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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. If Bairstow tried it, as you say; then he should hang his head in shame. I'm not shouting for the Oz keeper, captain and umpires to be tried for un-fair play, and be locked up for 25 years. No! Or they be fined 170,000 squids each. No! What would be good,, is for Oz captain to make a public apology, and to stress, that from now, on they will play within the spirit of the game. And yes! I am English. An Essex lad don't ya know. Where I come from cheating in any sport (or brag), meant (if caught), a life-time of isolation and ridicule.
  2. Bairstow left the crease to pat down a bump. Thinking that the ball was dead. Then he got stumped. That's not playing the game fair to me. Cheating, is not the word; perhaps cheating is better.
  3. Don't care who wins. Just want to see fair play; not cheating.
  4. Nonsense! Sport should be an equaliser. Not one (team) playing fair and the other not. Morally deficient.
  5. Can't trust the Oz cricketers. They want to win so much. Must recognise that the Roos will do anything to win. Fair play don't come into it with them. The English, and Welsh (if there are any in the team) need to toughen up.
  6. I'm suffering similar at the mo'. Some Thai women can be secretive and crafty. Have to think without their services. That's probably going to see an agent for the extension.
  7. To be fair to the Thais; there are a few at this level. Phiangkhwan Pawapotako, Navaphat Wongcharoen, Jenjira Srisaard and Dulyawat Kaewseiyong are all very decent swimmers. Don't know if any are in Japan for the worlds. If any are I'll give them a shout. My fav' swimmer David Popovici is in the pool later for the 200 free.
  8. The swimmers from down under are setting light to the pool at the World Champs in Japan. Two world records on the first swimming day. Ms Titmus was simply fantastic in the 400 free. Don't know if there are any Thai competitors. I'll check and report back.
  9. That's sad to hear. Good job it didn't hit her neck. I did read somewhere that wood-chopping and rowing were the most energy-sapping sports. Looking at the state of the competitors in the vid. I can see that is true. They looked exhausted at the end.
  10. Just fantastic!!! Not seen that before in Oz. Thanks for that L. The Canadians do an outback survival sport. Includes wood-chopping and log rolling. Also wife carrying. Be a good one to have in Pattaya.
  11. Bang on the money there bro'. Considering the size of their population the Ozzies have over-performed. Ozzie rules footy. Surfing. Sheep sheering. Tennis and the other great sports. Jamaica the same. Tiny little place, but can they run and bowl a cricket ball?! As for chess. The USA has had its fair share of geniuses. Not always cold there.
  12. Transhumanism is not yet with us. But I'm sure it will be soon; with all this AI. It will soon be possible to uoload everything in one's brain up into the Metaverse. Then the body will be simply excess baggage. But we will live 'forever'. Date, get married, and have kids. Just like now.
  13. I thought the same HP. I think he meant to roll the ball to the next bowler, or his captain, but it hit the stumps instead. Never mind. It's only a ball game. I have many relatives in Oz. Most of them in NSW. If they think they are getting a Christmas card (albeit an ecard) they can forget it. I like swimming and the Ozzies have had some of the greatest of all. Dawn, Grant Hackett, Glen Housman,,,, I could go on ,,,. the Thorpedo and Kieren Perkins. As for their cricketers! They have produced some of the finest ever cricketers. But a bit lacking in chess. Can't name any of note.
  14. Owl Log -23-07-23 - Sunday afternoon Been raining a bit this last week. Should be more water in the rice locks than there is. BeeApp thinks the buddha farm is letting the water run through the pipes. He has been blocking them up, but somehow they become unblocked. So bought a sack of cement this morning. He is gonna cement them shut. Have two permanent overflows; one into pond one and t'other under the road into the palm farm. He reckons that's enough. do too. Went to Phibun Rak market last Thursday afternoon. I like this market, but it has changed from what I remember it a few years back. Got there too early really. Vendors still setting up. Next time about 5ish. The main aim; to get Mildred 100 pink catfish. Unfortunately the lady wasn't there. Very good for veg and fruit. Not so much in the way of clothing and tools; as it used to be. Bought a pair of specs. Rated minus 1. Very nice for just 100 baht. There is a big buddha just across the road from the market. I ventured in and took a few pics. Next Owl Log for those. I was tempted!! But with my special diet on the go, I declined. Mildred finished early on Tuesday. Picked her up from school and we had a little adventure like we used to. On the road out north from Ban Dung there is a place that time forgot. We paid a visit. Couldn't have done it if the Mrs had been with us. The guy from next door came over to greet us. We asked how much for the roo. A bit expensive at 1000 baht. But we had a look around. The owner had gone off to be a monk somewhere. That was three years ago. There was a big insect cage. And also some iguanas hiding among the foliage. A very nice place for a once in a while visit. Kangaroo-less we headed back to town. Are they filling in the salt ponds. At least some of them. Have a new concrete plant close by. Something is going on! Mildred's school block is racing ahead. Will be ready for next year? Found my favourite man in Ban Dung. Gave him 100 baht for his efforts. A bit of a calamity at a farm on the way to the village. A tractor had got itself stuck in the mud. Guy came to the rescue with his trusty steed. Unfortunately the mud took his one prisoner too. Not to worry. another was there in the blink of an eye. Soon there were three stuck. The call went out for one more. It was almost dark when I came past. Yesterday I stopped the pick-up to do a pic or two. A