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Everything posted by Daithi85

  1. I applied 28 days early and got 60 days added on, didn't loose any days.i thought I might but I didn't.
  2. Yep same as myself, I found out after I had qued up for an hour. Bloody hell that's the busiest I've seen immigration be in a very long time.alot of people about.
  3. Can't see them been let out after 1 day and then told to come back 5 days later for another test, that would mean they could be out wandering around with the covid.
  4. Do you have any info on the Chiang rai case? This one defenitly seems like the one to watch.
  5. ok thank you,i applied 28 days early and i got a feeling ive lost those days.
  6. when you apply early for a covid extension,should u always get the 60 days or is there a chance you could actually lose days by applying early?
  7. Ahh the Imperial College, they,ve been full of doom and gloom from the beginning .
  8. Must be doing a great job of hiding all the sick people then. Amazing how people on here seem to begrudge Thailand doing well.life goes on here in Thailand while the western world is going back into lockdowns. Maybe other countries should follow suit and stop testing so many people causing unesecery panic...
  9. True, and alot tourists visiting Cambodia would usually start there trip in bangkok and venture on from there, but that ain't happening with closed borders.
  10. Populations under vaxxed? South Africa has less than 30 percent fully vaccinated .so far according to the experts this variant ain't causing serious illness.
  11. Malaysia tightening up travel restrictions again,bloody hell traveling to Malaysia looks like a nightmare, I see talk of people being given tracking devices.
  12. Yep the day after the prime minister told officials to only test people with symptoms the cases dropped by 75 percent. That was around 6 weeks ago I think.
  13. Have a look at Cambodia's covid numbers, what ever they are doing Seems to of worked wonders.
  14. Sounds like you'd be better off staying tucked away in doors while the rest of us go out and enjoy ourselves, ????????
  15. I'm pretty sure if things were bad hospitals would be filling up, that ain't happening, numbers are dropping by the day. Put down the phone, step away from the computer and go out and enjoy yourself, things are a million times better here than any where in the western world that's for sure. ????
  16. Big difference in the past month in the pattaya/jomtien areas,deffenitly alot more people out and about. Good to see. ????
  17. 25 cases in Cambodia Absaloutly amazing ,maybe they have the right idea, no symptoms no test ,it seems to work.
  18. Why does visa status matter ?I thought they gave to anybody no matter what visa type you had.
  19. According to other news outlets and the doctors dealing with the new cases , the cases have been extremely mild .
  20. What province do u live in that u found it so difficult to get a vaccine?
  21. Another joker hanging on to the dirty farang comment, let it go buddy ,let it go.
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