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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I'm not so well-versed about religions. But I think there should be certain pointers to being a good person.
  2. I've been thinking about religion a lot lately. Don't know how many there are in the world. Maybe a dozen or so. Then there are the side religions; break-offs from the main one; like Christianity breaking away from Catholicism. Or Islam coming from Judaism. I suggest a new religion; based on Nature. It could have bits and pieces from other religions put in, but essentially my religion would be simple. Five rules::: 1 - Respect and care for nature. 2 - Do not unnecessarily harm living things. 3 - At all times attempt to leave the earth unadulterated for the next generation. 4 - Do no harm to fellow humans. 5 - Treat others as you would like to be treated.
  3. Then you are not doing it proper. I learned a long time ago, that to get what you want in Thailand, with the ladies, requires a bit of craftyness. Firstly there is the money angle. Always have a 20 baht note tucked into your shirt pocket. It should be showing about an inch. 100 baht note if you can afford it. But the colour green attracts the female eye. That's nature at work. They will focus their attention on the note, and give in to your requests. Secondly and perhaps even more important. When you talk; look into her eyes. When she talks; look at her mouth. Only resort to the finger pointing, stamping, shouting and thumping the table, if the above doesn't work. And as a last resort; threaten that you will report them to the police.
  4. In the last quarter of 2019 Moderna had nothing. and looked like going under. Someone had a word and within 6 months their shares has gone up 20 fold.
  5. Let's hope the case is taken up by the MSM. The more light that can be shed on this disgraceful company the better.
  6. These officers are stuck with their Thai hubbies. They are simply jealous. My advice to anyone in these situations is to point a few fingers, shout a few obscenities, do some stamping and bang the table a few times. They will soon buck-up and do their jobs proper.
  7. The wife's sister Pook had two ponds dug on her land; for free. I think she was even given fingerlings to stock with. I have eight ponds and I paid for them all. If there is a decent stone strata, they will be most enthusiastic. But the water level will then be dependent on the water table, and that can be somewhat volatile. Our pond 8 is like that.
  8. Only 3 bags of rice Rick? Not good that. We finished harvesting last evening. For 1..6 rai we got 23 bags. Better than your haul, but still not worth the bother. By the time we paid out everything, we would be better just leaving the field and buying rice as we need it. I think the ponds, with a guaranteed water source, is the way to go. I designed an automatic fish feeder a few years back*. A couple of those on the ponds would cut commercial feed costs by half. * Anyone interested in the feeder; I'll do a special post explaining all; with pics. Also a filter that I have built and works good. For well under 1000 baht.
  9. Yes HP. It has cooled a bit. Not cool enough for the little early-morning fires though. Was at the farm til 7 last evening. Rice and all that. Mostly done now.
  10. Was I right? Or! Was I right? Just as I predicted; curvy and straight. First two numbers in the last lottery:::: Wait for it!!! 55 Easy money.
  11. Thanks MD. I've been following the Sum Sao Wat for a few years now. I'll dig out some of the old pics and post pictorial progress. The Wat is not yet finished. Early next year I reckon. And the lake next door looks interesting.
  12. owl sees all

    Isaan Woman

    Pistols at dawn for you two.
  13. i don't agree with all Thorgal posts. I don't agree with all yours. But both of you have a credible opinion in this terrible conflict. I support the right of both of you to express your views without ridicule. As for me not being liked. I'm as sad as a cooked snail about to be popped into a Bar girl's mouth.
  14. This is out of order BM. Because you do not agree with the poster you ridicule him. Do get a life.
  15. Well I don't want any more. Would be unlucky 13 for me. And I'd be kicked off. I'm seriously thinking of removing you from my Xmas well-wishing list Brian.
  16. Can't agree with you there Mr Morch. Sounds as though you are trying to tarnish my posting reputation. If you are then I'll take you off my Xmas ecard list.
  17. Have you indeed E. Can't recall any of my posts that you suggest had ';misinformation or conspiracy theorist' info. Perhaps there was one. When I stated that in my opinion 'no one has been to the moon.' But that was a legitimate claim for the thread it was posted on.
  18. I got a suspension for agreeing with a mod on the footy forum. On the Spurs thread, and I put a sad mojo in the post. Think that brought me up to 12 suspensions. Most of those were total nonsense. Been on egg-shells ever since.
  19. We are all gonna be rich.Thanks for that S. I'll be going to Ban Dung this afternoon. And I'll be after that special number that will make me 6 million baht wealthier. So we are talking maths are we S? Well I like the Owl sequence, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,,,etc. I could go on. Interestingly, infinity can never be established. Why? Cause infinity plus one is more/bigger. While we are talking mathematics. A little teaser. How can a circle's area be accurately established using 4 sticks of bamboo and a pot of rice? Commonly known as the Thai farmer, or Lao Khao method. But!!!! Wait for it;;; without using Pi in any way. Answers oo a postcard please. The first correct answer out the bag, will win a somtam dinner with Nok from the next village.
  20. Very nice words CE. Thanks for visiting. Only know two things about Chicago. Al Capone and the wind.
  21. Some delete posts because they don't agree with them. That should be unacceptable. There are a couple of mods that need a talking to about this. Many very interesting topics have been killed stone dead once a mod, with a grudge, gets involved. One or two mods have ruined some footy threads.
  22. Owl Log - Sum Sao Wat special - 14-11-2023 - Tuesday morning Called in at the Sum Sao Wat on my way to Udon. Pulled into the East car park. Looking North; Wat to the left and lake to the right. Not so much happening at the lake. Not yet started painting the buddha overlooking the water. But placed stones.on the lake bank. Looking west through the undergrowth. Made my way in a big loop. Snapping as I went. Went underneath to take a butchers. I'm flabbergasted!! A great big building like this and there is only 6 foot headroom. Came out before I did myself a mischief. Up the steps, and the first buddha to be seen was a cracker. Shame they run out of gold, but absolutely stunning all the same! The upstairs is the size of about two tennis courts. Still making the decorations. Looking west. On to the upper rear. Stunning sculptures. Back shot of first buddha. Paint up the columns and tile the floor; next jobs. Then put in permanent steps. Made my way out. I was interested also in the way the roof was constructed. Took some pics looking East once outside. And back to where I started. Hand in the West car park not yet finished. Never saw one person on me jaunt. A cracking way to spend 30 minutes. Then it was off to Udon. Only one thing left to say; seez ya all Sunday.
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