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Posts posted by InfinityandBeyond

  1. 5 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    I was just expressing an opinion...


    Likewise Andy is not saying people should boycott there products but does help those who wish to avoid there products.



    I am sure Natural Foods have already asked WordPress to block his site and they have not because there is nothing wrong with it.

    Hi Bas. I didn't mean to sound threatening in my reply to your post. 

    I agree wholeheartedly to avoid their products. 

    When I "warned" you in my reply,  I was just having a go at the ultra-rich that believe they are above the law and not your post. 

    My reply was meant as a humourous commentary on the tragic state of (in)justice in this place...where the rich flout the law and use their wealth to bring  defamation suits against whistle-blowers and "influence" the judiciary.


    I think this co. produces several products under various brands. 


    Mr. Google has been excellent in helping me make more ethical consumer choices.  



    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, mark131v said:

    Good that common sense has prevailed for once but I am still not clear on the B10 million fine they handed out, would he still pay that if the case was overturned I know that would be the case in a functioning justice system but we are talking about Thailand here....

    The 10mil THB are damages sought by the company in a separate civil case lodged by the plaintiff. It is not a fine by the gov't.

    Think of OJ. He was found not guilty in the criminal case where the plaintiff was the gov't/district attorney's office. Then found responsible for the 2 deaths in a civil court where the plaintiffs were the victims' families. And he had to pay. 


    Andy's troubles are far from over. But if he loses the civil case, he simply does not have to pay so long as he never returns to Thailand.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Basil B said:


    Not until that is overturned...


    And Natural Fruit pays legal costs and damages to Hall and all the others who have been trying for years to get justice, and those who have have been behind this travesty of persecution are behind bars. 


    There should be a world ban on Natural Foods. 


    Careful. Natural Fruit Co. might be coming after you next. I wouldn't put it past these %^*holes. 

    • Like 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Suthep and 8 others PDRC leaders have been indicted, out on bail and awaiting trial. They have reported and acknowledged the charges at OAG in January 2018. The charges are serious from insurrection, illegal assembly and obstructing election. Issara was one of the 8 PDRC leaders charged. 


    There are cracks in the establishment side. The courts have been quite lenient in granting bails to student activists to the annoyance of the junta. The Nation which was recently bought by a right wing establishment has been publishing anti-junta articles in last few days; surprises me. Then the EC recent announcement regarding the legality of charter reform. The RTP also seem to have their own agenda with the tape release of Issara's arrest andVictoria Secret raid. 

    I have made the same observations that you describe in your second paragraph. 

  5. On 1/13/2018 at 3:33 AM, dfdgfdfdgs said:


    The sea doesn't look very heavy to me.  I'm not sure if those waves would even go over the top of your head when you were swimming.



    1 litre of water = 1kg. When that mass is moving, no matter how slowly or how high/low, it is a force to be reckoned with. F=ma. 

    This doesn't take into account undertow or other contributing factors.  I.e. tides, weather, subsurface geology etc. 

    Went boogie boarding in Portugal years ago in waves not much larger than those in the OP.  Took me forever to paddle out and "catch a wave." Only about 20-30 m. Caught my wave and was delivered safely to the beach, stood up in faux victory over Neptune,  then was smashed by a wave that slammed me face first into the sand and seashells, spun me round and dragged me out to where I started in seconds. Had I inhaled water, I wouldn't be making this post. 

    Make no mistake about it. The sea is heavy. A massive force. Even on a good day. 

    Speedy recovery to the German fellow. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Borzandy said:

    Nobody is dead, so the police do nothing

    Absolutely correct. Nothing in it for them. 

    To collect insurance, police need to sign off. For a fee. 

    Lost 2 friends in road accidents the last year and a friend's mother-in-law (killed while riding her bicycle down a country lane by a 14 yr old on a motorcycle).

    In all cases, police demanded a "cut"  up front to complete the police report or no insurance payout. As well, acted as "broker" to reach a settlement between both parties. Also for a "fee."

    Fender benders - the cops dont bother. Nothing in it for them. 


  7. On 5/24/2018 at 9:04 AM, spidermike007 said:

    You may be right. But let us not forget one detail. Ever since the late 1940's, the army has had at least some moral authority, as they had been sanctioned by the great man. That is no longer the case. There is no moral authority now. None. So, that changes the equation. Next time (if there is a next time), there will be nobody to provide that moral authority, and the result could be ugly and violent. That may be part of the reason these desperados are hanging on for dear life.

    Agreed. In some parts. However, there is an ex-general, ex-PM, (ca. 1980-1988) and recent ex-regent (defacto ruler) as well as President of His Late Majesty's (Rama IX) Privy Council that has wielded significant political power in the last 4 decades. 

    I can't say more. This person has gigantic authority. Whether it is moral or not depends on which side of the fence you are on: affluent beyond your abilities with a sense of entitlement or subjected to a lifetime of poverty. 

    Every pyramid scheme needs someone at the top and some in the levels below to succeed. 

    In conclusion, there is one very powerful figure calling the shots and has done so thru the end of one monarchy and into the next one. 

    Prayuth et al are just following orders. Puppets. 

    There is a great BBC interview with HM Bhumibol Adulyadej from the late 70s or early 80s where he admits that he is living in a gilded cage. Will try to find a link and post it. 



  8. 2 hours ago, Eligius said:

    Wonderful post, Infinityandbeyond! Every point you make hits home hard.


    I completely agree with you that the 'election' has already been essentially rigged and will be a farce - an insult to the intelligence - just like the referendum on the 'Constitution', where (remember?) any poor Thai would get 10 years in jail if he/she dared publicly to speak out against that treacherous document.


    As you say, there have almost been as many coups in the past decades as there have been elections. Clearly this is all working out just as the hidden (and not so hidden) Thai 'elites' planned and desired it.


    And yes, yes, yes, you are so right: welcome to Thailand, the shameful throwback to the Dark Ages!

    Just calling it as I see it. In a society based upon an ancient caste system, superstition, and deference to those in  "authority," you end up with an entire nation that is basically a pyramid marketing scheme.  


    Add greed, lust for power, corruption and nepotism into that mix and you get injustice and vice on a grand scale. 

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, shan777 said:

    Jest a bit more, many of these demonstrations before were paid for events ,poor  farmers were paid 500 baht a day , big money and a free trip to Bangkok a place many had never been , it was a once in a life time trip ,  a holiday so of course  hundreds of thousands went no knowing they were being used , they were happy people to them they didn't care , got a free trip ,food, tee shirts and money every day in there hands . and only had to wave flags and do a parade every day. Any one can buy there supporters, here . 

    Agreed wholeheartedly. With deep pockets like Suthep and the thug monk Buddha Issara, they were even able throw in whistles and hand clappers for thousands.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Hong Bong Dynasty said:

    shameful and unscrupulous!  

    I would say shameless with criminal intent.


    “I was trying to reach my cell phone but his wife then threatened to let Pek stab me with a knife, so I had to quickly get out of the car,” the good Samaritan-turned victim said. 


    Why was the female co-conspirator/perpetrator let go?


    She should be banged up as well. 


    All the best to the child/pawn/money earner in this unsavoury scam. 

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