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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Yep no matter where one goes in the world Everything and Everyone , It's Always about Money.
  2. Like Many other things in Thailand that are Misleading as one knows .
  3. OK , I Googled that and you are right I didn't know that .????
  4. Never do any banking on your phone , you see now what can happen. I Always use the laptop at home . I know that can be Hacked too but it's a bit safer then the phone.
  5. This has nothing to do with your statement about FB it's a Known History Fact : Now here from a different source. https://fatonionline.com/1901
  6. Prices and costs are going up. It's a Vicious circle ,happens all over the world .If one thing goes up that has to be compensated with something else to pay for that so it will never stop. Fuel goes up ,Transport costs go up ,transport goes up prices for retailers go up. people Shopping have to pay for this . Then people want more money than it starts again. When people get more money All other costs go up Again.
  7. This will Never stop till one gives in (Ain't gonna happen soon),Thailand or Malaysia . This is about the main 3 provinces in the South, Thailand got them now but they belonged to malaysia. Check this : ASEAN Heritage https://www.facebook.com/479221029277053/posts/945460009319817/
  8. Isn't this an Health and safety issue. Aren't the Health and Safety officers periodically (say 6 monthly)suppose to check if everything is in order and Legal. Yea Right you may say ,They can be persuaded with donations . It looks like Lives Don't Matter with no health and safety , Only Money Matters.
  9. Up till year before last I only needed a letter from my bank .Last year we got a New Chief at the Imm office so I had to get the Bank to make the copy from the Term deposit book and they had to Sign that. No deposit needed only a book update from the ATM. Going to find out in a couple weeks if anything has changed . Due for an extension Mid September.
  10. For Fixed deposit account for THB 800.000 + one Doesn't need a deposit One needs a Letter for Immigration and depending on the immigration office one may need copy of the deposit book and signed by bank official to prove that the funds were in the account the Whole time .
  11. Like they say, Up to Them .Nothing to do with Us.
  12. Meaning,,,If someone tells you to belt up, they are telling you in a very impolite way to stop talking. [British, informal]. Chambers waved his hand. 'Belt up!' he ... 55555
  13. So It's a MUST for the Driver But but only a Requirement for the passengers ,Not a Law . Who's inventing this and policing this drivil.
  14. They ain't just for show aren't they. ????
  15. Cheap Advertisement for the Topless Dancer. She will do very Well after this . ????????
  16. Parents are responsible for this . Why wasn't the Gun stored properly? Why was it Loaded ? Was it a Legal Registered Gun? Throw the book at the parents .
  17. Why step down ,the Big Chief is good for an other 8+ yrs . That's of course if one can find a Proven Better one . O S,,, There' s None. So far he's the best out of the Bad Bunch.
  18. Now they can Clean up the Insurgents here in the South. It's about time that they get their Finger out and get Busy.
  19. What has He been smoking/Taking? Why in Satan's name would Anyone believe this ? Are people That Stupid ? No wonder that this country is in a Mess. Next he will tell people that pigs can fly and that are pink Elephants flying around too.
  20. My A... Keep him locked up ,Just another Greedy Business owner who's interest is only Money not health and safety and peoples lives. Life is cheap .
  21. Slightly different case I think .Boss was just for Using Cocaine . This WIN rider ,his case is for possession and dealing in Ya Ba
  22. Why? if the transport and killing is done Humane than there's nothing wrong with that. People Kill and eat Everything esle that walks or crawls, so why not cats and dogs. I don't think that people go much for the Mangy Flea and tick ridden sick Soi dogs . They are more inclined to Kill and eat Healthy Dogs. It's no different than Cattle ,Pigs,Sheep .Chickens,Rabbits, Fish,Prawns,and everything else what people can/want to eat.
  23. Nothing new ,This will be a good one for the insurance ,If they have any. Not legal ,No pay out.
  24. They are if one is playing with the phone /falling asleep.
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