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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. No Not the same GT. A ghost koi - or ghostie - is a fish with small reflective scales. Their name originates from the fact that in poor light the scales reflect what light there is and they appear ghostly in an the water. They - although very attractive - are seen as an abomination or deformed in the koi fancier's world. Don't make them any less beautiful though.. This particular variety of fish can suffer skin/scale problems; more than the norm in water that is not pristine A platinum is a carp, with either regular or irregular scaling, that are pure white. I'll post some pics of the two.
  2. Good question. It all seems like a waste of time, and effort, now. I returned from England in 2016. While there I had made contacts with fish farms and fish dealers. During the period of the dry season of 2016/17 - I started making some holding tanks for kois. Sewing up dozens of yards of netting. It was all a bit ambitious. I put them into the ponds for the wet season of 2017. The wet season never arrived. I did my best to keep up the water level, with continual pumping from other ponds, but the nets gradually got stuck in the mud. Eventually during 2018, I lost interest in the concept. There was never gonna be 'big bucks' in it anyway. So it was wasted efforts with some wasted money thrown in. But not huge amounts. of dosh 2017, through to 2021 were trully abysmal and I didn't upkeep the tanks. The nets are now under the mud. Still have the frames though. Perhaps my enthusiasm might be rekindled if the wet, and monsoon seasons, return to their traditional (pre-2016) forces. The plan was to rear kois to about 6/7 inches long and send them to England and Holland. I had contacts in both countries. If the conditions had been better, we might even had bred the kois from fertile fish. But it was not to be, and myself and Mildred must now be content to simple enjoy looking after them. I had a few black (very black) kois , and when I was in England, the dealers were quite interested in these along with my platinums. Traditionally, Japan has been the go-to place for kois, but they are expensive. In recent years Israel has become the home of cheaper, quality fish, with varieties not available anywhere else.
  3. Owl Log - 05-06-2022 - Sunday afternoon Everything done at the farm regarding pond five. Umm did the last bit by cutting the lilly into three and planting it down the pond. Bamboo sticks out. Time for home. Got a nasty sting on my shoulder. Hornets trying to take over the kitchen. Sprayed the colony with WD40. That's all I had on hand. Usually smoke them out. Will do if they come back. Mildred and me tucked into a nice pla nin on Friday. One of our fish from the recent catch. Plenty of activity one morning. vid morning.mp4 Not all the children go to school in the bus. There is a local school just over 1km away. That's Boyz on the right. Just before the grass was cut. Found a nice mushroom. Mrs Owl said it was not a nice one. But took it away all the same. I'm wondering if I'm gonna have mushroom soup any day now. Great progress at the Buddha pond . The big pond just down the road from up is not filling with water. It is on pretty high ground, and quite deep. I'll keep watch. Glad I went that way, 'cause there was a big land work going on that I didn't know about. vid clearland.mp4 Mildred's pineapple tree has burst into life. Fish, avocado and now a pineapple plantation. Will not have to do food shopping soon. Pond six - or Mildred's Pond as it is now known - has not yet settled down from all the muddy water pumping. Still quite cloudy. The fish are gradually becoming accustomed to their new home and friends. vid - millyfeedfish.mp4 Storms can come along within minutes here. vid stormcoming.mp4 Mrs Owl tending her garden. Put the two pumps away until November time. Locked them up in the water tank. Poo has friends coming over for grub. Mrs Owl chases them away. I upset Mrs Owl in the week. I found out something that was a semi-secret. I asked her why she didn't tell me; after all, I was destined to pay. "I not tell you true, not lie. Just slow to tell." A few minutes later, I whistled for my cup of Rosy and there was this 'crash'. Did get one a couple of hours later, but not in my favourite cup. Tasted a little salty too. Have to take the rough with the smooth in Isaan. Found another nice rock. Put with the others for road repairs. Footy round-up. Thailand and England both were beaten. Wales play Ukraine later today for one the of the last World Cup places. All the children/students had the day off school on Friday. Not much in the way of celebrations, unlike England, where countless millions took to the streets to celebrate the 75th. Made me feel homesick. But not for too long. Last time there was a celebration - for the 50th - I went fishing and caught a nice tench. No rain for a few days. I want as much as is going. Palm nuts hit a high of 10.5 baht a kg. Then dropped to 8.5, and now up to 9.6. Should get a decent cut at the end of this week. I was watching the TV. Well. listening to Alex North's masterpiece. Simply wonderful. Went to the loo and as quick as Jack Flash Mrs Owl changed the channel. As quick as that. "Mrs Owl, where is the music?" "Your music no good. Give me headache." How did Mildred ever get here? And speaking of the budding Hentii Picasso. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  4. Owl Log Special - 31-05-2022 - Tuesday morning No! I'm not just sitting there looking at the shovel. I'm trying to get the pump inlet as low into the mud as possible. Catch the fish. Put them into the big bowl. Quickly transfer them to a bucket, and get them into their new home. Mrs Owl wasn't keen on getting down and muddy. But she did her fair share. Into the next pond. Although my main job was making sure the water got to the sump, I caught a few. But the main catchers were the three guys; and Umm. Isn't that a Chelsea strip? Didn't know Umm even liked footy. All the carp out. It was time for the mekongs. There were two very big ones. Probably went 20 kg each. Then into the next pond. The next morning Umm was out collecting shrimps and snails. Interesting how the male pla nin make homes for their coming brood. There were only male fish (nin) in there, so wasted efforts. Fed the carp in number 6 pond last evening. They ate good, and seemed not to be shocked. Put a bit of food into number 4, but never saw a mekong. Total tally: About 100ish nin 22 mekongs 30ish koi carp 5 pla dook vid 111catchcarp.mp4 Until the next time, only one thing lest to say; bye y'all.
