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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Recently bought a fan from a dealer on Lazada. Including delivery and tip to delivery man; 600 baht. Exactly the same one in BIC C; 899 baht. But they did have a bigger range of colours.
  2. I think the Mamasan has a point Bob. What is all this equality about? Men go to war and ladies tend to the wounded. Ladies cook the grub; guys change the pick-up engine oil. Girls play with Barbie; boys play with trains. A while back, it was the man who whacked the lady over the head, and dragged her to the cave. Let's enjoy the ladies for what they are. And if we can find a nice, honest, truthful one; then we have hit a so-called jack-pot. Well, at least 'til the dosh runs out.
  3. Dear me! '''SIMPLEST concepts?"' It all seems so convoluted to me. And yet it is so simple. If a human can give birth; she is a woman. Can't argue with that. But!! I do accept that a human can be a man, and a woman, at the same time. There is a special name for these people. These are not the people we are talking about though.
  4. Just watched a short vid on YT. In the discussion a guy asked a trans "Can only women give birth?" The answer was "No." When asked to explain, she/he said that a woman who trans to a man can have a baby. "He is not a man then, but a woman." Came the reply. "No!" she/he replied "You are wrong, he is a man." Can't argue with that!
  5. Indeed! What is progress? Great inventions down the years give us progress; or do they? Clubs. Spears. The wheel. Ability to create fire. Bow and arrow/crossbow. Glass. Sewerage systems. Water and leccy infrastructure (reservoirs and power stations). The hand gun. Motor car. Aircraft. Submarines. Atom bomb. Television. Computers Mobile phones. Lots of others. They possibly make our lives more convenient, but do they make us happier? We appear to have cast aside nature for a superior life. The ability to live as our ancestors did has been lost. My mate once said the worst thing ever in progress, was the day starting handles were no longer necessary on cars. We all laughed at that, but some of these leccy car owners keep a small generator in the back (or front), just in case. We are at the mercy of progress.
  6. Let the water run down to BKK. It's doomed anyway. Will be uninhabitable in just a few decades. And if Miss Greta is correct; maybe by 2040. I recall the big flood during Yinluck's reign. One of the reasons used to out her. The only hope for BKK is a causeway from Pattaya to Hua Hin. Drain it - of cause making sure those Chinese subs are not in that part - and when the sea rises, BKK will be safe.
  7. Thanks DJ! Gradually putting her work on the wall. Have mounted 15 paintings so far, but have run out of board for the present. Three more not in the pic. Don't like these ones. The way they are mounted; not the art. Pic taken just now at 19-30. Dingy, so not good quality. Plenty of rain in South Korea. Serious flooding. I knew an Indian lady at Uni, who told me in her part of India (before moving to England), every house in the village had a small boat, or a raft, tied up at the back of the house.. The rafts were bamboo platforms with 20 litre plastic drums underneath. Flooded that often in their parts. Not that the houses got swamped as they were built a couple of metre up on posts. But the water would hang about for days and the crafts got them about.
  8. Owl Log - 16-07-2023 - Sunday afternoon Another week of reflection. What will happen to the Squanderosa? The longer it takes me to make a decision, the worse it will be. But life has to go on and the rice planting got underway on Wednesday. Firstly the tractor put the discs on and plowed away. Next job was to flood the paddies to get the tractor back in with the rotivator attached. Got a couple of the pumps out of the water-tank store. Couldn't get the 3 incher to go. Tried the smaller one. Success! Second pull. That's after a year in the store. But using the smaller one, it was gonna take an eternity. So it was decided to get the big one fixed. BeeApp took the pump to the shop, and half hour later it was good to go. Just 100 baht. He pumped overnight so no pics from me on this stage. Pond went down about half metre. Then the tractor got involved early and the ladies started their planting. All done by 4 in the afternoon. If we don't get rain there will be another pumping. From pond two next time. See how we go in about 10 days time. While we were sorting out the pumps, BeeApp spotted our old chain-saw. I hadn't used it for a few years. Gave it to him. All told it cost 5,500 baht to plant the rice. That includes the tractor, the ladies, the rice, fuel and 500 baht extra I gave to the main man BeeApp. Might have to pump more water. Who knows what the rain-gods have in store for us? At harvest, I expect another out lay of 3/4k, so about 9/10 k all in. Now, will we ever get the money back? Need 40 sacks to break even. No problem?!?! Isaan optimism! Pond 5 is best part covered with lilies. Only a few pla nin in there to enjoy the plants. Not yet been able to get the pink/white pla dook. Mildred is off school on Thursday, and that is market day at Phibun Rak. A small town about 17k from us. They have a fish stall. Get about 50 or so; if we can! I was mooching about in the second bedroom; that is mostly full of Nan's old stuff and junk/toot. I found some old paintings from way back. I think they must have been done in late 2019. Daughter Melsy was visiting at that time, and if I can recall, she wanted to take a couple of her smaller paintings back to England. Mildred got together a selection. Must have forgot these three. I think the sky pic is just great. Moon not the shape that we know. Mildred would have been 9/10 years old then. Put some rice in the pick-up. A bit of a calamity. I saw the hole, but didn't notice the hold had come off. Mrs Owl not best pleased. Came back from the farm in the week to find a very busy soi. The kids like it because it is trash free. Finally got round to fixing the busted seetee. Had a job getting the springs back in place. But a bit of rope and string sorted it. Then it was time to sew up. One side done. Reminded me of my time in Special Fores in West Africa. Had to sew up wounds using cactus spikes and camel hair. All done. A fine bit of craftsmanship. Mildred gave it a test when she came home from school. Everything good so far. The Mrs had a little moan. Said I should have used black twine. If I can be bothered, I'll get out a black marker pen. I'd better be bothered if I want me cuppa Rosie. Get Mildred to do it for me. Declan Rice has finally gone to Arsenal. 