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Everything posted by kingkenny

  1. yet he never had the balls to say it was all his decision, strange that eh? Oh wait....... he never had the balls because he never had the balls, he was a puppet with no power, that when all this happened he shrunk into his shell and never had the balls to say what actually happened.
  2. He is asking for British, not Italian hence my comment to ignore the Italian food in the menu. To be honest my comment about garbage is not aimed at Italian food from Win Connection but all Italian food, quite who accepts flour mixed with water as a food is beyond me, give me a tin od Spam any day of the week or a tin of beans with little sausages in it.
  3. two passports I believe. as a slight aside he was at Eton with Boris Johnson.
  4. I really don't have time to go through every victim with you, but to simplify I am pretty damn certain the nurse helping in temple was not armed, I am also certain that a soldier killed by another soldier as he was riding to help him was not firing at the army. This coward had the ability to come clean in the hearings but kept quiet.
  5. I would say Wine Connection if you ignore the Italian garbage in their menu.
  6. This coward? either ordered the shooting of unarmed civilians on the streets or sat by idly and allowed it, or after being made PM by the military he just showed he actually had no powers and was a proxy for the army.
  7. Could be heading towards my hatrick of coups since I moved here.
  8. Go to the rooftop in the multi story car park at Khlong Thom Centre, there are lots of guys there fitting stereos etc, usually from purchase made within the centre but they will fit any if you take it to them.
  9. You can own a house, you can't own the land it sits on.
  10. she's not going to sleep with you
  11. I assumed Pantip Plaza, the mystery continues.
  12. It did thanks, but like an idiot I typed my passport number in incorrectly so it was eventually rejected.
  13. I was using the immigration app, I am now trying online by browser thanks.
  14. what does one do when one does not have TM6? The online app requires it.
  15. he's as much chance as a one legged man in an @rse kicking contest.
  16. I'll kick you in the plums for 1000 Baht.
  17. So many things wrong with this story, I mean I don't dispute the story but the fact they are being rewarded with money for doing their job is staggering. Also how the <deleted> did someone drive away forgetting their child????
  18. Yes, I live Lat Krabang and recall it getting quite busy further along lat Krabang, I live not too far from Robinsons. Sadly some of the bars I would go in no longer exist, I really need to head down there and see how it is now.
  19. I never said that they would, your post was very clear that private hospitals will not cover, and social security will only cover government hospitals. I just showed you that this is not the case and private hospitals do in fact accept social security via their government clinics. FYI the operating rooms do not change and I offered to pay for a single room separately. It's ok to accept that you did not have your facts straight rather than continue to argue ????
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