  5. What!!! 12 rai. Puts my eight puddles to shame. Completely finished the pond work. Except to move the distressed lily to what water is left in the pond. As it gradually fills it will look great. Have lots of pics to post tomorrow. Sorry Rick. Just noticed the decimal point. Must invest in a new pair of specks when I go to the 20 baht shop in the week.
  6. Make you right there HP, I took a 20 litre bottle with me in the pick-up. Drank plenty. Just got home. Spent a good deal of the time in the mud this afternoon. Not yet captured all the fish. But what we did get out were absolute stonkers. Got about 80 all told Put over 50 kois into Mildred's pond. Also 6 grass carp. All 22 mekongs went into pond 4. Strange that? Mrs Owl counted them as they were gradually caught and put into the next pond. I can only recall buying 20 about 10 years ago. Very strange?!! I think the Misses might be trying to make me feel good. And what better way to finish up with more mekongs than we started with. Have to go back in the morning to pump the last bit of water outm and catch the remaining 30 or so pla nin..
  7. Owl Log 29-05-2022 - Sunday afternoon Big day today. Completely emptying pond five and taking out the fish. Got the three incher running. Has given good service down the years. Recently had an overhaul,,, but would you believe conked out after two hours on Friday evening. HT lead! Sorted that out on Saturday morning, and it was all go, go go again. This morning I started things up again. Had to move the pump closer to the edge of pond 5 to get the inlet deeper. Also arranged the outflow. Found a dead pla nin in the week. Nice eating size; about 1.2 kilos. Buried it in number 4 farm. Visited Ban Dung in the week. Mrs Owl went off somewhere while I relaxed in the pick-up off. Must have dozed off, cause this big gang of buffaloes nearly surrounded me. By the time I sorted out the camera, they had drifted away. These eucas grow so fast. Some simply cannot support their own weight and bend over. It's a job getting them back straight again. And there are also casualties. The new lock has remained untouched for a week. And I put a stick of bamboo in place so that I could see from a distance if anyone had been messing. The keys to this lock are different. Didn't suss it out at first. But then it dawns on me that it could double as a bottle opener. The fish/plant/frog venture opposite has been neglected. Net's been down for a week. BeApp has been cutting the grass at the farm. And a great job he has done too. Along the front of number 2. Around the ponds. It all has to be paid for, and this morning I bought five litres of '95' petrol. 47 baht a litre!!! And it's gonna get worse. Diesel is not so expensive as it can be fortified with bio-fuel. Saw some activity near the farm. Why you are waiting for the rice to be sown, why not convert the paddy into a swimming pool and have a splash about? Recently saw the signs to Kham cha nod vary a bit. The same leading to our village. The village has last an 'N' and gained a 'P' and an 'H'. I was sitting in my corner watching some chess games on the computer, when I heard this noise. Looked around and saw a budgie - the blue one - lifting up a food container and then dropping it. Loud enough to get my attention. Got the camera ready to shoot. But it must have known, 'cause it didn't do it again. Not while I watched, but anyway; I got a nice little vid. vid budgies.mp4 Not yet sorted out a bigger home for them. Will do though, Perhaps next week. Mildred's latest. mildredart.com for those arty-farty visitors. Has someone gave Barbie a slap? Maybe Ken has been getting about! Footy round up. Thailand had a convincing win against Turkmenistan. Not a good day out for the Red's fans yesterday. Not only did they not win, but many didn't even get it. The big one for me later today; Huddersfield vs Forest. Too late for me to have a listen, as Mildred has school tomorrow. Water has been very slow most of the week. Flowing at about 25/30 seconds to get a litre. Came back to full strength last evening. The best it has been since we have lived here. Worked hard Friday at the farm. Felt terrible in the evening. Really rough; severe heartburn. It was quite warm in the afternoon, and I don't think I was taking in enough water. Didn't have any reishi wine made up to sort it. In the evening I didn't eat, but drank 6 litres of bottled water, and had an early night. Felt much better yesterday, and even better today. Getting ready to go to the farm to sort out the fish. Mildred will have the camera, and hopefully we'll get some good pics. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  8. He's been with that chicken company for at least 20 years.