105 million squids. Did The Irons need the dosh? Or did Rice fancy going to a bigger club? Traitor comes to mind. And as for WHU. Boo!! Footy starts up in three weeks. The Championship looks very exciting to me. Is there a another Luton Town ready to move on up? And speaking of Luton. At least their first home match has been postponed. Think they could be playing their first five games away. Novak later today at Wimbledon. I'm rooting for him. Only two days for Mildred at school this week. A revising week for her. And she is revising;; allegedly!!!! Some rain last night. Not nearly enough. but still welcome. Fallon Sherrock got a nine-darter in a match last month. Not well publicised. Should have been up there with women's great sporting achievements IMO. And while we are talking women. A Thai lady scored a 147. And it was filmed. These are the things that should be celebrated; not the winner of some Dutch beauty contest Cricket starts up again on Thursday. And the swimming on the 23rd of this month. Still keeping with my diet. And the bathroom yoga is starting to yield results. The US sending cluster bombs o Ukraine. When I was in Laos a few years back, a guy told me that some are still exploding occasionally. About 50 years after they were dropped. Not good that. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. And take care out there.
  9. Thanks for that CL. If I feel more peaceful during the next few years, I'll change it to something more upbeat. Now I know how to do it.
  10. I don't even know if she was a Peacock supporter. Never asked her. For some reason or t'other I had more pressing things on my mind when i was with her. Straight back; like Burnley. Just three weeks before the off. Gonna be some big crowds in the championship next season.
  11. Can't cram too much tech into my brain for the mo' Every time you post on the thread Andy, I'm reminded of that lass from Leeds. Maybe that's where I went wrong!
  12. Got it. Thanks HP. A bitter and twisted - but still alive (at the mo') - Owl has arrived.
  13. Thanks HP. Step me thought it, if you would. How can I access 'signature'?
  14. Don't think arsenic is in the frame at the mo. But you never know! I am trying to change the little saying at the bottom of each post. At the mo' mine reads: '''If you can keep your head,,,,etc.''' Anyone know how to go about it? I have managed to change my little pic', but cannot fathom out the quip. .
  15. I think the people are being fooled. The term 'woman', is now under scrutiny. Everyone knows what a woman is. An adult female. But the trannie crowd want to add cis, so as to be ciswomen. All this nonsense is trying to normalise the idea that a man can become a woman, simply by saying so. Some even go to great lenghts by having bits of their body removed and stuff added. Oh yes; a wig, make-up and high heels to convince even more. And what's it all for. To make dumb people even dumber? But, far more seriously, to normalise the idea to kids that they can be what ever they want.
  16. 'Real women'. I'll settle for women. I know they are dinosaurs,,, but at least they can give birth. The Miss Universe is now in the hands of a trannie. All the countries (all private concerns it seems) that want to be in the grand finale have probably been told to include men in the contestant line up. Now how will 'Miss World' react? If it's still going that is.
  17. I am informed that the height requirement for the Thai military is 1-5 metres. He was only 1-47 in his prime. Don't think the system is all that fair.
  18. My opinion. Based on growing any number of crops. Where is the land? Is there decent access, any leccy, what was the land used for in the past ten years, and importantly; is there a reliable water source you can easily tap into? If you don't mind waiting for a few years for your return, there are a few options available to you. But all require planning and some sort of ground management, while you wait for the dosh to roll in. We have a 70 rai spread in Isaan. It is called the 'Squanarosa'. Some hard lessons learned during the past 16 years I can tell you. But if there is interest, I will tell you what to do to make some dosh. But above all else and most important; who is gonna be in control of the land?
  19. A quote from the BBC.. ''As Miss Netherlands, Rikkie is now entered into December's Miss Universe competition - which was bought by trans businesswoman Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip last year.'' He (or she) that pays the piper,,,, etc.
  20. You are not wrong there. I don't want to see men in women's spaces. Marks and Sparks, David LLoyd and a national cut-price clothes outlet in the UK, have all got problems for letting men change in women's changing rooms. Court cases soon. I don't mind/care what a man wants to call himself. Or a woman for that matter. Just keep these types away from kids and women's domains. I'm waiting for the 'Transhuman' era to arrive.
  21. I've been up since 5-45. It's now 10-30. Not had a cup of Rosie yet.
  22. I don't care what '''they''' considered her as. They are nuts; or compromised. They let a man enter a competition for ladies. He is a bloke. Nothing can alter that. '''Cisgender'''. Dear me!
  23. Reading between the lines are we? Think you are on the money there PW.
  24. Thanks for that bro'. Definitely don't want a 'yak yak' driving in Ban Dung. At least back in the village I can drift off to the farm and relax.
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