buffalo wanted to say 'hi'. Knocked a corner tile off the wall while sorting out the settee. No problem. Have to be a master of the trivial here. There is always something to be fixed or secured. Saw a beautifully painted bus in Ban Dung. Mildred reckons it is covered in stickers and not painted. Have a closer look next time. But eye-catching all the same. Our village wat is nearing completion. Just a bit of entrance walkway to be done. And a touch more painting. The word on the street is that the Buddha wants people to donate their fish. I could give one or two of our big mekongs I guess. There was a thread, on AN, in the week about the milk shortage in Thailand. In Big C on Friday they seemed to have a fair bit on the shelves. But it got me thinking about the poor cows.. To keep the cow producing milk their calf is taken away at birth, and that keeps mum producing indefinitely. Some cows cry and some get suicidal. The calf probably goes off to some research lab. What could I do to help rectify this? I don't drink milk. But I do eat cheese. So in support of the poor cow, the 2kg block of Cheddar, that I'm half way through at the mo', will be my last. Got to have principles in life! Have 17 of Mildred's paintings/drawings on the wall of the gallery now. That part is full up. There is another area, probably OK for another 8 or so. Then Mrs Owl will have to take down her buddha stuff. Need some luck there! Mildred's latest bit of art. Called 50/50. About a girl that can't make up her mind what she wants to be. A farmer or a glamourpuss. www.mildredart.com Cricket will be underway in the 4th test, last day, in Manchester later. Don't normally mind who wins of late. But after seeing that the Ozzies were morally bankrupt of fair-play at Lords; I'm going with England (and Wales). Is that Lewis Hamilton the biggest moaner in the history of moaners? Hope his engine conks out. What an opener to the footy season. No! Not that community shield nonsense. But on Friday evening promoted Owls host relegated Saints. What a start!! Another good match-up is Sunderland v Ipswich later. Three local teams to Dagenham Dock, all have away matches in the first qualifying round of the FA cup; Ilford, Romford and Barking. I used to play footy on Barking's ground in Mayesbrook Park, back in the day, before being developed as it is today. They played for years at Vicarage Field in Barking Town. Fantastic final awaits in the darts in Blackpool. And David Popovici goes in the 200m and 100m in Japan in the week. lots to look forward to. And the golf! Tension in the Thai parliament. all will be sorted out this week. This is not proper 'wet season' rain. Most of it falls at night. Traditionally is should start at 13-00 and continue through to dark. Climate change is here. Very poor nut harvest to come. Drove through the farm in the week and only saw a handful of trees bearing any fruit. Leccy was a new high this time. 2,450 baht. A jump up of 400 baht on last month. Not doing anything different, or using anything new. Strange! Only one thing left to say; bye y'all. Leave you with lovely Isaan skies. vid sky 01.mp4
  15. Not just the round ball game HP. I just love swimming. And darts. And snooker. And chess Not so keen on rugby, or women's footy and cricket. And definitely don't like seeing ladies box. But I do like ladies athletics and swimming. And beach volleyball; don't we all!!. Two daughters toured Canada with an English swim squad. One was with England youth and t'other England south. One was also u/23 world triathlon champion. Took the title in NYC. She now teaches sport science at Uni. Three points of contact!! In Thailand? You are 'avin' a laff. A local farang, who I knew, got his wife to steady the bottom of the ladder wile he trimmed a tree with a bow-saw. She went off for some somtam, and left the poor sod on the rickety thing. Unfortunately he is passed now.
  16. You done well with that PW. If I have any dosh left at the end of October, I'll do the same.
  17. You are hinting that I shouldn't climb up on the roofs via the ladder?! You are probably right there PW. 'Have to be careful'; said the actress to the bishop.
  18. Optus Stadium, Perth, Australia Cockerels 2 - Irons 3 Nearly 50,000 in the ground.
  19. Recently I sent away for a 48 pack of cat food. Each tin was the standard 400gms. Total cost, including delivery and tip, just over 1,300 baht. Same tins are in Big C marked up at 3 for 105 baht. Works out at 1680. Big C's own brand is 39 baht a tin. That would be; 1872 baht. When I first was in Isaan, cat food in Tescos was 16 baht a can. In fact I bought some out-of-date 'Whiskers' for 12 baht a can from a shop in town. And while we are talking food. 18% protein fish pellet was 245 baht a 20kg sack 13 years ago. Now is is around 400 baht. Some of the rise in cost, must be due to general inflation. But some of these companies are making a killing on pet food for sure. I have designed an automatic fish feeder. Perfect for commercial fisheries. Pics available; just PM me.
  20. Must say that the water flow and quality in the village is better than when I arrived 15 years ago. We did get a 'no-water' spell for a couple of hours yesterday, but that was a rarity nowadays. We use water in the kitchen and bathroom. And water the outside plants. This year to wash the dogs. Also odd reasons; like washing out the back of the pick-up. But that's only 1% of the total water consumption. Certainly don't drink it!! Water bill last month was 110 baht. A bargain!! Mildred has finished for the day. I'm off to pick her up soon. Will meet her at the back gate at 14-00.
  21. Still quite difficult! But on the upside. I am getting my cuppa without having to whistle for it.
  22. Well, that explains everything. This equality stuff is nonsense. Soon they will having Prime Ministers, Queens and Military leaders. Girls!! Get back into the kitchen where you are best suited. Leave the heavy lifting to us guys.
  23. Her mum said she was only 17 then. So she would be about 70.
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