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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. Things have changed all right. Is someone making a killing on the back of C-19? Wouldn't surprise me. Seems that a lot of big companies are doing OK; while smaller ones have gone to the wall. Is that giant water holder still OK HP?
  2. Looked a the long forecast yesterday. No rain until at least next month. Next month (May) is the official (according to records) start of the wet season. We'll keep em crossed. Ditto Rick having a great holiday. .
  3. Jeez! What a saga! Seven years ago I had a return to the UK for 227 squids. Who would have thought things could change so quickly! Something's amiss with these air fairs. Some interesting explanations on the www. I m keeping my eye on the ponds. They are OK until the end of the month. Then - if no substantial rain - it will be decision time. What ponds to sacrifice to save just one or two. Have a good trip Rick. See anything interesting in the UK; take a pic or two.
  4. Got that wrong RA. First time this season. Next season awaits.
  5. owl sees all

    Isaan Woman

    Been following the saga closely. Very sad. Hope it's a warning for other 'too' trusting souls.
  6. Oil paints arrived today. Be interesting to see how she gets on with them on canvas.
  7. Looks like a great time was had by all. Hope the water didn't get into the solar panel electrics. Good luck tonight Andy.
  8. The seagulls are a class act. And they also had a point to prove with that treacherous Potter. I'm sure they will get it right for the week clash with RM.
  9. owl sees all

