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Everything posted by Aviatorhi

  1. Uh oh, demographic Bargirl shortage would be somewhat concerning. The rate of 2 is where we stand now and if it decreases from there our selection is going to drop off dramatically.
  2. Life is a show... But there's a wide gulf between BDSM play and the full blown sexual assault he seemingly carried out against this girl.
  3. All this back and forth... Easy solution, don't get married. So simple, so easy.
  4. Has and will... Take your "alternative facts" somewhere else. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/us-orders-mans-return-to-thailand-over-killing/Z6EHZ2PU3NZVGRZVNBJRJPO23Q/#:~:text=The landmark decision to send American James Muller,yet decided whether to appeal against the ruling. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/florida/fl-thai-extradition-order-20150528-story.html https://www.cnn.com/2017/07/20/asia/thailand-jet-set-monk-extradited/index.html And others.
  5. Well that is quite true for a bit... But then he started acting like a lunatic, and my level of sympathy dramatically decreased.
  6. Glad I read ASEAN today... Discovered I am offended about something I had no idea I was offended about. But Farang comes from Persian, as do many other Thai loan words, and does in fact describe "Franks" - Germans.
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