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Paul Laycock1

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock1

  1. I should add I’m wheel chair bound and unable to get out of the house without out the help of two people lifting me down my stairs.

    I don’t see the point in seeing a doctor who will only prescribe me more pills or say go to hospital.

  2. I have been taking GABAPENTIN 300 MG LOCAL(S twice a day, one after breakfast and one at 5pm. Also ALPRAZOLAM 1 MG* Zolam?

    These are taken for pain in my legs (deep vein thrombosis).

    I spoke to my Father yesterday and he commented that a lot of what I was saying was very slurred and incoherent, I have noticed this myself.

    I am 63. Could this be the drugs? Google isn’t much help when I looked.

  3. Firstly I’m disabled and after a further fall during the Songkran period confined to a reclining chair where I eat, sleep and do everything else.

    A bad rash has developed in my groin area which now smells, like fish and totally unpleasant. I have tried Snake Brand powder with no success.

    I will add I am not sexually active and have not been for many years, I choose to wear a shirt top and towel around my waist loosely fitted with two fans pointing at me. What did you do if you have been through this.

    As of yet I have not seen a doctor or been to a hospital.

  4. You need a passport for your car, how you obtain it I can’t help.

    Take enough passport photographs to cover your Lao visa and extension at the consulate/embassy. Thai baht 1,500 for Savannaket and whatever it now costs for the Thai bit.

    Plenty of hotels to choose from, I don’t use the bus these day’s as it’s unreliable and use a private car company.

    Up to you but never had a problem when I go.

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  5. Carry on being the poty Colin, I do not use it as an excuse, originally it was a topic  and one of interest to me. I was not looking for advice, just comments on how other people delt with this situation/problem.

    Silly of me to ask on Thai Visa.

  6. 12 hours ago, Mavideol said:

    don't have the right to be sic or die after dark

    In the UK years ago I needed hospital treatment and went to the accident & emergency depertment, this just happened to be on a Sunday, I was in agony but was told by the reception area I shouldn’t get sick on a Sunday, I wasn’t amused. Didn’t need surgery just very strong painkillersand antibiotics consequently I was off work for nearly two weeks.



  7. We my wife and I have tried the Bangkok option, he won’t go.

    To try and man handle a 15 year only to Bangkok would cause more problems and quite a scene.

    He likes motor bikes and girls so normal, sort of things I was into at his age and I was no angel. I would get a thrashing from my father if I did wrong, the belt or cane. I promised myself I would not be the same.


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  8. Your all so clever, I know what needs to be done. As I have said I’m disabled and not able to run around or chase him.

    As for setting him chores or tasks to do I have tried that, simple things like Hoover the rug, water my plants he does these at lightning speed and not properly then wanting some money. He has been away for a few day’s/nights at summer camp but is now back and should be at school today. I have not seen him or spoken to him.

    His motor cycle is not working for whatever reason and I won’t pay for the repairs. I’m not being rude but the only sensible comments I’ve had are talk to his school, military training or police.

    I have cooked for him given a head over his roof, money and still get treated like shit.

  9. KittenKong, yes the good old day’s. when I was 13 I used to deliver groceries for a store called Home & Colonial all for 10 shillings a week after school, not on Wednesday’s or Saturday afternoons as early closings.

    I saved for ages for my first record player.

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