    Isaan Woman

    Give me a woman who likes cats rather than a flash car.
  10. Make you right there bro. Expectations! Yes! Mine are so simple. I want a happy, healthy life. And in with that comes seeing that Mildred gets a great start in life, the cats are fed and the dogs get their exercise. I also have to take care of the farm; and household stuff like the pick-up and washing machine. The wife's are more complex that's for sure. I think half the problem is that she feels she has to live up to other's expectations. Little whispers in her ear. "Why does the wife of the richest man in the village, live in such a small house?" Or; "your pick-up is so noisy." Here lies the problem perhaps. I've one pair of flip-flops (any shoes) and if I see a pair I like, I might buy them, but I can't be bothered to go looking for a new pair. The wife seems to focus in on stuff that she don't need and - TBH - are unnecessary. I ask you; how many pairs of shoes can you wear at the same time? On the upside. Mildred is doing just great, and I've not had salt accidentally spilt in me morning Cup of Rosy for ages.
  11. Owl Log 16-04-2023 - Sunday afternoon. Another week dominated by the weather. Fires all over. Including one that closed the 2022 into Ban Dung. Fortunately no wind to speak of. One of the local oil-palm farms was hit bad. Me and Mildred had a good look at the devastation. This particular fire done an area of about 100 football pitches. Found a pond we didn't know about. Strange shape. Anything falling down there will never get out. Chai's charcoal venture has finished. Be interesting to see the charcoal come out. Perhaps today when we go to farm. Mildred was doing her art stuff, and she noticed Oscar watching her. The 'eyes' have it. Mildred's last two pieces. She has also taken to writing stories. All in Thai, on one of her wwws. She tells me she has over 2000 likes. Should try to get a link to her www site (www.mildredart.com). I'll work on it. Think this girl is firing water. Well; it was Songkran. I've sent away for a set of oil paints for her. She fancies her chances with oil and canvas. Up to mow it's been acrylic and artist paper. A new direction for her. We will see. Also due this week is a whole Edam cheese.. Two water fans - one for us, and one for the MinL - and some packs of cranberries. Picked up the washing machine last week. Not charged as much as I thought I would be; 400 baht. It was OK for two washes;;; then!! Will take it back tomorrow (Monday), for another fix. This time the water will not drain out. Last time it wouldn't stop running out. It's an LG (Life's Good). Had it about 14/15 years. Went out the back to clear up, and saw that the outlet pipe had disintegrated. So I'll need to replace that tomorrow when Ban Dung calls. But there is also the twin-tub. Never been fired up. But my first girlfriend said never trust twin-tubs, so let's get the LG sorted. I would free up some space though. Are the Chinese taking over? On second looks, it could be Sth Korean. B!oody horrid anyway! Even the dogs don't like em. Would you Adam and Eve it? The silver tape holding the lights in place on the pick-up had deteriorated. Had to replace the tape. Much better. Did both sides. The motor-cycle riders tearing around the village are getting younger and younger. Rain yesterday for 30 minutes or so. Nothing much. But it's a start. Footy round-up. Orient need just one more win (from 5 games) to ensure promotion. Looks like Man City are in the Ch Lg semis after 3-0 win against German Champs. Out of kilter Chelsea, have it all to do when the host Real Madrid in the return. And they lose at home yesterday, as do Saints, Everton and Spurs. Owls slip up again. Ipswich relentless. Banks O'Dee put 9 past Thistle. World focus. POTUS Biden returns to his Emerald Isle Roots. ------------ Big power struggle in Sudan. ------------ A 21 year old security captain is arrested for putting the US Top Secret Documents on the internet. ------------ Atiq Ahmed - former Indian politician - was under police escort when he was shot dead in Prayagraj (Allahabad). Ahmed's teenage son was shot dead by police days earlier. ------------ French President Emmanuel Macron signed the controversial reforms into law in the early hours of Saturday morning, after France's Top Court cleared the pathway.. ------------ Kenya puts observation satellite into outer space. ------------ A Kenyan preacher, whose followers starved themselves to death, following his religious teachings has been arrested. ------------ Montana in US, has voted in favour of banning TikTok on all personal devices. ------------ Man in Fulton County Jail in Atlanta is eaten to death by bed bugs. ------------ The Dalai Lama asked a young boy to "suck my tongue". ------------ Sales of 'Bud Light' plummet 90%. ------------ 18,000 cows killed in Texas Dairy farm explosion. Thai musings. 2023 fatalities - throughout the Songkran Celebrations - down 14 (latest count) from 2022. ------------ Police blocked access to the backpacker haven of Khaosan Road last night, as Songkran attracted overwhelming numbers. Most of them foreigners. ------------ Apple makes manufacturing move towards Thailand from China. ------------ Thai soldiers danced to K-pop music in the Siam neighbourhood of Bangkok last weekend. Ridiculed on the www for being 'out-of-step'. ------------ A sexy Thai woman, was fined 5,000 baht after she got her boobies out and danced enthusiastically at a songkham party in Samut Prakarn province near Bangkok last week. ------------ A Thai sex-doll collector has spoken out about the dolls being spooky. He has warned his Facebook followers, after he was violently attacked by at least three of them, while fast asleep. He went onto say that collectors of sex-dolls should not buy them just because they smell nice, or have a pretty smile. Must be more disconcerning (careful) he said. ------------ Ants are everywhere. The extreme heat has sent them to the surface in their millions. They bite too. although the bite-discomfort only lasts far a few minutes. Ms Owl has taken to showering up to 5 times a day recently. "Not been hot before; Thailand. Take shower. Stop keep hot." It has been very warm. I told her; "drink plenty of water teerak," "I want to stop hot on outside of body; you farang ting-tong." Ban Dung tomorrow. Can't say I enjoy going there. Finish up wasting money. Always getting things we don't need. Last time spent 300 baht on hair dye. Even Mildred has gone ginger. Broke my rubbish picker-upper last week. Sorted it out with some bamboo strips and a cable-tie or two. Our soi is gonna win some award for being rubbish free when the presentations come round. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. And take in plenty of fluid like Mrs Owl.
  12. TBH Bannork, I'm not a fan of K-pop. Probably missing out on some special grooves there; but I'll sick with The Shadows and Tommy Steel for my musical excitement. As for TV. Only watch MofTD; if I can get past the BBC barrier. The VPN I use (Opera) s not precise enough to break through. I'd rather go to Nth Korea if I was ever inclined to travel again. I like the way those army ladies all march in step. And that Jim Son Ung made them trim their secret hair in the shape of the country is interesting. He did regular inspections (allegedly). Mysterious country. I'd not go with the wife though.
  13. We got about 2/3mm last night. Not so much, but have to start somewhere. Anything better than - as you rightly say - the driest 6 months in memory. According to the historical data from 1952 to 2021, April should have 10mm of rain. So still a lot more to come; hopefully. And according to 'accuweather', Udon Thani was Thailand's hottest province last week.
  14. What about cheese? Is that still OK? Difficult to get a nice wedge over here, without paying well over the top.. A pal of mine had his Marmite confiscated at Swampy a few years back.
  15. To quote Wolf; "When people are fearful, they are easy to manipulate, and likely to do as they are told." Just another ruse to bring the populas into line.
  16. Yes, yes yes. But are they happy? One day they will look back and regret that they didn't take advantage of their very being. Being human is a one in a trillion occurrence. Best not to abuse that.
  17. They don't use 'handcuffs' anymore for this type of sweep-up. They use reusable cable-ties. My friend's daughter in law, told me when she was arrested for going out during the C-19 lock-down.
  18. owl sees all

