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Everything posted by Aviatorhi

  1. It's going to depend on the country. In Japan you can (literally) safely eat raw chicken. Their food hygiene and controls are that high. In Thailand, not as much.
  2. Having been in the vicinity of many drunk Brits, I applaud the Thais for their excellent handling of the matter.
  3. Only "allegiance" is to a Western view of international relations rather than RU/PRC versions. Rest is just a matter of time before I'm able to renounce my primary citizenship and fall back on the secondary (have to make a living after all).
  4. Some even higher than that... And Thailand is 25%, though I don't think it accounts for "village" marriages. It's essentially the same everywhere. Better off renting.
  5. You know they don't just randomly assign people to each other? Because it seems you don't.
  6. Let's not exaggerate... Neither are present (as much as claimed/perceived by some). Ever seen Thai family photos? Frowniest people ever.
  7. Interesting take, considering nobody needs to confiscate a workers passport to retain then in "the west". Does that hurt your precious vatnik feelings?
  8. It's that old Soviet mentality. Why do business fairly - when you can exploit and oppress people to show how much of a alpha-boi you are?
  9. That would be nice but I'm not aware of any projects like this. It's common in other countries with Thai style ownership restrictions.
  10. If you need it explained to you that only condos exist in the FQ then you shouldn't be buying anything at all.
  11. Buy in the FQ and avoid the gray area - so simple, so easy.
  12. Yeah, they learned the fastest way to getting invaded is staying neutral too long. TLDR; "whatever vatnik".
  13. Ukrainians were also being "pragmatic"... And after the pragmatism exploded in their face they realized that there's no more middle grounds. When the Moldovans realized it (a few moments after the UA did) they briefly shat their pants. Fastest way to get invaded is to stay neutral.
  14. Fake news triggering more fake news triggering rage baiters and america haters on here. People so dumb they don't realize their entire lives are built on the concept of freedom of navigation and sovereign integrity as envisaged post WWII (by that bunch of folks back in the west they hate). Anyway, the USN has no need for a naval base in Thailand, nor would it serve any practical purpose. Subic Bay is plenty good for that. The only thing Thailand would be wise to pursue is a defensive posture in alignment with the West rather than with Xi & Co. From a standpoint of basing - the only "base" which would make sense for Thailand is an ongoing forward deployment of F-35s to Korat to operate jointly with RTAF units stationed there and bridge the RTAF onto the F-35 in 15-20 years.
  15. Ah the usual seven days of expats (the angry opinionated kind) telling people to get off their own lawns.
  16. It adds to my amusement that you entirely missed the point.
  17. You're weird. All the stuff you like is weird. You should feel bad.
  18. Uh oh, demographic Bargirl shortage would be somewhat concerning. The rate of 2 is where we stand now and if it decreases from there our selection is going to drop off dramatically.
  19. Life is a show... But there's a wide gulf between BDSM play and the full blown sexual assault he seemingly carried out against this girl.
  20. All this back and forth... Easy solution, don't get married. So simple, so easy.
  21. Has and will... Take your "alternative facts" somewhere else. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/us-orders-mans-return-to-thailand-over-killing/Z6EHZ2PU3NZVGRZVNBJRJPO23Q/#:~:text=The landmark decision to send American James Muller,yet decided whether to appeal against the ruling. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/florida/fl-thai-extradition-order-20150528-story.html https://www.cnn.com/2017/07/20/asia/thailand-jet-set-monk-extradited/index.html And others.
  22. Well that is quite true for a bit... But then he started acting like a lunatic, and my level of sympathy dramatically decreased.
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