When I first came to Thailand in 2000 never saw a fat person.! Don't just blame sugar but all the western cr.p food outlets too!! Over the years younger chefs taste for sweetness changed the good Thai foods too!!!????????????????????????????????
And they need to change the law to make males responsible who get girls/women pregnant by making them pay to maintain any children. How come many girls end up having to work in bars????????????????????
Not included Kanchanaburi Province Air Quality in the areas to be targeted for reduction. However again this is the current level from the 'Air Visual' app for the Mueang District I believe.
Also shows the 7 day forecast!!
No! I went 'in' the Immigration office at 8.33 am
Did 90 days report.
I came 'out' at 8.36 am
That is in the Immigration office for 3 minutes and did not even need a ticket!
A contradictory announcement to the one at the top of the page!!????????????????
You can have a bank account with Twise.
I had to set one up for my 82 year old friend here when his UK bank closed his account and he could not return to the UK to open another one.
It was the London branch where my transfers go through. Changed his pension funds to be paid in to it and he is notified by them when any money goes in.
They were very helpful and sorted pretty quickly.
Yes. And for everyone that gets across to the UK then a lump sum reduction of the 'fee' should be taken!!
They would end up owing us money then!!!????????????????????????????????
That is if you watch the main channel say F1 sky sports. But if you find all the channels you can watch it on then no problem. I have an American, South African, Australian channel to say but a few.????????????????