  9. Great stuff Rick. Have you a couple of pics of the pond?. And what fish are in there? The plan is to start pumping out water from number five pond today. But there are always distractions. Yes! Previous life experiences. My good lady was English, with roots in Jamaica. Had a lot of wonderful times there; and Cuba also. Was at Sabina Park in Kingston, when that infamous game vs England was abandoned due to giant cracks in the pitch. 1998, if my memory is still active. Why not select a nice painting and post it. Love to hear of youngsters interests other than the 'tippy tappy'.
  10. I could pay Mrs Owl to do the prancing. Leave a 50 baht note sticking out of my top pocket. That would capture her interest. But!!! She would probably scare herself.
  11. We did have dogs at the farm; LaLa and LuLu. LaLa was killed by our neighbour, cause it killed one of his chickens, and LuLu suddenly died. The general consensus was that she was bitten bu the big cobra that lives in a close by wood. I've see this snake twice. The second time I was up a ladder, sorting out water. I watched it for 30 seconds or so. It is about 2 metres long and 1bout 1.75 inches across. Not seen it for 3/4 years now.
  12. Like it!!! Some sort of an automatic frightener. I also like Chaz's idea of luminous paint; although I can't see myself prancing round the ponds in the dark smothered in gunk. There are a few things to consider in all this; cost, practicability and effectiveness. In a nutshell; what is the cheapest and easiest way to produce the desired result? I'm gonna give it some serious thought and decide on the action to take. Massive big storm in Ban Dung this afternoon. Started at 3-40. I was waiting for Mrs Owl who was buying veggies at the afternoon market. Storm cloud arrived quickly from the south-west. Couldn't get out of the town for 30 minutes. Flash flooding everywhere.
  13. We don't now live at the farm; as we once did many years ago. We left after our house in the village was converted. There were a couple of guys staying there at night after that for years. That came to an end when we lost or ducklings (early days on this thread; 2019), and I got our resident out. I think he sold them. He said that a dog came over and ate them. I think there are a couple of options on the deterrent theme. I rule out keeping a tiger or croc', as they can be unpredictable, and in any case, they have to be fed and looked after. Electric fencing, run off solar panels, would be a financial over-kill also. I am seriously thinking of creating a ghost. A peelaw! To be more precise; a legend/myth of one.. Word would get around and that would scare the pants off anyone who fancied a free mekong or koi, as a midnight snack, while the Lao Khow was being swigged. But initially, there would have to be a convincing mock-up. Can't just make it up. Well, if it came from a person of authority in a uniform? But he/she would want payment, so I reject that thought. How to do it? Been watching Scooby Doo recently for inspiration. A big white sheet, some lights and some serious sound, would be in order. Perhaps an electric scooter, with the passenger holding something in the air, while ghostie sounds blared out, could do the job. When the Buddha - in one of the adjacent farms - are having an evening prayer session? That could be a good time? Any tips and advice would be welcome
  14. I know how hard it is to break open a lock. But it is an old one and there are keys for it about. Best that I bought a new one. Thetre is also the possibility that Mrs Owl didn't shut it last time. Hopefully it is sorted now. People do sneak around in the night. I don't think I'll ever see our two rods and reels again. Concerned with losing our fish now. We have mekongs that are well over a metre long. they can't be replaced like a rod and reel.
