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In the jungle

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Everything posted by In the jungle

  1. These things are all relative. Compared to a pick up truck it is pretty fine in terms of handling due to a five link rear axle. Compared to a decent sports car it is god awful in terms of ride and handling. The problem really arises because Toyota made the Fortuner to comply with Thailands PPV (Passenger Pickup Vehicle) regulations. That allows them to offer a lower retail price as tax on PPVs is lower than for cars. But those regulations means you are stuck with a live rear axle which compromises ride and handling. The Mu X and the Mitsu PPV are similarly compromised. The CRV and the Mazda CX models are not. There are, of course, other very good reasons for buying a Fortuner; build quality and reliability to name just two.
  2. Well I watched Bozza stumble off the plane after his economy class flight. Please tell me that this shambles of a man is not going to be presented as some kind of saviour.
  3. fredo is failing to mention the fact that both the Revo and the tuna have a huge lump of cast iron known as a live rear axle out back. That is the main reason why neither will ride particularly well and handling and grip is compromised.
  4. I very much doubt they do custom made PCBs.
  5. Nattapong in Zeer Rangsit. Electronic components shop at the furthest East end of Zeer on the floor you enter on.
  6. I saw a Good Cat on the road today. A kind of meh, got nothing blob of a car. No idea who makes it but with a name like that it must be Chinese.
  7. The problem is when Boris strings a few words together they are usually lies.
  8. Carb does not need lube. Both cables work perfectly (throttle and choke).
  9. I am not convinced as to replacement. I have never had to replace a carb in nearly 50 years of riding/driving. Why throw away a perfectly good carb. That is a good price on that carb but if buying I would need to check it was the correct spec as often there are periodic minor changes. Mostly carbs are replaced here because some idiot has wrecked the thing. I avoid that by working on all vehicles I own myself. Last time all carb gaskets and seals were replaced was 130,000 km ago but it is only about half an hour to strip and check the carb so I will do that.
  10. You could be right. I will give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion. On the Dream I have there are O rings either side of the inlet manifold. I have replaced them before but that was 130,000 km ago at 80,000 km. Will look at them again.
  12. I am not sure if that question is to me or the OP. If it is to me then I stay on top of maintenance well by spreadsheet. Spark plug gets swapped at 10K max. Fuel filter also gets changed regularly. Carb only gets stripped and cleaned if problems appear. Bike gets almost daily use.
  13. The Dream 100 I have has a cable operated choke. I have verified that it is fully off when the bike is running. In fact I have never use the choke in any circumstances in 21 years.
  14. I should add that I have owned the bike from new and it has always had this characteristic.
  15. I have a 2001 Dream 100. Idle screw (tick over) is the larger of the two screws and protrudes from the carb. Mixture screw is smaller and flush with the body of the carb. On my bike setting it up does involve a compromise. If I set it up so that it idles when the engine is cold the idle will be too high when the engine is warm. If I set it up so that it idles correctly with the engine hot then it will not idle when the engine is cold. The way I have it set up the engine will not idle from a cold start but it is fine after two or three minutes running. When hot the idle is slightly higher than I would like. I spent quite a bit of time messing around with different settings and that was the best compromise.
  16. It is good to know that life back in Blighty turned out to be less disastrous for you than it might have been. Often in my worst nightmares I fear that I could end up on the streets and frozen stiff there. Thankfully for me that is unlikely to happen. I spent five months back in the UK recently and I was surprised that generally speaking food in the UK is better quality, vastly better in terms of variety and generally cheaper than Thailand. I became a big fan of Lidl while I was there. They make Tesco and the like look a bit silly in terms of price. Germany for the win. Yet the British public still bitch about prices. Where I live you cannot buy beef, cheese or bread that is worthy of the name. CP deserves much of the blame for the overpriced rubbish that Thai consumers are offered. Best wishes and I hope it is onwards and upwards for you.
  17. So not really worth getting your panties in a bunch if you have to walk from one to the other ????
  18. I seem to remember it is only about 15 metres from the visa office to the immigration desk at this border crossing. Is that right?
  19. Last time I replaced a brake lever it cost less than 100 Baht. Genuine part from a Honda dealer. I would not mess about trying to straighten a lever.
  20. So the muppet in the video thinks the Navy should sink them with gunfire? Did I get that about right?
  21. I doubt this thread serves any useful purpose. It is just going to go round and round in circles.
  22. I think they give some ludicrous figure on the London Thai Embassy website which is at variance with what the law actually requires. As I understand it the figure the law requires is the equivalent of 20K Baht for a single applicant. As a real world example of a figure that worked in a UK application I provided a UK bank statement showing a balance of just over 3K Pounds. That is simply because that is what I happened to have in my account at the time. I believe a lower figure would be accepted.
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