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Everything posted by digger70

  1. They Weren't thinking, they most likely believed the Soldiers story and not the other rider and what really happen.
  2. I don't believe in god ,How can one believe in something that one can't see. My dear late mother always said if one can't see it one can't believe in it . Don't believe in ghosts, ( Can't see them or touch them) . Spirits is a good one ,the one in a Bottle I believe in (can touch and drink that) Religion takes the cake It doesn't matter what religion ,that's all about Power and Money. Fairies and Santa Claus ,Easter,X mass ,All of them are about getting people to spend Money. People are So stupid to get themselves ripped off.
  3. Only after ones money ,nothing else matters.
  4. Bangkok Authorities Seek Canal Dredging Assistance If the natives would have been taught Not to throw rubbish and anything else on the ground and drains halve off the drain battle would've been won.
  5. Yea right and Pigs can Fly .
  6. Why are people so stupid ,If they can't get a loan from a bank that means they don't make enough money or don't have any assets to cover the loan. Going to loan shark only make things worse ,the sharks charge more interest than a bank so they are in trouble from the word go.
  7. Buddha has got nothing to do with this ,It's about making money . man will do anything to make money,from mistreating animals to killing their own mother.
  8. Seriously, Who and how are they going to police all those infringements . How are they going to take points away from the Thousands of people who haven't got a licence ? Straight to jail?
  9. Don't you people know that it looks very important for office people to walk around with a handful of paper instead of punching a keyboard ? It's all about Face and power.
  10. It was a Hybrid and he ran over some Metal plate. I would say that he damaged the Battery packs under the the car and shorted and started the fire . Yep,Go So Called Green Fuel and Burn.
  11. I am Not starting a debate ,I am just say that I have a Different opinion than you.????
  12. What now hey ,motorbikes Falling off the road 5555 I know one has to Ride a motorbike to Ride off the road.
  13. Here we go again Blaming the slippery road . An other incompetent driver.
  14. The only thing that Will work is Normal Castration and the Full prison term. Chemical castration isn't working very well.
  15. Yes ,that's right. My GF Lady Digger and I have done a usufruct like that years ago. The person who enters into a contractual agreement with the owner for this right is called the "usufructuary". Section 1418 of the Civil and Commercial Code provides that a usufruct may be created for a period of time or for the life of the usufructuary. A usufruct will be registered in a similar manner to a lease of up to 30 years or until the lifetime of the usufructuary.
  16. Me neither ,Oz $ still Down. The only one Up is the US $ .
  17. They can make Millions on the Side if they get of there butt and enforce a few traffic laws .Donations on the spot no receipt half price. ????
  18. If Malaysia and Brunei can keep the price down at the pump So can Thailand . They wont because they are too greedy and don't care about the public. They make billions THB a day but they don't care.
  19. And the Building workers 300THB a day if they Lucky.
  20. So why do they say Recreational use is Illegal if like you say the THC content doesn't matter? You're not allowed to use marijuana recreationally People who smoke pot in public in Thailand will be subject to a potential three-month jail sentence and a fine of more than $700.
  21. That's ok but they will now/and they do already Charge more then Pre-pandemic rates .
  22. Wouldn't worry about a small slug in the lettuce , can happen anywhere in the world. you got an other Pot so leave it at that.
  23. Isn't it Illegal to use the Weed that has a THC content higher than 0.2 % ? I bet that all the stuff what's for sale other than the Chaff (and who's gonna smoke that) has a THC content higher than 0.2 % Any recreational use would then be Illegal being that for the public And the Police Right. Who's enforcing this Law may you ask, Well uh uh No one. ????
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