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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Not good to add percentages together, unless they are from precisely the same model. Can get skewed results.
  2. Interesting topic. Right at the moment I'm writing a piece that could get to 50k+ words. And it has time conflicts within it. The story centres around a village, whose inhabitants live perfectly happy lives sometime in the past, but also in the present. They have only just discovered the wheel. But can do wonders with the elements round them. Might say they have skills that modern living has left behind; in the relentless pursuit of progress. The village is visited by different 'things'. One of these visitors is a 'robot' called Digger Dog. The robot is in the present but obviously far more advanced than the villagers. Eventually they leave their village, due to it becoming uninhabitable, in an 'air-ship'. Powered in a most unique way. Then the adventures begin. To add to the village challenges, two of the inhabitants speak in a strange lingo'; a very basic East London slang. It is not easily understood, and leads to problems within the village. Making for new story lines. There is going to be at least 50 sections (completed 33). But once they leave their village the stories go to infinity. Not in Thai at the mo. But if the daughter gets the urge, she could probably translate it in a month or so.
  3. Dove of peace is lost - helping hand required.
  4. There is one poster that I'm suspicious about. He/it only responds when a 'key' word or phrase it used. Such as in 'Climate change'. If the words are spelt Klimate change, and we know what that means, there will be nothing forthcoming. These 'intellibots' are only as good as their data bases.
  5. Was there not a Thai chat thing a few years ago. I think it was called 'sim-simmer'. As it grew in popularity, it also correspondingly grew the data base from which it tapped into. This AI stuff, is a bit of a fear red-herring.
  6. Owl Log - 06-11-2023 - Monday morning An interesting week (last week). Managed to get to Udon on Wednesday. Picked up me cheese from MAKRO, fed the big fish in the pond opposite VP superstore. Got an hour with me mate Rick. Spent 20 minutes snapping away at the Sum Sao Wat. More on that in a special Owl Log later. and also got me visa-extension for another 12 months. Should have been more patient. These huge fish take a while to gain confidence in feeding. Next time. Cows seem to have taken over from the buffs. They are everywhere. These two outside the village 7/11. Had a phone call from our fish man, to say he had the pinkies ready for us, when we visited the market on Saturday. It's called the number 4 market cause it's on the 4th of each month. By the time we usually get there it is tailing off. But at 8 in the morning it's buzzing. Some huge stalls. Mildred and her mum looking at the goodies. Mildred whispered that there was a lady selling chicks and baby ducks. We had a look. Got a yellow one and five tiddlers. Market shopping finished; it was straight to the farm. We had a few different creatures to release. Another terrapin joins the club. Went to the evening Ban Dung market of Friday. The crab lady was there and; another big terrapin was purchased. Let it go in number 7 pond. The two previous were released into number 3 pond. Then it was time to let the carp go into number 6. Wow's gang arrived to help us. They just love nature these lads, and were overjoyed to see the little fish and ducks set free. First, had to see if they could actually swim. Everything OK. Mildred put them into number 7 pond. They get out of the water too. Had a little accident with one of the little uns. The puppy from Bellas' wanted to play with one and was a tad rough. Buried it next to the big avocado tree. Enlisted the help of the lads to let the pinkies go into pond 3. First we put a couple in Mildred's plastic pool. Then tip them out of thee bag and into their new home. Spent ll afternoon at the farm. Went over to Bellas' to see the puppies. This is where the pup-duck incident occurred. The original plan was to keep them in the net for a while. But we soon realised that putting them into a pond was safer. Cows arrived while we were resting. And of course the cow-lady's new dogs came with her. Big ears. Back in the village, there was major tree cutting going on in our soi. The Big Mango Lady has a new money spinning venture. It's village life as usual Every morning at 7. At Mildred's school, they had a little ceremony when the new block was opened. Her year occupy one of the floors of this huge building, that took 5 years to build. Hope my donations helped. The sign says; "Only those wishing to learn, set foot in here." Been having battery problems all this year. Thought I'd top it up with water to see if it improved. Doing 5 cells was easy, but cell 4; a challenge. Could of course have taken the battery clamp off. But I found a way. Still don't wanna start. It's on it's last legs. Get a new one next year. Was picking up the rubbish in the soi, when this bike roared past, and a youngster - no more than 9 - went into Nang's corner shop. I waited for him to come out. Nearly missed the shot as he sped away. VID_20231102_071909.mp4 The snails are doing just great. I've tried them with different food. They seem to like 90gsm A4 paper. Go through a sheet every day as well as the cat food tin wrapper. Gave them some carrot. A bit slow to eat that though. Keep their water troughs topped up. That tree is irresistible. Just had to stop and take a pic. Have lots of cloud pics. Will do a Owl Log cloud