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Everything posted by Wandr

  1. Have people tried the oral testosterone sold in Thailand? Two brand names are Testos and Testocaps. My question is whether they work and in what dosage. My doctor is not too keen on injections because of the big ups in testosterone levels. He recommends gels but they seem to be hard to get. The pills are also easy to take and preferable - assuming they work.
  2. I need this in one eye. Since the surgeon who did the other eye botched it (had to get subsequent surgery) I am being cautious. The first surgery was not in Chiang Mai, but in the south east. I am considering a Dr Paradee, at Sriphat. Any opinions about the surgeon or the hospital, or anything in general? If the opinion is inflammatory then maybe send me a message instead? Thanks much, I am understandably apprehensive.
  3. Who is your dentist now? Although I have half decided to try to locate the CMU dental clinic and give them a shot.
  4. Look for a recent thread started by me in April. It has information about a clinic very near Big C Extra on Super Highway. Cost is 500-600 baht. I used it last month to go to USA.
  5. Thanks. What are his prices like? Some prices I read about for crowns approach US prices.
  6. I know there is a dentist request every few weeks. As far as I can tell, the answers point people to one of the bigger outfits, where several dentists work for a company. I am looking for a dentist - or two - who works independently but has all the necessary equipment. Somewhere in central Chiang Mai, and towards Hang Dong, will be fine. If someone knows of such a dentist - especially with good experience with crowns - I will appreciate it if they can post it.
  7. Are testosterone patches or gels available in Chiang Mai? If so, where can they be found.
  8. Several posts have recommended the Covid insurance sold for 650 baht on websites. But it's not really 650 baht. It requires a negative PCR test to kick in. So the cost is really almost 4000 baht. I guess another possibility is to buy the insurance, use it to obtain the Thai Pass, and then forget about the PCR test. Just consider the 650 baht another fee imposed for the good of some. Is that possible to do, or will Thai authorities check further on the validity of the covid insurance?
  9. N Health labs, located in the next lane south of Big C Extra on the Super Highway, will do an antigen test and have the results in an hour, they say. Results are emailed and can be picked up also. The cost is 490 baht. Google has the location.
  10. I popped into Geriatric today to confirm about the antigen test. Well, it's no good for international travel. I was informed that they only issue certificates in Thai, which is not going to be of much use in most countries. They did suggest some other places. I will post if I find something decent.
  11. Not finding it in Google Maps. Where is it? Google only shows the Suan Dok branch.
  12. Found it in Google. Seems to have a ton of reviews critical of the staff. Hope your experience was more neutral! If I can't find anything else then I may pay these people a visit. But there is a narrow window for a test before the flight, and I don't want an incompetent staff to add to my woes.
  13. Which Chiang Mai hospital? I can go there directly and find out.
  14. It looks like an antigen test for Covid is accepted by US authorities for entry into the country. Where in Chiang Mai can I get the test along with all the documents that will need to be shown to airlines.
  15. Thanks everyone. Searched Google maps and found the clinic. It's located just before the road turns west. Looks like it is in the same block/building as Riders Corner bar.
  16. Any recommendations for an ENT, specifically throat, specialist? I am looking for a private clinic, not a hospital setting. There's nothing in the list above. Thanks!
  17. The international vaccine certificate is used for all vaccines, not just yellow fever. And it is used and recognized all over the world. I have not had any issues using it anywhere. No one has asked me for a QR code or any other document. If it works for people that's fine. Personally I would rather have the yellow book than try convincing a low level official or guard in a foreign country that squiggles on a phone mean I am vaccinated.
  18. While I appreciate the effort made by Gambooler in his replies, I was not looking for a theoretical discussion of the treaty. The above two replies tell me what is actually happening. If some government decides to collect tax later I will give it to them. I just have to convince myself now to fork out what these firms are charging - which is about 3 times what is common in Los Angeles.
  19. You can get the yellow booklet at the Health department office on Suthep Road. Takes about a week and you have to provide them with your certificates. The yellow vaccine booklet has been an internationally recognized proof of vaccination for many many years and is good to have. Just a few days ago the Philippines refused entrance to some people because they didn't have the yellow booklet.
  20. Can you tell us what this"savings clause" is, if it is possible to do so briefly?
  21. Sumalee wants 6000 baht an hour, even at the first meeting. So if you decide not to use her services you are out a minimum of 6000 baht, maybe twice that. How does that compare with other lawyers?
  22. Some years back there was a discussion here about the merits of the income tax deduction for Americans, using a treaty with Thailand. There were two groups - one vehemently skeptical of the deduction. The other group was inclined to go along with it. The filing was to be done by a Bangkok tax adviser - American International Tax Advisers. Some people actually took them up on it, and I wonder if they will post how it went. Did the IRS accept it? Were there any subsequent hassles? The tax adviser gave a persuasive presentation in Chiang Mai yesterday, but for me the best persuasion would be people's experience. Thanks!
  23. I read in another thread that Thai Immigration is accepting 1 month insurance for entry for people with re-entry permits. This is O visa holders I suppose, and regardless of the length of time the extension is valid. Is this only Covid insurance or general health insurance? What do informal reports suggest - this has become the norm? What is the worst that can happen if the immigration officer decides 1 month insurance is not enough?
  24. Wandr

    Foot doctor

    There is another thread on this topic, but it has descended into squabbling, and I don't think anyone in need is going to get to my suggestion. Hence a new topic. When I was looking for one, I found that there is really only one real doctor in Chiang Mai who specializes in feet. Tanawat Vaseenon, and he has some training in the U.S. also. His evening clinic was on Thipanet Road, not far from the moat. I am sure he is affiliated with a hospital also, but I don't know which one. This information is about two years old, so people will have to do their own research. He corrected a diagnosis my US doctor had made, confirmed with x-rays later on. To be fair, the US doctor was not a specialist. His pricing was also fair, at 300 baht for a consultation. X-rays are done in a nearby hospital, and you pay them directly. However, he has instructed them on how to take the x-rays, and sometimes 10-15 shots are needed from different angles. He did miss something that I thought he should have looked into, but a chance discovery not long after brought it to light.
  25. Anyone have experience of how long mailed in returns from Thailand are taking to register in the IRS system? Mine was mailed two months back, and even allowing two weeks for mailing, it is past the six weeks that the IRS says it takes for refunds. But mine doesn't even show in their 'tax refund' database. I guess my only option now is to mail a second return, and register it this time?
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