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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Now now Settle down now, I know what i red so get off your high horse OK. I don't know where you got that info from . the story I red doesn't say anything like that. The one I red is from The Phuket Express. the same as on TV Forum .https://thephuketexpress.com/2023/07/12/man-allegedly-threatens-taxi-driver-in-phuket-with-a-sword/
  2. Trumped up charges in many peoples eyes but still guilty in many other peoples eyes . Someone made the law and according to them the man is guilty . Maybe the law is wrong but you know politics is a very dirty busyness. In the end we can't do anything about that. the people at the top in charge they have the say. It doesn't matter who's the next PM there always be trouble .
  3. Thailand's Pita defeated in parliament in bid for PM By Panarat Thepgumpanat and Chayut Setboonsarng July 13, 20236:12 PM GMT+7Updated 6 min ago
  4. The person wasn't a Taxi driver ,The person was threatening the taxi driver , Can't you Read?
  5. Chinese scientists may or may not be smarter maybe they are good in making a new virus . Wasn't the world scientists lookin into that a few years ago? didn't they suspect China for hiding things and making things ,Either way nothing's been proven as Yet.
  6. Lots of things don't make sense they still get done .
  7. Not hating the man only the things that he's done . that's why he's in Exile.
  8. It says ; threatened a mobile application taxi driver That means A Taxi Driver Right . It doesn't matter a App driver or any company driver still a taxi driver ,Yes?
  9. Says who?How much he had to pay for that?
  10. NO He Won't
  11. Any excuse scaremongering that there's a man made climate change . It's normal that it changes it's a Natural Phenomenon . Has climate change been happening for thousands of years? Yes and it will happen again and again. Now still warming and sometime later on ( We won't see that) it will cool down again then people can complain that it is Too Cold. Earth's climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 800,000 years, there have been eight cycles of ice ages and warmer periods, with the end of the last ice age about 11,700 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era — and of human civilization.
  12. They don't like Taxi drivers I think. can't blame them for that.
  13. Of course he isn't coming back now .He's got to wait and see who's going to be the nextPM and then he can Try to Bribe the PM if he can come back and not go to Jail. I don't like his chances with that, there are too many people that know what he has done and they wont forgive him not even for a Bribe
  14. So he says Right .Now look at this. He had shares so he earned some money from them in 2022 . I would say that they will stop him from becoming the next PM In the 2022 financial year, ITV earned revenues of THB 20.5 million (US$617,000) from its investments and interest income and had a net profit of THB 8.5 million (US$256,000).
  15. So you say , What did it started with? It started with Miss Netherland . It's a Competition It's Sport.
  16. Talking about Gender ,for people that compete in sport. Understand or Not, Nah you don't / Don't want to understand . Amen . I 'll tell Satan you said Hi.
  17. Not Incorrect , People also ask How many genders can be born? Thus with respect to biological sex, one is either male or female. Individuals that have the two types of gonads, either occurring together or alternating, are called hermaphrodites.Jan 4, 2561 BE
  18. This does stink down to Satans Hell. There are Millions off people mostly Thais that don't give a hoot what direction one is suppose to be going and Nothing in the news no one gets a Fine. Come on you Lazy coppers be Fair for once in your life ,Get Real and do your job, no matter Thai or Foreigner.
  19. They can change whatever they like ,there are 2 Genders,Born a Female and Born a Male . that's IT No discussions .
  20. Be Smart If you don't know nothing about Weed and not much about Business Forget that you being offered a partnership and leave it be.
  21. Avil a Women hey ? Looks like that you don't know what you think you know. Even though Avi Silverberg participated in the women's category despite being a man, he didn't break any rule. Because the new rules say that athletes can participate in the gender category they identify with, without the requirement of any medical sex-change. Avi Silverberg is an author, coach, and the Founder of FeastGood.com. Avi has a Master of Science in Exercise Science from the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. Avi has published over 400 articles on the topics of health, exercise, and nutrition. The articles get viewed over 800,000 times per month. Avi was the former Head Coach of Team Canada Powerlifting, helping athletes achieve international success from 2012-2018 through effective sport science and nutritional practices. Outside of lifting weights, Avi enjoys hiking and climbing in the Canadian Rockies. Avi has been featured on LifeHacker.com, MensJournal.com, T-Nation.com, and Barbend.com.
  22. Is this an other Made in China Virus . They don't mind sharing to the rest off the world hey.
  23. Move with the times ,Yes. Gay and mixed race marriages and divorce is Fine . I am talking about an equal chance in Beauty competition and Any competition ,Female in Female sport and Males in Male sports . If you are a woman, it is essentially physically impossible for you to perform at the same level as the top men in the same sport. Look at Olympic records in similar sports, and you will notice a trend of men consistently, across the board, outperforming women in the same sport, barring specific examples. It is simply a biological fact that men are physically stronger and faster than women (on average), which means that the top-level male athletes will always outperform their female counterparts.
  24. 1970 or 2023 There are TWO Genders for competition sport to compete with equal power strength the Genders are Females for Female competition and Males for Male competition . If you are a woman, it is essentially physically impossible for you to perform at the same level as the top men in the same sport. Look at Olympic records in similar sports, and you will notice a trend of men consistently, across the board, outperforming women in the same sport, barring specific examples. It is simply a biological fact that men are physically stronger and faster than women (on average), which means that the top-level male athletes will always outperform their female counterparts.
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