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owl sees all

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Posts posted by owl sees all

  1. 25 minutes ago, halloween said:

    A fine example of deluded thinking, or do you believe her primary concern was the welfare of her supporters. Security forces are allowed to be armed, it's the propensity of her supporters to show up armed and to be violent when disappointed that causes them to be there.

    I am reporting on what was said at the village last night. I don't know the reasons for her no-show; but I have my hunches like everyone else.


    I think Ch-o-ch let the cat out of the bag when he said there were no reports of her leaving thailand and then said "we are looking for her".


    As far as I know the villagers that went to BKK were not armed. I know one of them and he is just a regular guy (farmer).

  2. 11 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    Britain will never, ever give Yingluck political asylum. Britain has too many invested business interests with the Thais and they aren't going to rock the boat.

    I don't think the Military <deleted> is going to recover from this. The US and UK will get involved and the Military will have to step down/aside.


    The Thai Military are nothing! A new set of Generals under US guidance will change everything.


    The US needs a Thailand it can trust. It has big challenges ahead.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    I'd give more credence to your comment if even one of Thailand's 6000 generals had even seen action. Lobbing mortar shells at Cambodian peasants on behalf of your financial benefactors in the Yellow Shirts over a temple that was never Thai doesn't count. 


    You could put forward the case that the Army is a pyramid scheme for the boys and once you pay in you get to reap the rewards all the way to the top (if you have the money and connections to make it that far).

    Over 50% of judges are from a military background. Don't know what rank one has to be but, I guess Generals go into higher courts than Colonels.


    Nice work, if you can get it; over 100k Bhat pension and 100k judge wage a month. Makes the fee money well worth it in the long term. Plus there might be the chance to sentence some mushroom picker or fb visitors.

  4. 12 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    The problem with democratic elections in Thailand is that they are only the first of many steps for the country to become democratic to western standards.


    Unfortunately for Thailand no government that I know of has advanced to step #2 and I have been around Thailand for 23 years.

    I agree. A couple of elections are not sufficient for Thailand to be called a 'demorcracy'. Along with demorcratic government comes responsibility. There needs to be a move on reform and corruption. Otherwise what's the point?

  5. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The worst of it all is the loss of face to the whole Shin clan, from now

    on they will be forever known as the run away Shins, not a bone of

    courage and dignity to face the music among them...

    and if any of the Shin's  siblings had any political asperations, well, that's

    all gone to the toilet now...

    I cannot agree with this assessment.


    They might be forever known as 'run away Shins' by some people on TVF or by the military <deleted> or the yellows or elites, but the Shins are loved and respected by the vast majority of Thai people.


    I would suggest that the Thai people are significantly more important than TVFPosters, the jaunta, yellows and elites.


    The power is with the people; their time will come.

  6. 1 minute ago, jellydog said:

    Blocking them is the answer and sticking to it. You won't miss them. Their only reason for posting is to get reactions. Don't encourage them.:thumbsup:

    Can't agree JD. Some stimulating footy debate will surely bring them 'round. We have to help these wayward posters.


    Let's start by forecasting the game tonight. I'll stick my neck out with a 1-1 result. Why am I not going for a Superspurs win? Well I might in 3 months time but these are early days at the new home.

  7. <deleted> was going to upgrade its judical system and a committee was formed. The Chairman speaks; "To start with; let's look at court procedure." "Get reports of all major UK court cases for the last 10 years. We might be able to learn so much from the English."


    "Ok Mr Chairman we are on the job."


    Three months later the committee has reconvened. The report has been finalised and the the Secretary stands up and reads. "The summary is as follows Mr Chairman:


    1 Each case needs 12 good people for a jury.
    2 A clerk is needed to advise the judge.
    3 And a person, that at regular intervals, runs around the court grabbing ladies breasts."


    The chairman listens. "What is this number 3?" He asks. "This is a joke surely Mr Secretary." 


    "No joke Mr Chairman. One of these people is needed virtually every court case." The Chairman is not convinced. "Show me in the reports where this has occured."


    Newspaper cuttings are placed in front of the Chairman. The  
    secretary points to the appopriate words. "Read the words for me Mr Secretary." The Secretary points and quotes; "at this point a titter ran 'round the court." 

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, owl sees all said:

    Get 7 litres of low khow.

    Buy half litre of concentrated fruit juice (CFJ) I like raspberry.

    Pour the CFJ into the low khow (not the other way 'round)

    Shake well; but not that well that some is spilled.

    Start the music and let the girls in.


    Another recipe is similar but takes longer to prepare. 

    Get half kilo of ginger. 

    Peel and then grate the ginger.

    Put in a pan with a little water.

    Bring to the boil and simmer for 3.5 minutes.

    Turn off the heat and let it cool.

    Strain it.