special soon. And perhaps a snail special also. Very late posting this Owl Log. Started sorting through the 300 pics at 9 on Sunday morning. Thought I might have it all ready to post before mid-day. Was doing OK, until a guy came to the house wanting money. The Mrs turned to me for dosh (naturally). "I have no money teerak." She had to pay the guy. Then it started! Yak, yak yak. "You are no good farang." Etc, etc! Not in the right frame of mind for editing; so stopped. Started listening to some Maria Callas Arias to relax. An hour later Mildred said it was time for me to take her to see her friend Anjan, in the close-by village. I had clean forgot about it. So put the Mazza battery on charge, and 15 minutes later we were off. Dropped her off, but went to the farm for the next 4 hours or so. Just couldn't face the aggro back home. Picked daughter up at 3-45, and got back at 4ish. Spent the evening editing the pics and decided to post this morning. Great win away for Peacocks on Friday evening. Both City and United won. That will stop the moaning,, groaning United fans for a week or so. Villa come unstuck in Nottingham. Mini London derby went to Bees 3-2. Major London derby today. Spurs and Chelsea. Owls lose again. Couldn't build on last week's win. Bank O'Dee and Cove both win. Cray Valley Paper Mills (CVPM) get a draw at Charlton in the FA Cup Saturday. Over 100 places between them in the English footy rankings. The league that CVPM play in, the Isthmian League South East Division, I played in myself many moons ago. But in the Essex section. Let's hope they can win the replay. Sorry any Addicts fans reading. Mildred has asked my thoughts on her class camping out in the wood for two nights next month. Some sort of Scouts thing.I said 'no'. But she wants to do it. They must be stark raving; all of them. But on the upside; she has been asked to represent the school in an inter-school English venture. This is what that is all about. The contestants are shown a picture/photo/painting (not sure yet), and are asked to write about it. Must be at least 150 words, and they have 30 minuted to do it. Interesting! Beats camping any day. Wars still raging. Mr Blinken says to stop for while. We will see. Still keeping up my 'bathroom yoga'. Fasting finished. Started doing sprints, outside, along the soi. Don't were any flip-flops, so have to keep a look out for any sharp stuff. Poo and Oscar had a fight. Oscar came off the worse. Wound on his nose. Mildred cared for him last evening. He is very subdued at the mo. The visa-extension is done. Another thing not to worry about for 12 months. The lady IO that looked after my doc's at the IO office, was scrummie. Lovely smile. No more news about the leccy coming to the farm. Only two things left to say; sorry about yesterday and take care y'all. VID_20231104_112713~2.mp4 Mildred painted herself a birthday cake. www.mildredart.com
  7. Boris is a 'toft' masquerading as a fool. Unfortunately for many, a very dangerous one.
  8. From what I have read I'm pretty sure that they knew what was coming. However, in saying that, the intensity,speed and scale of the break-out caught them by surprise. Once the IDF did respond; it was panic stations.
  9. So you don't think that the Intelligence knew.
  10. Because you don't agree eh! Try debate instead of posting silly remarks.
  11. Mine took 7 weeks this year. My mate Rick got one done in less than 4 weeks; last month.
  12. Can't recall there being any agreement on the actual break-out.
  13. Could we then take the first of those points. The IDF's terribly slow response to the 'break out'? How could it happen? Supposedly the intelligence service security was so tight that even a cat getting close to a wall would set off a alarm. And that para-gliding?! Did they not practice beforehand? Unnoticed! Did the Egyptians not whisper that something was afoot? Why the 5/6 hour delay. Did someone have a word? Lets get to it Sir.
  14. Backwards and forwards. To and fro. Why not just answer the guy?
  15. I have 'style'. Always thought I did. Thanks Morch mate.
  16. There are a few things that I'm baffled by. One is why the IDF were seemingly asleep at the wheel, and then it took hours to respond to the break-out. Some say it was Israel's over-reliance on AI. Some say it is because the PM needed deflection. Some say it is part of the big plan to get all Muslims out of Israel. Some say it is because of the huge gas reserves in the area. Some say it's because the US gave them the wink and nod. So Morch; you are right. I don't know what's behind it all. But I'm reading the posts and trying to get a grasp on things.
  17. Mistakes!! Thought everything was going to the big plan. How wrong can one be!
  18. This religious group don't like their sacred religion being hi-jacked by Zionists. Big march by the orthodoxies in London last Saturday.
  19. Nothing to do with this thread Nick lad. Talking generally across the western world. Is not criticism of Israel termed antisemitic, in some charter or other? Think the UK Labour party adopted it.
  20. I agree. I've seen footage of Jewish orthodox guys being severely manhandled by security (don't really know who they represent) in Israel. Not so much reported in the west (wonder why), but Jews and Jewish groups all over are saying 'stop the conflict'. Back to that nonsense term; antisemitism'. It is so all-encompassing as to be ridiculous. But the word has, and is, used to shut people up. To terminate any debate.
  21. I don't like this term antisemitic. I don't understand it, and would never use it myself.
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