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Paul Laycock1

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Posts posted by Paul Laycock1

  1. 1 hour ago, Tarukhtah said:

    I think they are the ones being selfish and unresponsable. If they know they are living with an elderly + disabled person... shouldn't they be taking extra care? i.e. weren't Thai people supposed to be really caring to elderly people? Also, weren't Thai people the ones wearing mask all the time and Westerns they one being careless about the virus? I am totally confused.

    So I believe you should tell them they should leave because they are putting your life in risk. Full stop. Or give them the option to confine with you. If they take it seriously.

    If I told them to leave I would be shooting myself in the foot.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Besserwisser said:

    How many years have you lived like this? I understand you are afraid of the virus,but is this maybe also the last straw of many years of suffering by the extended thai "family"?

    Been here for many years, disabled I can’t remember.

    Extended family, I don’t suffer them they are not here apart from my sister in law who I like very much.

    I get the picture from what you have all said.

    Never will I leave my house behind, this is my home and I will never leave.

  3. 12 hours ago, 3 minus 2 said:

    if you think about it she's working for you .so start paying her properly  factory workers get 8000? a month so work it from there backwards then  this is a job and you want blah blah blah .. or you'll HAVE to get someone else in once u do that  everyone saves face ... u dont want to make your missus the  bad one in the eyes of the family .

    Free electric, free gas, use of my car, boyfriend coming and going.

    oh I get it now it’s all my fault, silly me for ever coming here.

    The missus, my son and the mother in law are all in Bangkok.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

    Paul, there is one person that you have failed to mention in all of this, and that is your wife. Where is she and what is she doing about your fears. You say your sister-in-law is doing everything for you, what is your wife doing? As a farang the house would not be in your name but in your wifes name and yet there is no mention of her. Sorry but I cannot understand why you are not talking to your wife and having the situation resolved.

    My wife lives and works in Bangkok, I see her once a year for the annual renewal of my extension. My wife is currently working from home.

    • Confused 1
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    • Thanks 1
  5. Sheryl, I ask because being wheelchair bound I can’t get outside am not feeling great. Not in a sick way but just a little down.

    The last time I was out of the house was February.

    Next time I’m due out is May.

  6. My sister in law lives with me. She is upstairs in my house, myself downstairs.

    She now has three children. The children go out everyday to play with friends.

    The sister in law also goes into the village daily and obviously mixes with others.

    Her boyfriend comes here nightly about 7pm he lives about 30km away so is obviously mixing with other people. He leaves in the morning, I’m getting rather <deleted> off with this but am I over reacting?


    • Like 2
  7. My sister in law gave birth to a baby girl one week ago. She returned home today and received a phone call from the hospital saying she must go back and have the baby immunized against autism. She is now at my house where she prefers to live.

    My question is normal or unusual I have not heard of this before in a child so young.

    My understanding is your born with this condition. Perhaps I am wrong.

  8. On Monday I had arranged with my sister in law to go to Savannaket to obtain another 90 day stamp, easy enough I thought, been doing it for years.


    Difference this time I had two passports (done it before without problems) immigration told me I needed to go to Yasothon to get my new passport stamped.

    This time they said that Yasothon was no longer in their remit and was handled by Yasothon.


    After a little bit of arguing we decided to bite the bullet and return home, I still had until midnight 12th to sort this out. Came home had some lunch and phoned immigration in Yasothon, no problem please come.


    Following day arrived outside immigration office only to find a meeting was taking place and told to come back at 2pm. Went to Tesco and tried to pass the few hours.

    Time came went back to the office and got my passport stamped.

    Was then told we/I needed to go to Savannaket as normal, if you can call anything normal here.


    Long and short of it be prepared for a long day. Only cost to me was fuel a few munchies and a lot of time.

    Next trip February 2020 oh deep deep joy.

  9. I used to buy my peas from makro or Tops, from memory the brand was Tolleys but over the last few months they seem to of vanished.

    Any one know why. Yes I have seen all the alternatives and tried a few but nothing comes up to scratch.

  10. So your watering the garden. People like you are the problem, but as long as your alright that’s ok.

    I can’t be bothered to write more but could, please get a life as this is normal. Good years bad years.

  11. After much thought on my situation I have decided to go to the hospital in Ubon Ratchathani where I had my hip replacement surgery.

    Thinking ahead my sister in law yesterday went to Inter Mukdahan hospital to try and get all my treatment records.

    She returned empty handed after waiting to see the doctor, they gave her a form which I had to sign authorizing there release. I’m thinking this will cut down on tests I have already had. I don’t fancy another MRI scan, that is a scary machine.

    This will take 5 to 7 day’s for them to find or compile and cost 200 Baht.

    She left again this morning after helping me have a shower, making me breakfast and changing my bandages. She is a real angel.

    When I eventually get to hospital I will let you know what if any treatment I’m getting. If your not interested no silly comments please.

  12. Airbag will,


    I am on the ground floor but as with most houses and buildings stairs are involved for entry. If I tried to even get from the front door to my small patio I would crash flat on my face.

  13. Sheryl,


    Thanks for the reply, that clears up the drugs. Over the last few weeks I have been to three different hospitals my local Loengnoktha, then Mukdahan International who kept me there over night and did nothing so I checked out the last hospital I went to was Mukdahan Inter a private hospital. Each hospital just wants to give me cream for my legs.


    My sister in law looks after me 24hours a day cooking, shopping, and changing my bandages on each leg. Don’t really know where to go now with doctors of a high proficiency and not just junior upstarts.

    Thanks for the reply anyway.

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