  15. The "White coat syndrome." Put on a white coat and people will listen, believe and worship. In that order.
  16. Owl Log - 22-May-2022 - Sunday mid-dayish Mildred starts her new school. Buddha building goes to new heights. Fertilizer delivered and put out into the farm. Rain! Mrs Owl big upset. Trip to Udon. It's been an eventful week. But as weeks go in Isaan, not bad at all. Mildred has been going in the bus - both ways - since Tuesday. I try to meet her when the bus drops all the kids in the afternoon. But every morning I walk with her to the pick-up station. On her first day Mrs Owl and me, went to the school to see where her classroom was located, and to generally look around (again). Plenty of students. Mildred says there is over 3200. Can't say if that's correct. Might be. Lots of them about. I wandered over to the new build. They have started block-work on the middle floor, but it seems slow progress to me. Then we found Mildred's classroom. Right up the top. Mrs Owl went up to see it. I stayed down stairs. All this wet weather is bringing out the snakes. Mildred said there was one at her school on Thursday, and I saw one at the farm. Not very long. About 16 inches and as fat as my finger.. But very dark; almost black. Tried to see where it went when it slithered off, but lost track of it. We are having the grass and foliage cut this week. I fear for it. Also seen a couple flattened on the road; unfortunate to slide across at the wrong time. Three of us went Udon in the week. Myself, the Mrs and her sister Pook. Had to go to the admin; district. Not been there since getting Mildred a passport a few years back. Parking was a big problem, and I stayed with the pick-up while the ladies sorted out the business for Grandma. Pook wanted to go to the VIP shop, but wanted to eat first. After food it was my turn to go somewhere. "Only for a minute Pook." "OK - I like VIP." So it was onto the Chinese Quarter; koi carp spotting. Pook had never visited before and I think she enjoyed the experience. Splashed out on some fish food. Speaking of koi-carp. The big garage on the 2022, just going into Ban Dung, has some nice fish. Gonna have some food with me next time I go there. The fertilizer arrived and was stored in number two water-tank overnight. vid 000fertilizer.mp4 Then in early afternoon we transferred what was left to number three. vid 00fertilizer.mp4 I wanted to help, but the boss (in blue) insisted that I simply observed. vid 01fertilizer.mp4 The grass needs bringing under control. vid 02fertilizer.mp4 This time we went for potassium and calcium. Who knows what it will be next time. Will there even be any fertilizer to be had? Germany is one of the biggest suppliers, and they get their raw materials mostly from Ukraine; enough said! Time for China to step in. Although I am hearing that Isaan has an abundance of pot-ash. Interesting that! The lilies in Mildred's pond are simply fantastic. The village twins always give me a wave when I pass by. "Eh oh!" I think the superstructure of the Buddha build is near completion. Mrs Owl says it's gonna be a restaurant. Think there is gonna be a big sign at the top. 'Half price 'som tam'", or something similar. We will be able to eat and feed the fish at the same time. I'll be there on open day. We have a little fruit at the farm. I don't like it at all. But Mrs Owl loves it. Getting it is not so easy. The fruit is protected by an army of thorns. Don't seem to bother the birds though. Is that a budgie nest? The cassava farm next to us has really done well with the rain this year. Found a really nice tree in number one farm. Measured it at 36cm. This rain will see the trees shooting up. Although girth is more important. Too much height and some bend over, and it's a job to straighten them. It's because they are so fast growing. Become top-heavy. We might measure a couple of trees in number four today. The biggest few will measure 40cm. Next week will be the two year anniversary for them. Mrs Owl said that someone had taken some rice from the store. The lock was open on Friday when we went to get two sacks of rice. I think she didn't shut it last time. But No! she insisted that the lock had been forced open. "Someone take rice, Nine sacks." She wanted to take out all the rice then and there and store it at her mothers, I had to think quickly. "I'll get a new heavy-duty lock teerak; tomorrow." And so I did. Nice robust one for 180 baht. Put it in place last evening. Fortunately she has calmed down a lot. Fixed up the 3inch water pump, and it's ready to go. I'm trying to judge things so that Mildred is about when we remove the fish. Looks like next week end now. Rained last night. Just enough to dissolve the fertilizer and get it into the ground; but not too much to wash it all away. Footy round up. Thailand play Turkmenistan later today. And next up is Bahrain. Sunderland to play in the Championship next season. Last day of the EPL today. All a late kick off. Absolute nonsense that. Should all kick off at 2pm. Too late for me. Must get my beauty sleep. Pick the results up in the morning. Big shocks for some! Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  17. I reckon that is a multi-purpose rice harvester. OK for big flat farms. Around here they tend to be small paddies if one rai or so.
  18. Fertilizer arrived at 4-30 this afternoon. 25x5okg Calcium and 12x50kg potassium. 37 sacks in all: Into the water-tank store. Wow! That was hard graft.
  19. Bought the fertilizer yesterday. 37 x 50kg sacks; exactly 30,000 baht. Gonna get delivered today. I'll need a bit of help storing it away into the water tank. Two different mixes. One potassium based, and the other a mix of calcium and magnesium. I'll get some pics of the bags later and post.
  20. I visited a farm a couple of years back, that had a shredder/chomping machine. They fed the cows a lot of sugar; which was all they seemed to be chomping up when I was there. Cows looked very healthy.
  21. Right you are Jo. Have to go to Ban Dung tomorrow. I'll shop around.
  22. Not even sure we will do rice this year. Only two rai. Last year was pitiful. But with the rain so far things look better. We got a yield of 40 sacks from the same area about 7/8 years ago. How much are you paying for the 21-0-0 Jo?
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