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Everything posted by digger70

  1. Manageable , Talk is easy Doing it is a different matter. They will never get the flooding under control . The country is too low to make all the Heave rainwater/Flooding draining off quickly down to the ocean even with bigger drains and less rubbish.
  2. I would take this rating with a grain of salt ,Who supplied this information to the UN to put on the index. If it is the same people that do All the Numbers here than one for sure knows that those numbers are Fudged .
  3. Listen here Sir ,I am a Dog Lover . I have a Dog ,He gets the Best of everything ,Sometimes more than me. Not a lover of street mongrels who don't get looked after they are Suffering from Mange,Fleas,Ticks and what have you. They Chase people ,Cars and fight and breed more Soi dogs . They are a Danger on the road running around in front off traffic. So Don't post something what you Don't Know about. Just remember next time a Mangy Mutt Bites you.
  4. Why? Do the country a Favour. Rescue people exterminate Soi dogs and Soi cats .
  5. Everybody is different ,Some like it Others Don't, Let it be .
  6. Only book at the airline ,Not a provider Then one can have a case of a proper refund or a rescheduled flight.
  7. No matter what the law is ,No one is going to enforce it.. Nothing new.
  8. Tricky Bend ? Isn't it up to the drivers/riders to drive/ride according to the road and weather conditions and be responsible.
  9. That's not much of a crackdown ,only 1 week of the 52 we got . Are they on Holiday the rest off the year,must be a fantastic job.
  10. blames wet road Here we go again Blaming the road instead of admitting his Incompetent driving. Can't admit to that , He would lose Face .
  11. For Satan's sake Mind your own business. Don't get involved in Thai politics /Protests ,it can cause serious problems.
  12. Well , Thais should sell their Pig meat at the same price then they can't complain. Nah can't do that now can they , the Thais want Top THB Yep it's all about Money.
  13. Go to the car dealer who service your car and ask them . Lady Diggers son had his Honda done by Honda. A Swap Rebuilt engine because his engine was Dying .
  14. Don't take the word from this dealer . Tell him that you order a 2023 new car Nothing else . If the dealer doesn't like that or won't order you a 2023 model, Than go somewhere else ,if that doesn't work go buy something different but a 2023 model from another dealer.
  15. IF that's a Big if that they going to Stop Pirate/Fake goods what's going to happen to this country? From what one can observe there won't be many goods for sale if they taking All Pirate/Fake good of the markets.
  16. Yep, like they say Who's watching the dog who's watching the Watchdog. Looks like Someone was Watching this dog. ????
  17. RIP Young Lady. One can talk till Satan turns Hell into a swimming pool. No matter what we say is going to change the people how they think and how they Don't care .People young and older will die because Nothing gets done about this . Parents Will let their kids ride bikes ,No license They are too Young, No Helmet. The Government isn't doing Anything to make the Police do their job to enforce the Laws 24/7 So what's the use , Let it be.
  18. There are 3 different dates 2014-2017-2019 . Prayut will for sure Argue in court that he started officially in 2019. However, the start date of the eight-year limit remains a key legal question. Is it when Prayut assumed his post in 2014, when the current Constitution came into force on April 6, 2017, or when Prayut was appointed by royal command as PM on June 9, 2019, after the general election in March that year.
  19. Why Destroy the Fake/ Counterfeit goods, Wouldn't be better to give those goods to the Poor people. Many Poor people would be happy with such goods. There are many shops that Sell Fake/Counterfeit goods all over Thailand . The Law doesn't seem to do much(Nothing) about those shops. No no no can't do that ,That will Cut in all the shops Profits that they miss out in selling their Fake /Counterfeit goods.
  20. What in Satan's Name are the people thinking? People's Greed makes them do this ,they are so Gullible /Stupid.
  21. Government can do better than that, Scrap the fuel tax , and make all people pay their taxes ,that should cover that fuel tax. Malaysia can supply cheaper Fuel to their people. Thailand can do same , But No, they are too greedy .
  22. He he, Watchman watching the Country, This could be good. ????
  23. He will say, I'll Be Back
  24. Recreational cannabis use can be legalised under the current law . But For Whom? Thais and No Foreign Tourists? Hypocrites.
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