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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. In the unlikely event that Putin turns up I do not doubt that he would have his own security goons with him. Make sure to stay well away from windows if they are in tow.
  2. Only one point I would add to the excellent advice you received earlier. If you are having work done on the brake system try and get them to use DOT4 brake fluid. DOT3 is commonly used in Thailand but it is a lower spec than DOT4 and DOT3 is not sold in my home country in Europe with good reason. DOT4 is reasonably easy to get in Thailand.
  3. Not convinced but certainly less cock.
  4. When I saw the title Circumcision I was fearing it was a new requirement in some immigration law.
  5. Nah, way better to put it into crypto. Its rock solid. Backed by erm, ............
  6. I am very much a fan boy of Honda motorcycles. I have seven Honda motorcycles and no other brand. But I do not buy the assertion that Yamaha are inferior in terms of quality. I think Honda and Yamaha are broadly the same in terms of quality and both are markedly better than most. Where I do believe Honda in Thailand are way better than Yamaha is their dealer network, parts support and documentation. By documentation I mean the fact that you can find the parts book for just about any model sold in Thailand online for free. Honda are also remarkably good in parts support for their older models.
  7. So why is the policeman pointing at someone who is not the suspect? I thought Thais had the pointing game nailed. Mr Plod is really letting the side down.
  8. Do they really need to wait for an 'injury report' on the dead guy run over by a two tonne truck?
  9. You thought I was serious? I think you are going to get burnt worse than a Russian tank crew.
  10. Damn. The Russian Ruble is doing so well I must put all my money into it right now; well perhaps with a little Mexican Peso thrown into the mix.
  11. I think your current servicing schedule is fine. Stick with it.
  12. You don't need to modify anything. Just chuck the weight in the back of the truck. It is what the truck was designed for. You may need to increase tyre pressures. The owner's manual will cover this.
  13. It is interesting that you choose the US flag as your thumbnail. Presumably you know that, given a free hand, the Chinese would happily destroy everything that flag stands for. Why would you choose to give them money to help them do that?
  14. On the immigration point I believe that if you have no close connections to the UK all legal avenues for settling open to you in the UK involve very substantial inward investment. I suggest you do some research on that.
  15. Having just spent five months in the countryside near Inverurie for me the climate is the overriding consideration. Even in August at times it was necessary to have a fire burning in the evening as the temperature dropped to single figures (celsius). I don't think I would be prepared to live there twelve months a year. But if you want a suggestion for an area to look at mine is the Moray coast north of Aberdeen. No shortage of stone and slate cottages up there although they tend to be poor in terms of thermal efficiency.
  16. If I remember correctly a lot of the Rover SD1s were banana yellow for some strange reason.
  17. Tell her to find a good independent VW specialist.
  18. 1949 international driving licence is the requirement for Thailand.
  19. I like the CT125 but it is not that easy to find in showrooms and you could build a ghetto version from a Wave or Cub/Dream for not much money. Plenty of people do that round here for farm use.
  20. The most implausible part of Liz Truss' CV is that a man had an affair with her.
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