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Posts posted by sedeflonga

  1. Since when do junkies get prosecuted instead of the dealers? Yes, I agree if there's a company who has millions of baht in assets, that they should buy licensed stuff only. Why are Software-Products not cheaper in Thailand then in Europe/USA? The Game Industry found that and adjusted accordingly. Most games you buy in Thailand (licensed) are much cheaper then in Europe BECAUSE Thai people just have much much less money, simple like that. Only important English Games cost more. Unfortunately most 'big' company's just don't give a shit about it. Yes. They only push their agenda and the local justice system makes the big profit out of it, even they themselves use STOLEN/PIRATED software. I know of two police station which uses Office 2007 copies and have the black (genuine) star on the lower right tray (from windows genuine). If those cops get a call to hunt down copyright offenders what does that mean? A double standard.

    There are people who are bad and there are people who are 'bader'.

    EDIT: Typos

  2. That's a double earner: First Police gets tea money to tipoff the Pirate software sellers that they make an raid (I was in Pantip a few times when it happened that the people told me that they can not sell DVD/CD's because police will come soon) and then they get another donation by catching the guys who bought of their first source of income.

    Monkey business.

  3. I wonder what all that flaming and ridiculing here is about. If you not like the service, just DON'T apply for it.

    One thing George forgot was to tell us how to unsubscribe. More user will check the service

    if they know how to unsubscribe too.


    >To start your 14 day free trial please dial *424010011 after the 14 day trial you will be charged 49 baht a month.

    >You can unsubscribe any time by dialing *424010099. The service works with True, AIS, 12call, DTAC, both pre and post paid accounts.



  4. Did you get married here in Thailand or was it a foreign marriage that you registered at the District Office? If married here they now require a copy of the ledger entry of that marriage as well as the certificate. Kor Ror 2 and 3 I believe but not sure which is witch...

    I am not sure I understand. Do you mean howmuch money/property every party brings into the marriage? Is there a thread about information and what certificates are needed to marry a Thai woman in LoS? I checked the search but to many threads to read through. Also worrying about wrong posted information of users which could cost me.



  5. People suffering allover the world. Just take a look at mexico -thats exactly what happens if drugs run free. They kill each others competition. And thats just the top of crime, not included any suffering of families and destroyed life which, some users in here, applaud. The apple doest fall far from the stump. So check out the apple! Thai Autorities would check the IP of those people and check'em out.

    I am sure we would hear from them again in the news and have a nice laugh about it. :)

  6. hmmmm... I just remembered the girl in the youtube movie BIG TROUBLE IN TOURIST THAILAND. She was caught at the full moon party with a little bit gansha and if I remember correct they talked about 12years in jail......? :)

    she was released after court hearing. No jail sentence was handed down.

    America has had a massively funded global war on drugs since the 70's with everything from draconian sentencing to foreign military intervention but the drugs business is booming more now than it ever has. Get rid of Pablo Escobar and someone fills his boots. The one thing you can be sure of is the cocaine will still be available on the New York streets and the rural American bars come rain or shine.

    Locking people up or killing people will not stop drug use and drug supply.

    Prohibition has failed and always will fail.

    All of you anti drug loons posting on this board talk with such venom, hate and ignorance. You actually seem to be rubbing your hands with glee at the idea of people being executed for drugs. You are a contemptible bunch if thats the case.

    It's as if you see the world through the prism of 'them and us' and the solution is simple. Sledgehammer meet nut, bag of twenty ecstacy in your bag meet lethal injection or 99 years in the black hole of Bkk. Really proportionate stuff. bravo!

    Is this really how you see the drugs issue?

    "Evil drug pushers and the nasty scummy addicts who prey on us good law abiding folk to get the money to pay the evil dealers for the evil drugs"

    If it is and you think the solution must be to kill or incarcerate all dealers and addicts, thereby solving the problem then you are WRONG. YOU FAIL.

