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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. All countries will have to pay vax injury compensation. Going by 'How Bad is my Batch'. There would seem to be different levels of toxic ingredients in different batches. From toxic, down to harmless. I see it as being a individual's well-being, in the first place, as to whether their body can deal with the ingredients. But as Dr Cahill says; everyone who has had one of the more toxic jabs will eventually have problems. Thimerosal (mercury) used to be the main adjuvant in days past, now it is generally aluminum. There are conflicting studies regarding both.
  2. Good for you Ignis. A bargain if ever there was one; 328 baht. If you have a tooth problem get to the dentist. But if you want to pull it yourself then my method is fine. Has worked for me down the years. And cheap with it.
  3. ,,,,,,the (alleged) adverse effects of the vaccine. They are real enough; not alleged. They are not adverse effects; they are direct effects.
  4. So, quite naturally, one should ask questions. The first would be; who was putting the pressure on? Secondly; why such a lop-sided agreement? Were the government that scared of a virus hurting their people, that they gave in to these demands. Thirdly; have other governments signed the same, or similar contracts?
  5. Good that you have posted this RP. A lot of dodgy things going on with the vaxes. If one considered how long it normally takes to develop a drug, it can be of little surprise that there was - and still is not - any 'long tern data'. There could be another mutation along shortly. So best we not forget.
  6. It's well known by the locals, that the area south of the Sakom Nakhon road get considerably more rain that the areas to the north. I was told that it was because of the peelaws, and the massacre of Lao women and children, at Kham Chanod, But I reckon it has more to do with the land being so flat. There is a hill to the north-west of Ban Dung, but it's only about 20 metres above ground level. That's it for hundreds of Kms.
  7. Not one of the more constructive posts on here. I think mid-table, Keith says a possible top 6. But we will see.
  8. Top 6 is possible of course. But are there a couple of unfancyied teams that could get into the top half dozen. The Seagulls have raced way. The Irons done them 1-3 away, in what I thought was a shock result. So should we count them? Are The Geordies a spent force? A one season wonder! Who else? Just the usual lot. So it's City then Pool, then??? Just can't see United getting there.
  9. Bang on the dosh there HP. As far as the women go,,,,. Bring back the huts I say.
  10. The tooth was a little loose. It didn't come out quietly though. And I gave it a little clean for the pic. A back tooth that I pulled a couple of years ago was much tougher. It's documented here on AN. That was a right sod. Twine kept slipping off. Had to do a little groove. Even with the groove, I had to use the double twist knot, from me carp fishing days, to get a good hold. But it saved me at least a 1000 baht. This 'self-extraction' isn't for everyone. But it saves a lot of hassle and is all over in a few seconds. A word of advice/warning for any would be self-extractors out there. Do not use wire. It is very unforgiving and if you lasso the tooth badly can rip out a good part of yer gum. So use twine, it doesn't cut through flesh like wire. On the other hand. If you have plenty of money and time; go see a dentist. .
  11. The Blues are in a transition phase. If they can finish mid-table they will have done OK. Look forward to next season.
  12. I don't think these tests show anything much. If you walk barefoot on the ground, preferably not concrete or unnatural terrain, there is an energy that can be felt by some attuned people. The subtle change in that energy, when water is not too far away, can be felt by some people. Virtually everything natural has a energy. I think out ancestors were more aware of it. Waves of energy are all around us, at all times. Consider the moon, and the effect it has on our oceans. Our blood is 90% water. Does it influence us; especially adult women?
  13. That was a long-rooted <deleted>. wasn't it sir?
  14. At 15-40, driving to Ban Dung today, we were met with n almighty downpour. As heavy as I've experienced it here. Slowed the pick-up to no more than 20kph for a kilometre or so. Visibility down to less than 50metres. Then as quickly as it started; it ended. North Ban Dung was dry. The South of the town had some. Picked Mildred up from school, and did the shopping. Got back to the village at 6-30. Water everywhere. Hope the farm go it.
  15. That's very fast RD. Most farang don't go more than 40kph on the open road. Less in town.
  16. I think the moon. When the moon is in a certain spot the sea rises quite a lot. In Liverpool docks the rise can be 6//7 metres. I think the record is Newlyn in Cornwall. Water went up over 7 metres one day there.
  17. There is indeed. According to the Mr Policeman who fined me 40 baht, when I was on my way from Ban Dung to Kumpawapi via Non Mek. In Ban Dung, I was holding Mildred, and she did a little spew - as babies do - on me shirt. The wife said we could get one in the Non Mek market. So I took it off to drive. Nice policeman was waiting for the topless farang to come along.
  18. I Not only feel threatened by those crude handyman's tools, I don't like putting metal in me mouth. The self-extraction I do is simple. Get some twine; fishing line is no good as it stretches. Double it up and lasso the tooth. If it slips off, file a little grove in the tooth, with a nail clipper nail file. Or it could be that the knot is not securing the tooth, and slipping. Then the important part. Wrap the end of the twine round a bamboo. Don't pull the bamboo. Get the twine taunt, and just twist. Keep going with the twisting til the tooth is out. Can hear the rasping noise as the tooth pulls away from the bone. But it's only for a second or two. Saves time money and although a bit painful, you have not had any injections.
  19. Right then Danderman. You have got me interested. ''''They give money to trolls who spew misinformation via talking points to low information types, who then regurgitate the talking points in places like this.'''' And who would I contact to start being a troll, and raking in the dosh?
  20. Wot yer keep on about this Stratosphere for Danderman? Most of us couldn't give a <deleted> if it was there or not. Let alone cooling. Who cares; other than you? I'm more interested in the rain.
  21. Some farang try to imitate the Thais. The other day I saw one riding a m/c without footwear. If he had crashed into a bus, he could have hurt his feet. Broke his toe even. Did have a crash helmet on though.
  22. As the EVs get older, I wouldn't be surprised to hear of them having a generator in the boot.
  23. Thanks for that in-depth answer. Many of us do not like dentists, and prefer to do extraction ourselves. I asked the question because although I have pulled teeth a few times, the sound of the tooth being ripped from the bone, can be a little off-putting. The pain, can be easily controlled by a little mind yoga. So if you had a remedy to ease the sound I would be all ears. When I lived in Africa, I heard stories of a travelling holy man. He would travel - on his camel - to remote areas of Northern Nigeria offering tooth extraction and castration..
  24. Don't like the look of those things. And nearly 1000 baht. Prefer my trusted method.
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