    Mix it into the Low Khow (the juice not the residue).

    Start the music and let the girls in.


    Total cost for 7.5 litres; 380 Bhat

    This was post 88 I think might have been 78 or even......never mind. It's above now anyway!


    Actually I'm making some right now and tasting it as I go.


    I have shared my wine-making bizzo skills with the local lads and lasses but they prefer me to do the bizzo every Saturday night. They tell me it's because my hooch is the bizzo. But I think it's  'cause if I make it I buy the ingredients.


    Tastes really good tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ready for decanting and chillin'.

    1 hour ago, zyphodb said:

    And as I'm sure you know just as illegal as what I did, can't have home brewers challenging the Thai alcohol monopoly....:burp:


  9. 12 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Only if they get together and all the bars on the street raise them in solidarity.  (Or in collusion, depending on how you view that kind of thing).

    If I run a bar I'd have a free hour first thing every night. After that hour was thru I'd open up the single malts and the low khow wines. Make a fortune!!

  10. 14 minutes ago, topt said:

    Screw tops supposedly better at keeping the wine "fresher" - or less chance of an off bottle.

    Many, many wines even at higher price points come with screw tops and have done for quite a few years now.


    I also read that the best way to keep wine was in a bag that collasped as it was emptied. To stop any air from getting in after it was opened.


    When I was Laos a few years back I found just what I was looking for; the collaspable bag wine. Only a quarter of a million Kip for 5 litres. Could not go wrong with this I was thinking


    I bought one and took it to my hotel room. It was <snip> putrid!!!!!

  11. 7 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

    Your saying that on the right thread, should re-name it the moaners thread :biggrin:

    Given that the refs and their assistants are fair. I reckon we should accept poor decisions when they go in our favour and moan about those that go against us. And if all the clubs did that it would all even itself out over a season.


    As for a new thread; I tried that and it only got five posts; and 4 were from me.

  12. 1 hour ago, Thian said:

    If you want something of a high quality in Thailand you'll have to make it yourself.

    Never a truer word Thain. This is how we do it in our village.


    Buy a 7 litre keg of Low khow.

    Buy half litre of concentrated fruit juice (CFJ) I like raspberry.

    Pour the CFJ into the Low Khow (not the other way 'round)

    Shake well; but not that well that some is spilled.

    Start the music and let the girls in.


    Another recipe is similar but takes longer to prepare. 

    Get half kilo of ginger. 

    Peel and then grate the ginger.

    Put in a pan with a little water.

    Bring to the boil and simmer for 3.5 minutes.

    Turn off the heat and let it cool.

    Strain it.

    Mix it into the Low Khow.

    Start the music and let the girls in.


    Total cost for 7.5 litres; 380 Bhat



    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. I'm married to a muslim girl. She is soooo fashion conscious.


    The other night I was watching the footy on TV and she came into the room. "Owl dear; please look at my dress and tell me if it's OK to wear tonight when we go out." I wasn't really paying attention but gave a quick glance. "Looks OK to me darling." "You can't see the bomb under it?!" She asked.


    I took more interest. "Fatima; if you are thinking of blowing us all up in the Frog and Gun tonight then I'm not going with you." This seemed to get her goat. "OK.... I'll not wear it. You think I'd waste all this explosive just on your useless mates?!"


  14. 10 minutes ago, carmine said:

    Last season i remember Arsenal winning a couple of games, i believe against Burnley with two goals that were blatant handballs.....ofcourse Wenger didn't see this!

    I m glad you mentioned Arsene (did not see the incident) Wenger. A few years back they had one of the most blatant cheats in the history of the universe with Edwardo. He took diving and play-acting to a new level. Arsene DNSTI Wenger never saw any of his antics; ever!! They soon got shot of him though.

  15. 10 minutes ago, darren84310 said:

    Do you seriously think that this wasn't all planned?..... Yingluck allowed to escape to avoid putting her in jail and causing political demonstrations and possible civil war. Her mates given huge sentences which nobody (especially Yingluck will care about).

    To be honest the answer to the post is that I don't know. It's possible that she was given either the opportunity or the ultimation to flee.


    Reports are scratchy at the mo'. In one I read that she left in her own private jet (thought I thought it had been seized). Another said she just walked through customs.


    I am, like many, just guessing at the present. Makes for great posting though.

  16. 9 minutes ago, carmine said:

    Very true but in certain cases its just awful, the CL tie between Bayern and Real Madrid springs to mind.  I counted atleast nine blatantly dreadful decisions, coincidentally all favoring Madrid.  The officials in the City game just had a shocker.

    True enough but the world (or officials) are not out to treat us unfairly. The only two TVF football threads I have ever been on are City and Spurs so I could be wrong on this; but I reckon the supporters of other clubs have the same moans and groans about unfiar and unjust decisions.

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