    Most people who take drugs are not addicts, most people who sell drugs are not gangsters they are ordinary people who like a joint or a pill like we like a beer or a wiskey.

    By oversimplifying it you are not seeing the real situation which is drugs are here to stay and as long as they are illegal they will be phenominally lucrative. While they are phenominally lucrative and the demand is high even the death penalty and life ending prison sentences will not solve the situation.

    We have been trying your knee jerk policies for nearly 30 years but people are still getting high and the prisons are fit to burst. You guys are WRONG, get over it.

    "THE WAR ON DRUGS" Whether it's American or Thai style only creates more crime, more overdoses, more addiction and fills up the prisons with non violent offenders but the drugs keep coming because the money is big and so is the demand.

    This way the drugs cause misery and so does the governments draconian response to the drugs, DOUBLE MISERY.

    Well done, good job, I'm glad I'm glad the powers that be think the same way you Daily Mail/Fox News educated expats. We are in good hands.

    PS: Holland and Porugal have not descended into chaos and almost every independant poll points to these countries populations having much smaller drug problems than America, the UK or Thailand. Even if they had a slightly bigger drug problem the fact that the government isn't paying billions of dollars to split up families and lock up thousands of non violent people means that the overall effect on these societies has been positive but fortunately their drug problems seem to have reduced so it really is win win.

    lets talk about this again if one of your child gets addicted to something like methamphetamine, heroin...

  7. It's rediculous to sentence anyone to life for drugs full stop.

    Of course if they are a violent drug dealer who goes around shooting the opposition and kneecapping debtors then give them life for their violence but non violent offenders getting life...etc

    Did you see the guns on the table? That alone makes it a 25 to life felony in the US! So why should Thailand be different. As that guy was already known to police, it was not his first time. I am not a fan of the 'three strike law' in the US but there are other countries which go much harder on criminals then Thailand.

  8. I thought drug dealers / traffickers got life in prison since they abolished the death penalty.

    Death sentence was reinstated a few months back. Last month two drug traffickers were executed.

    IIRC the death penalty was never abolished in Thailand

    Your right. There was a 6 year hiatus before the two men were executed last month, but it was never abolished.

  9. 5 years seems to be correct. 2000 pills of 120mg is 240g of mixed methamphetamine.

    It would be redicilous to sentence someone to life-time in jail for this small amount of methamphetamine.

    If the Asssets seized are from drug business (what I think it is) then he should get life. It shouldn't matter howmuch

    they found on him 'at that day'. Divide 100m / 500 baht (more or less) and you get 200k pills. Now I think this is enough

    to <deleted> up a lot of people. 5 years is not a deterrent at all. It is wrong to have a time of 'overkill' and being overly harsh

    to those offenders and then going back to 'overly relaxed' style, like it is right now.

  10. Agree seems to be a very light sentence. Would a farang get longer? Remembering this is a life distroying drug........

    That guy had a lot to distribute to the 'community' I would guess. The strange part is that it is common for police to calculate the money/assets divided by howmuch narcotics he must have sold to get that amount of cash. It (should) doesn't matter howmuch pills they found on him. By that account he would get life without much consideration.

    Remember Wolfang Ulrich? just google 'wolfgang Ulrich pattaya heroin' were even minsters were bri..oops..contacted

  11. I arrived yesterday in Penang and was told that the consulate changed the tourist visa regulations again. I am not sure whether someone posted already something about this, if so, please ignore/delete this thread. Thank you

    This is an update to my thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Penang-Touri...-T-t282580.html

    Anyone applying for tourist visa who already has applied in the past can get more tourist visas only IF they did NOT extend their Tourist visa in Thailand. In more clear words: You should NOT go to immigration and extend for another month (after you stayed there two month already) because you won't get another tourist visa when applying again in Penang. I was told that there is no limit on how many tourist visas you already had.

    So after two moth's you can go to Penang and and apply for visa without problem.

    Due to fast changes please verify for yourself by calling the consulate. I can not take any responsibility.


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