseeing. If you ask at the Airport for a Bus line guide, you know the whole system and save a lot. The airport staff was very friendly and explained it to me.

  12. Looking for a company (and preferably not just someone who happens to speak German) that can provide a German (to Thai or English) interpreter to explain some legal issues to a German client. German/Thai type schools would be fine. Preferably in Pattaya. Google doesn't exactly offer a lot of choices. Hole in the wall type shops would be fine as long as they are registered businesses.


    Just in case you need 'without company' translations from german to english/thai or vice versa crossed then you can contact me, I am a german speak fluent german english and thai. My profession lies in IT.

    Just write me a private msg with phone no if interested, else have a nice day =)

  13. Whatever passport he might have, if Interpol is looking for him, there are not many places left on earth to hide.

    I would guess that the Thai-government know how to handle Thaksin, if apprehended, to nail him on the cell bed. Yes, he has cash, power, friends but in life that's sometimes just not enough.

  14. >My visa agent told me that fow awhile now they've been processing TR visas in 1 day.

    to bad just booked my ticket before I saw that post...

    >Submit in morning and returned next workday afternoon I believe is still the routine.

    >2. Tourist visa should be free until June 4.

    >3. Hotels have changed since I was last there and always spent a bit more. Believe there is still a well respected Indian run >newsstand that does visas in the middle of the tourist area if hotel does not offer the service.

    hmm I found in maps.google.com that there is a Thai embassy AND a Thai consulate which are close together. To which should I go for faster access?

    >There is not a Thai Embassy. Only a Consulate.

    hmm ur right but google tells different: go map.google.com and type: penang Thai embassy

    you will see that there are 2 places -nearly opposite each other. Maybe its just in it so people

    can find it easier... who knows.

    >Visa agents/guest houses include:




    >and Parvez Books in Chulia St (opposite Love Lane)

    well that was a good call =) I went to their website and called them too

    to make sure everything is set when I arrive. They charge 20Rignit (200baht)

    for visa. Visa is free. I chose the 60ringit air with bath room. I will stay 2 nights

    so I can go to the beach for awhile (if there is a beach, I just saw on google

    that there is water quiet close)

    And on top of that: WIRELESS INTERNET IS FREE LOL

    Banana guesthouse 4tw! (hopefuly)

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