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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Release the hostages on both sides. I'm all for that.
  2. Can't see a 2 state ever working. One answer could be one state where everyone is equal. and has equal rights. Any land that has been taken. given back to the people who it rightly belongs to.
  3. Realy Nick. The IDF force said that 20% of the people killed in Gaza were Hamas. So the 80% were not. That's about 25k+. Mostly women and kids.
  4. I don't hear of many Hamas being captured or killed. Just women and kids dying.
  5. Can't eradicate Hamas. Millions of new sympathizers now world-wide. And to make matters worse for Israel, many are learning the history leading to this atrocity.
  6. Can't agree with this in its entirety. But much of it I concur with. Everything living has an energy. IMO, one of the major causes of sickness in an imbalance of body energy fields However, I do not underestimate the electrical aspects within. Having trained as a physiologist I somewhat understand the pathways of energy within the body, and how that energy is directed to the parts when it is needed. What makes a muscle move? Whether is it picking up a feather or lifting a bag of cement. Firstly the brain is in sinc with the task in hand. Then provided the nutrients are available for the chemical reactions to take place, the electrical system will then activate the required 'actin' and 'myosin' to do the task. And I also reject the virology theories. There is so much to learn about our bodies. To fully understand what it is all about we should turn to nature. It has all the answers we seek
  7. Nonsense. Jews are on par with Christians and the others. Simply different beliefs. An ethnicity?! All sorts of people are Jews. Just like any other religion.
  8. Jews are religious people. Are they not? Don't believe in God, then can't be Jewish.
  9. So the occupied can't attempt to break free from their prison? Antisemitism is a made up word.
  10. Israel is made up of mostly Europeans. Some Americans also there. Back in 1948 it was the Europeans rampaging through Palestine. Driving out the Semites. Still at it.
  11. Just a mumbo jumbo post. Saying the IDF is murdering Semites is not correct?
  12. Black Americans are of African decent. Most Israelis are of European decent. The people of Palestine are mostly Semites.
  13. Monumental nonsense. Seems to me that it's a bunch, of mostly Europeans, murdering Palestinian Semites.
  14. Well said Carl. I also don't like things on the joke thread. One in particular is the use of white text.
  15. Same here. But!!! We had to take a blood sample (Mother in Law) to Ban Dung Hospital on Monday morning. I stayed outside in the pick-up, while the Mrs went inside. She told me later that there were about 100 people in that department, and apart from herself, she only saw 4 not wearing a mask. Today, there was a medical lady in the village giving out papers (house to house) about cervical cancer testing. She had a mask on.
  16. Looks smart bro. Not sure what ours is. If mine finishes half as good I'll be a happy bunny. Sharp pics.
  17. I'll have all the rain a'going. Last year we didn't have any winds. Did the year before.
  18. Wow!!! Nothing even approaching that this side (north) of the Sakon Nakhon Road. The Mrs said there was a big storm in Nong Bua Lamphu Province. Lots of houses lost their roofs.
  19. Don't think you are that right there Andy. It's not LGTPMDHW+, it's LGWHUQPRPNE+. Don't want to upset anyone.
  20. Owl Log - Tuesday afternoon 14th May. A traumatic week. Some things good. Some not so. First the good. For now the palm solar system is finished. That's 97 trees getting plenty of water. Split the trees into two sections; a 'road' between. 57 on one side and 40 on the other. Me mucker Kun swinging his chog-chog. Robert taking care of security. The very corner tree on the smaller side. On the larger size there are three pipe-ways. What I will do, is merge two of them. Then the plan is to water half of both sides one day and what's left the next. Buried the 2 inch pipe under ground. Last job was to attach a valve so we can get clean water whenever the system is running. Then everything was packed onto the Mazza and we dropped the stuff at the farm. I've said to Kun. Keep yer eye on the watering, and I'll see you OK for coffee and smokes; and a 1000 baht bonus each month. That will save me going to the farm every day. The 'leaning tree' seems short of leaves at the mo'. Could it fall this year? Run a short pipe into the carp tank. Now, any time Mildred wants it topped up it's just a matter of turning a valve. After the big, and long, discussions on getting a new car, things have changed a little. Forget the car for now. The rave at the mo' is a leccy three-wheeler. Went to have a look at a few in Ban Dung. Settled for one priced at 19,900 baht. There was a little discount, and the price was settled at 18k. Put down a 4k deposit. Hopefully the balance will be sorted this week. Delivery on Thursday or Friday I reckon. Now where to put this monster? No idea yet. But the Mrs didn't get it all her way. Part of the deal, was that I could revamp the motor bike. Loaded it onto the Mazza and took it round to the repair man. Now the bike was last used 5 years ago, and I'm thinking about the wisdom of it all. We will see soon. I reckon 5/6k to get it running like new. Even if that's possible. The guy fixes stuff and his wife makes clothes. Had a delivery last week of a couple of fitting for the ISC outlets. Just as well I did ,as the fitting I'd put on started leaking. Easy enough to replace. There are two distinct threads. One a standard PVC and the other a more coarse thread that connects to the IBC. All sorted now. Mildred finally finished her painting. A real cracker. So intricate. She has called it 'Fairy Magic'. Took the pic and put it up on her art site. www.mildredart.com +++++ Biggest match of the year this evening. Spurs v City. Anything other than a City win will let the Gunners in for the title. Good contest for the last promotion place for the EPL. My dosh is on Saints. I did a strange thing last week. The mobile was suffering in the heat. It was continually coming up with; ''Device too hot. Try later.'' So to get over the problem I was putting the phone in the freezer for 10 minutes before I went out with it. Worked really well for a few weeks; all through the very hot spell. Then last Friday, I was gonna go out and put the phone in the freezer as usual. Then plans changed and we didn't go. Of course the next morning, I looked for the phone to upload a few pics and it was missing. It was a frozen block in the freezer. Haven't been able to use it since. And have written it off. Pics lost. Have ordered a new on on Lazada for 1000 baht. An OPPO. Might be here later today. Mildred back at school. The time has flown. It only seemed a week ago that we were talking about the 2 month holiday. Went to Ban Dung three times yesterday. Once early to get Mildred, and her mate Ajun, into school before 7 in the morning. Then an hour after I got back to take a blood sample (MinL) to the hospital. Then again when Mildred called to say to pick her up in Big C. School finished for the day. That Eurovision sing-a-song was some spectacle. I've only listened to two songs. That was enough. Been having a few leccy storms. Not much rain. Leccy has been going of a few times since Thursday. Only off for a couple of hours though. That's it folks. Only one thing left to say; bye ya'll.
  21. The Royal Society!! An old boys club, hopelessly out of date.
  22. Utter nonsense!
  23. Not a baiting thread. An educational one.
  24. English can be a little strange at times. When refrigerator is shortened to fridge, where does the 'd' come from? I blame the French.
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