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Posts posted by InfinityandBeyond

  1. 46 minutes ago, Expatthailover said:

    It is a lowest of the low crime but to suggest all thais are like that is nothing less than racist

    Oh please .

    Bad people abound.

    If it is as bad as you believe I'd be questionning why I live here.

    Npbody is forcung you 

    This sort of thing happens in the uk, usa, oz etc etc.

    1) "It is a lowest of the low crime..." -   I agree. 

    2) "...but to suggest all thais are like that is nothing less than racist" ' -  I respectfully disagree mainly because Thai is not a race but rather a nation forged in recent history by conquests and is an amalgam of culturally, biologically and linguistically distinct groups over the centuries. 

    3) "Oh please .

    Bad people abound." - I agree. 

    4) "If it is as bad as you believe I'd be questionning why I live here." - Start questionning (sic) why you live here.  

    5) "Npbody is forcung you" - Not yet in my case. But I haven't yet met that special "Npbody" to start "forcung" me. 

    6) " This sort of thing happens in the uk, usa, oz etc etc." - I cannot deny the truth. I agree. You are correct. 

  2. 4 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    So you've been there and checked it out? Or are you hoovering up your 'insights' from the local media?


    You have evidence that they are devoid of 'basic emergency response training'? Do you have some recommended reading for us?

    To answer your first question (to me -which are your last 2 questions), the apparent lack of co-ordination/leadership between whoever is supposed to be in charge of this rescue operation (where minutes count) and those groups who are actually carrying it out is evidence of a lack of emergency response training (or the failure to implement that training):  1) who is the incident commander? 2) who is in charge of implenting the emergency response mgmt plan,  3) why are non-essential personnel (e.g. media) allowed to hamper rescue efforts and put both their own lives and the lives of rescuers at risk under extremely stressful and potentially life-threatening conditions? To echo Eric Loh, where is the media centre and gov't spokesman which should be separate and safely away from the operation centre and rescue site so that those who are working to bring these kids safely back can actually do their jobs (despite the apparent lack of co-ordination). 

    In summary, my original comment and response to Eric Loh meant to highlight the media chaos that has ensued at the rescue site (the actual topic of the OP) that demonstrates a serious lack of control by authorities. I.e. Military in charge of rescue, police are crowd control, medical staff on standby for the boys, rescuers, and family. The rest of the gawkers/soothsayers/media whores that are hampering the effort should be kept away. 

    To answer your second question, just Google "Emergency Response Basics." 

    I recognize my original comment doesn't really help in the immediate situation of safely returning these boys to their families.  

    However, can you say that your irascible response to my post have done anything to help re-unite these children with their families? 

    Finally, of course I am not privy to the private training records of the personnel involved in the rescue and neither are you-my point being is that if they did indeed receive that training, it has been implemented poorly. 

    Thanks for wasting 10 mins of my life. Back under the bridge now. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    No media center, no operational room, no spokesman, no one in charge of whole operation. Totally chaos. Pray for the kids. 

    You would think that any of the handful of Thai military officers that are supposed to leading the rescue effort would have had basic emergency response training (with the exception of the Pokémon Go! Brigade that is (below)). 

    Edit: just read that an unknown number of rescuers victim of electrical leak. 

    Hoping that this rescue effort doesn't turn into one giant tragedy.  


  4. All those that are non-essential to the search effort should be barred from the rescue site (with the exception of family). 

    The media, soothsayers, gov't officials and witch doctors need to back off and let the professionals do what they were trained to do. 

    They will live to profit from tragedy another day. 

    These kids may not. 


  5. 1 hour ago, Grusa said:

    The market is BigFood. Like BigPharma, BigMedicine, BigArmaments and BigPolitics, all of whom collude with each other, they care nothing for the health, wealth, or welfare of "the man on the Clapham omnibus".


    Bottom line, the human body does not need any outside source of sugar to fuel itself. Sugar is sugar - it matters not a whit whether it is glucose, sucrose, fructose, dextrose, laevulose, honey, molasses, treacle....get it? The body runs on glucose, all others, and carbohydrates, are converted into glucose. Excess sugars are converted into fat and stored in the liver, or as subcutaneous "beer belly".


    Sugar is addictive! Worse than cocaine, weed, even alcohol. That is why all commercial foods, Thai cuisine, reasy meals, drinks, you name it.....contain huge amounts of sugar. And that is why you all love your Big Mac, your KFC, your...I could go on. That is why there is a world-wide epidemic of obesity and type2 diabetes. Both are 100% curable without medication....stop eating sugar, and excess carbohydrates. Just  google ""keto" for a quick entry to the subject, then open your mind. 


    If any large percentage of excess sugar production - and in this I include sugar precursors like rice, and pineapples - were converted into biofuel, that might - only might - be a good thing. The truth it is most of it goes for human consumption, and it is killing most of you. ?


  6. 5 hours ago, johng said:
    On 6/22/2018 at 4:55 PM, InfinityandBeyond said:
    Would be an interesting social experiment if ALL social media platforms (FB, Twitter, Instagram and others I have never heard of) went dark worldwide for 3 or 4 days. I am really curious as to what would happen? 

    Carrier pigeon,snail mail,telegraph,fax,e-mail ?

    But where is the instant gratification? Who can wait 2 long minutes for an email, hours or even weeks (heaven forbid these days) to display their lack of talent, imagination or skills? These egos demand attention NOW and these egos are bigger than any contribution they could ever possibly make to creating a better society. Both in Thailand and abroad. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:


    Altho' mass slaughter might be a result.

    Still,your post is an interesting one and I have often thought about it.Sending letters to one another might not have not be able to express the overwhelming,irrational angst..


    "The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the the universe is that they have never tried to contact us."


    Sam Watterson.

    "Dolphins find people amusing, but they don’t want to talk to them." - Talking Heads (album insert). 

    • Like 1
  8. 19 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

    (1)Relationship loss.  (2) Financial loss, in Thailand sometimes connected to (1), (3) clinical depression, (4) incurable health problems.  All can be common to men holidaying or retiring in a "tropical paradise".  A sad part of life and death here.

    1 & 2 can lead (in some cases) to 3 & 4 if one feels they can no longer manage/control their lives and may turn to substance abuse or other forms of unhealthy behaviour. 

    That being said, have a great friend who recently passed afflicted with 1, 2 & 4. But he fought on until his last breath with strength and dignity without complaint despite everything he had gone through and was going through with his medical treatments. He loved life even though it had gone banana shaped. 

    Maybe it boils down to mental fortitude? I don't know. 

    I have had dark times, but I was pissed off not suicidal. 

    Just lived to fight another day. Things always turn around.

    But for those who suffer from depression (from my experience), can't see a way out. It is really sad. 

    • Like 2
  9. On 6/15/2018 at 3:55 PM, Happy enough said:

    lots of apartment blocks. personally i think it's real sad for someone to decide to do that. a call to the samaritans could avoid these things. anyway, his choice

    I note that TV lists the Samaritans' contact details at the end of each sad article involving suspected suicide and kudos to the team at TV for that. Would be extra nice if they donated a little free advertising space to the Samaritans as part of a community service/public outreach campaign.

    Depression is an insidious disease that not only destroys the lives of those affected but also those around them. 

    If people were more aware of the resources available to them in their time of need, perhaps we wouldn't have to read about these tragedies as often. 

    I suspect there are more cases of depression (farang and Thai alike) that go unreported and untreated than there are those who seek help (from which the Public Health Ministry compiles their statistics). 

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