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Everything posted by digger70

  1. I don't know about the MISS contests But there was a big stink in the sport world about the Trans gender So called Women.
  2. What in Satans Name is wrong with this world. It's a MISS contest That Doesn't include Modified persons or persons that believe they are Female in a Male body . The contest is for 100% Females that are Born Females . They are doing the same in sports. The IT'S (Transgender females )that are born Man they have an advantage in Female sports . Absolutely 100% Wrong.
  3. Done well, Paid her debt . But Wasted some to the monks. Not to smart in my opinion.
  4. It's a Dogs world out there, Dogs are more imported then People . Soi dogs run around , If not a Soi dog it should be Inside a Fenced off property. Chook farmer should also have their place fenced off , So Tit For Tat Kill the dog no harm done . I would do the same but then My place is fenced off.
  5. Resting eyes is asking for trouble One can do that at home Not at work. Be careful Toady.
  6. Yea ,Yea ,Yea ,Driver is Responsible Not the Truck, Driver lost control. What's the Next Excuse. Power pole jumped in front off the vehicle . One can't fix stupid. They will never learn no matter what .
  7. Local residents were outraged due to the sacredness of the temple and police were trying to control the hectic scene and keep residents from getting to the injured man who was taken to a hospital under heavy police presence for his safety due to angry local residents pledging to follow the man to the hospital. At 10:30 P.M. he has been pronounced dead at the Vachira Phuket Hospital. Religion , gets people riled up for nothing . It's a Building like millions in the country .Nothing Sacred about it made out the same material as all the other buildings in the country.
  8. What ,an other nutcase who wants someone to pay for Her Stupidity for not to look where she was going ,Most likely being on the phone or doing something else instead watching where she was going. One cant fix stupid or idiots
  9. Nice peace off Cr@p take him down the back and Lead poison him.
  10. That's great good luck with staying that way. Mine's up and down a bit with meds but floating 120/55 and 150/65 Pretty good for me.
  11. Your definitely wrong, Diet and exercise CAN help But Not FIX it.
  12. Prostitution is only for Brothels run by Thai cops.
  13. What a nutter How in Satans Name is he going to check Every person who's a Foreigner . Us Whities Ezy but what about the Millions that are Asian but not from Thailand He's got No chance in the world not even i a Hundred years.
  14. Try to find out were she's going and then see what she's doing there. It could be bad or just something she has to do.
  15. Scraper/Sandpaper then polish. It takes time.
  16. Over time and a lot off use the Non stick layer will come off no matter what ,even if you use a Plastic or wooden spatula and don't Scrub the pan. Just get the non stick out off it and use it like that like a Cast iron pan. The amount off WATT you put trough the pan 800 or 2000 got nothing to do with how hot they get, they will All Boil/cook to a Hight Temp it all depends how much you put in the Pan.
  17. It's not the embassies fault that she has this glaucoma condition, They can't keep her employed if she can't see. she would be able to get an disability pension. I can't see neglect here.
  18. If you say so. What about the the costs involved and the way they grow the meat? worse then normally killing a cow . Is lab-grown meat cheap? The fetal bovine serum used to make most lab-grown meat is both expensive and controversial. However, lab-grown meat is still very expensive and does not eliminate animal suffering, due to the use of FBS, a liquid taken from the blood of unborn calves after their mothers are killed at slaughterhouses.3 Oct 2022
  19. Secret protected stones Pull the other one . Who decides that they are Secret and Protected stones and makes that statement . They are just Rocks in the field/nature. So they got some stones/rocks from a National park that's theft ok that's it.
  20. I don't believe that a little thing like a suitcase wheel can do so much damage ,If so that means that the moving walkway is Pretty weak and if they are all the same they need to be scrapped and better stronger ones put in place to make sure that people are Safe. no Excuses.
  21. Meat grows in paddocks on Farms Not in a Lab. Next they grow people in a lab ,They tried that already . What in Satans name is Normal Natural anymore . They've already got Genetic modified Grains and other plants/veg. Is this for the Better? I don't know . If they stuff around too much things may go wrong and start an epidemic of some sort.
  22. Yes they .do they work together very well as one . Ok it might hurt but it works.
  23. ??? What explosion, Just got Activated upside down.
  24. What a load off whatever you like, I just looked and 12 months ago it was 25.63 tot he AUS $ Today it is 23.58 to the AUS $ So 12 months ago it was Lower than then what it is for me Now I get paid with AU $ so that's what I look at . the USA $ doesn't mean Anything .
  25. Never mind the 2 private cars ,What about the Taxi drivers and taxi Mafia for all their Illegal shenanigans. Like for not using the taxi Meter and overcharging costumers Refusing long trips, standover tactics against other Company taxis,Carrying weapons . It looks to me they clamping down on the wrong people . They are scared from the taxi Mob /and/or get paid to do what they do best.
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