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owl sees all

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Posts posted by owl sees all

  1. The oldest 'recorded' joke happened during Adam and Eve's tenure.


    Adam has been shagging Eve every day but, then sudden;y Eve said "Not today Adam". And Adam replied; "what about that other hole?" Eve said "---- off." Then Adam said "what about that other hole?" Eve said "---- off" again.


    And Adam said OK Eve I 'must obey one'.


  2. 1 hour ago, oldhippy said:

    What does his choice of whichever religious sect have to do with this?

    Unless you mean religious people can never be trusted.

    If he gets it wrong or lies, he has simply to confess to the priest, and all is well. Ready to go again with a clear conscience.

    • Like 2
  3. Owl Log 25-11-2019


    Can't find out what happened to two of the card-playing ladies. Not from our village so will find out later. The three from our village have been released. Two were not Thais; the SinL being Burmese and the other a Lao.


    Too much bother for the lads to sort out. So just a 200 baht fine and a warning not to play cards again. The third, a much younger lady, and quite a looker evidently. Been in card trouble before but gets out the police nic quite easily. I couldn't possibly speculate why.




    A couple of Mildred's mates are moving to Khon Kaen on Tuesday, so we might not see them again. They had a good time in the pond on Sunday though, crabbing and generally splashing about.




    Who is that sitting down watching the mekongs in the next pond?






    Don't go near that tree children.




    Checked on my EM store. Haven't used any for a while but it looks great.




    Just peel back the scum to reveal the lovely mix. Plants love it. Great aroma too.






    There is a rumour that an elephant show is doing the rounds; the first one for over 10 years.  Be nice for the children.



    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Old Croc said:

    I'm another unsure about the styling, but the specifications are incredible!

    A pickup that does 0-100 in about 3 seconds and a 10 second quarter mile!

    Perhaps not fully appreciated by Europeans, but without a whopping big V8 up front, the approach (and departure) angles are incredible.

    Self driving, trailer docking, etc. for 40,000 usd.





    Great post.


    Can't wait to get one.

  5. 9 hours ago, Sterling said:

    Owl, thanks for another good update. Question: Is playing cards technically illegal there? Every party I've ever been to with Thais usually ends up with some of them playing tonk (tong/tongits?) or something with a small pot of coins.

    Thanks for that Streling


    I don't know the answer to that one. In Thailand card-playing is synonymous with gambling it seems; at least from the authorities that is. Which is no surprise, as there could be money to be made, so it is very open-ended.


    Gambling is not illegal in Thailand as the Lottery and horse race betting will confirm. Just certain variations of gambling are frowned upon.


    There was a case some years ago in Thailand, where a 70 year old Dutch lady was arrested, and taken to court for playing bridge'. Don't know what happened to the other players; maybe she was the only one that didn't pay the on-the-spot fine, or had the audacity to ask for a 'fine' receipt.


    In the village next to us, there was a game going and one of the players got a phone call. She had to leave immediately and return home. Ten minutes later they were raided by the police. All taken away in the wagon. The lady that had to return home was a police man's wife. Still talked about after 15 years or so.


    As for the ladies in our village; there have been interesting development, very interesting. Have to wait for the next Owl Log for that though.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, gunderhill said:

    Great thanks, I  have 5-6 metres  in places and  shallower  parts  at about 1.8m so  hopefully  one  day  Ill see them.

    5 metres! Wow! I have only 3 at best at any time of the year.


    I'm sure you will see them; one day. Have to feed them with a floating pellet. They will soon realise it's food.

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