    Isaan Woman

    I reckon the best thing is to keep a 20 baht note sticking out of the top pocket of ya shirt. This will be the focus of her attention for ages. Eventually she will come close and try to grab it. But you will ready. At this moment, swing her round and gently bite her ear. She will melt in your arms, and all will be well again. Works for my mate every time.
  19. That's very noble of you Gary. Hormone replacement therapy?! Better to cut out sticky rice and fermented dead fish and crab. Isaan had these bamboo huts on the outskirts of the villages for this menopause stuff. Bring them back; I say.
  20. In other words; whatever some men say or do, they are in for it. I am aware that there is a good reason for women often saying bad things to us. Basically it goes back to the old days when we would whack a nice bit if stuff over the head, and drag them off to our cave. Later, when she woke up with a head-ache, she would complain that there was no paracetamol. Would never hear the end of it. Things just the same now.
  21. Could be her age proving to be responsible for the irrational behaviour. But, there is only a small change from when we first got together. Have to face facts. It's me. I'm bad. A no-good farang. The fact that the whole village hates me, is evidence enough. I have tightened the pure-strings of late. And her daughter, Nan, keeps nagging about going to Sth Korea; and has no dosh. A few days ago she found 1500 baht (one draw) of lottery tickets for December last year. Didn't go down well that. Called me all sorts. Until I pointed out that they were bought by her and hidden away. All losers of course. Have to have a talk to Mildred about the weather. If we do not get serious rain by the end of this month, we have to start pumping from one pond to another. I think she will agree to sacrifice pond one. But that has some wonderful big snails in it. Perhaps pond two will have to go. Not critical at the mo. But have to be prepared. Rain where are you?
  22. Very kind words HP. That BinL thread was a cracker alright. Many TV (then) members telling truths about their lives in Thailand. Mrs Owl has a problem; that's for sure. Many problems it seems. The biggest one is me. "What am I doing that you don't like teerak?" "I fed up with you. Take picture all the time. People in village hate you. I am shy people. Want to finish. Sell farm. You must go away from me." Don't want to give the impression that life in the village is purgatory. No. Far from it. I love my life here. And perhaps Mrs Owl knowing that, is part of the problem. Don't want farang Owl to be happy. Especially when he is not coming over with the dosh, that a farang wife expects. Ah yes! Money! No! Barking up the wrong tree there perhaps?. Mrs Owl thinking about money? She's not like that???? Have to face the facts of life; it's all my doing. I'm bad! The enlightened monk she went to see t'other morning, had a profound effect on the wife; for a day or so. No envy. No greed. No material wants. Then it drifted back to normality. Great life here in Thailand.
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