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Everything posted by digger70

  1. A few guns sold online is F ,All .Corruption is much worse and Traffic Violations .Get the cops of their but and Police 24/7 they have to get their priorities sorted .
  2. There's no cure ,ones its gone it stays gone,Same as being dead .Can't Revive the dead so can't revive the hair what's gone. ????
  3. Yes ,He had a Holiday for a Month ,now he can/will find a way to be the Pm for an other 8 years.
  4. Like Arnie said ,,,,, I be Back,,,,
  5. Of course it was the wet road ,it had nothing to do with the stupid way the driver was driving.
  6. Well done Neil our Aussie player ( In England ) and a great job from Mink. Love watching Snooker .
  7. It doesn't matter now , If your last vaccination was more than 6 months ago and one hasn't ben sick you are lucky . Now you can start again or forget about it . They say the vaccines give only immunity at the most for 6 months.
  8. expressway leaves questions unanswered No unanswered questions here ,Clear as mud, Incompetent drivers.
  9. The emergency funding is for the Hi So greedy porkers that are not happy with their allocated Swill.
  10. If you read this that should tell you enough. When you see wires hanging about in Los ,Presume that they are Live. Staff from the foundation had put some insulating tape on, then put some tires and a cone around the wires with the words "fai rua" - a warning about electricity.
  11. Why not simply pull the fuse, disconnect the wires. Nah, too much hassle.
  12. Yea for sure ,must be the one with golden nuggets in his Pouch.
  13. Not up to me I just post what's being proven. Fresh fruit you say, I haven't seen any decent fresh fruit here ,It all has been picked to early so no taste , just look at the tomatoes none of them are ripe. I am growing my own Veg , well whatever we can grow here and survives.
  14. Maybe not but Nazi is smart enough that he didn't like the people feed the Soi Dog.
  15. But the experts don't all agree... No one disputes that BPA is toxic at high levels of exposure. But experts are divided over whether BPA at the low levels found in foods poses significant risks to human health. FSANZ, in line with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), maintains that it's safe to ingest up to 50 micrograms of BPA per kilogram of body weight per day - none of the foods we tested delivers more than 10% of this amount per serving.
  16. Canned foods can be just as nutritious as fresh and frozen foods because canning preserves many nutrients. The amount of minerals, fat-soluble vitamins, protein, fat and carbohydrate remain relatively unchanged by the process of canning.
  17. No need for plastic <deleted> to be imported . Teach the Natives to recycle instead of trowing it were the stand. There's enough plastic around the city and country side to keep all the factories in business for an other 100 years . Ban the imports
  18. Electrocution - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Electrocution Electrocution is death or severe injury caused by electric shock from electric current passing through the body. The word is derived from "electro" and ... ‎Origins · ‎Etymology · ‎Medical aspects
  19. Doesn't seem right ,She should get at the most a Medal and a slap at her wrist or butt.
  20. So what's the gripe,If this is true. Who says that this ain't the Truth. For me I don't Care who owns the Rock.
  21. The Phuket City Municipality contacted the Phuket Live Stock Office. This week three furious stray dogs were caught by using anesthetic shots. They were taken to the Stray Dog Shelter at Bang Khanun Forest Park in Thalang. Here we go Again, they used the wrong ammo, They should've used the Cheaper copper/Lead Bullet ,100% effective cure that they won't do it again. Now they will be out on the road again in a few days maybe sooner and it will start again.
  22. LOS , Land Of Second wife and Second husband, (sometimes More then 2)
  23. Not enough info, If the thruckie veered to the Right to avoid the M Bike that could be that he was overtaking the M Bike if the M Bike was going Same direction and then Head on with the To Yo, WRONG for sure. Could've veered to the Right to avoid the M Bike at the last second if the M Bike was in his lane going in the Wrong direction and couldn't slow down or stop instead of the head on with the To Yo Must have been sleeping or on the phone if he couldn't see the M Bike coming towards him, WRONG for sure.
  24. Electrocution is death or severe injury caused by electric shock from electric current passing through the body. The word is derived from "electro" and "execution", but it is also used for accidental death.
  25. Manageable , Talk is easy Doing it is a different matter. They will never get the flooding under control . The country is too low to make all the Heave rainwater/Flooding draining off quickly down to the ocean even with bigger drains and less rubbish.
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