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owl sees all

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Everything posted by owl sees all

  1. I watched a game at Brisbane Road some years ago against Villa. That ended 4-0 to us. Five years later Villa won the top flight and the following year the Ch L/Euro cup. Also the team that came up with Orient back in the 1960s were Liverpool. Look at how well they have done since. They were very much second best to neighbours Everton in those times. So we have had our chances. We are on the road back to the very top.
  2. I live just 10km away from a 'dark site'.
  3. Can't underestimate a wounded animal. US has bases here and gives over plenty of dosh every year.
  4. I quite like hearing the 'farang' word. At least it shows they recognise us. As far as speaking Thai goes; I think it benefits Thais more if I can teach them some English.
  5. You think the US will let them?
  6. Only once in over 80 purchases have I been disappointed. That time I thought I was getting a fishing reel and got fish hooks instead. Always look at the ratings. I always pay COD. Just ordered a 128gig flash drive.
  7. Too comfortable. Too much money. The death of that poor girl sent a message to the players; just how privileged they are.
  8. Yes, you are right. I was behind the times. Certs for automatic promotion I reckon.
  9. I think it's sometimes important to get rid of players that are disruptive. One of the traits of Sir Alex was that he wouldn't take nonsense from his players. If that meant slapping a few heads and cutting a few eyes then it had to be done. Pogba - the virus - went two years late. Now it is Christian's turn to go. He thinks he is bigger than the club and can do what he wants. Can't easily get rid though. No-one will buy him, and he will only get a move away on loan if United pay his exorbitant wages. What are they; 400k a week?
  10. Not so sure about that boss. I can remember Talk Sport did an in-depth survey a few years back. Glasgow Celtic came out tops. Mostly due to the south American catholic vote. Real Madrid were 2nd. Man U 3rd. But times change. As of right now; you could be right.
  11. Going two goals down and fighting back to draw or win makes for exciting footy.
  12. Owl Log - 28-08-2022 - Sunday morning First entry for ages. Been out and about for about 8 days. The grass was waist high and got a haircut. The second tree along is the biggest of the two yearers. Measured in at just 40 cm. That's the circumference at one metre up. The one tree along the road that is one year older went 47cm. Looks great. I'll measure some of the real biggies in farm four in the week. I reckon the biggest go over 45cm. Not bad for 2 years 2 months in the ground. But there are thousands that don't cut the mustard. vid walkabout pond.mp4 Been trying to sort out pond 6. The pond that saw all the fish deaths last month. I have started putting in EM. I was producing it myself and there is plenty. I'm giving the pond a few buckets each week. Smells great to me. But not everyone thinks so. Mildred don't like it. Give 4 or 5 buckets to start off the process. Be next year before I'll put some fish in. This rain has made it difficult for the pick-up around the farm. Areas that were OK to drive into are now no-go. Fortunately Guy was not too far away. Everything sorted within the hour. Didn't tell Mrs Owl; but she found out after a few days through the village grapevine. It's not just the farms that are dodgy. The guy opposite had a problem too, I went over to lend a hand. Soon got it out. Not moaning about the wet weather. This is the wettest season for probably 6/7 years. It's as it should be this season. The avocado plantation is doing great. The one on the left is head height and ready to be transplanted in the farm. Next week for that task. Village buffaloes go where they want. Pick-ups just have to wait. Mildred came to the farm with me yesterday, and we got a nice surprise on the way. Fortunately we had a bit of food in the way of fish waste to give them. They were obviously being cared for by someone. So friendly. But don't like to see them by the motorway. Not everyone likes kittens; including youngsters on m/cs and dogs. I bought some crabs in the week. The Mrs took all the big ones and I put the rest into pond 7. Big deal of the week was the nut cut. I was called out to help as the usual wagon was not available early. So it was a load each. vid load nuts.mp4 Loaded up and drove to the village. Tied them up with string to stop them falling off on the 30km journey to the wholesalers. Another pick-up arrived as we were unloading. There's our nut man. Must have been 200 tonnes ready to be sent to the factory. All those farmers that cut down their trees must be kicking themselves now; with the price so good. We cut down 192 oil palm trees to make way for the eucas. Not always plain-sailing here. Who could have foresaw the Ukraine/Russia conflict that has sent the prices rocketing? Stopped off at the market soi on the way back. The Mrs went shopping and I went on a walk-a-bout. Easy to miss the cage. What does it hold? Lizards. Big ones! Absolutely beautiful. Mildred's latest bit of art. www.mildredart.com for those arty-farty types. She is developing a style. Can't say I understand it. But it's great to see. Walked Mildred to the bus all last week. The twins; Nadia and Nadile, go over to the veggie and fruit man to get their breckies. "Here farang Owl. I have 20 baht left over. Want to buy some chillies?" "Thanks, but no thanks Nadene. I'm off home for a cup of rosy and some pringles." Gradually getting better after my funny turn. Did a bit a of jogging at the farm yesterday. Must get riding the bike. Get a bit of fitness back. Footy roundup. Lucky Liverpool score 9. The Owls get three, and my number one team are top of their league. Now let me see. Promotion next year. Then up to the Championship the following season. Then into the EPL. A consolidating year, before challenging for the Ch L spot. Been a long while since Orient were last in the top flight. Soon be back where we belong. Best not to think about the Irons at the mo'. Too depressing. Have ordered 30 tonne of cassava waste. Should be in the farm on Monday (tomorrow). Have to buy 100 sacks. Should be 40 kiloes for each tree. Not yet sure who is going to to all the bagging up. Back in the UK, the big talk is those rising costs. Now I'm thinking. would it not be possible to get body warming jackets. Like in electric blankets. Glad I'm away from the Europe nut-house. David Popovichi? Who is he? This 17 year old Romanian has just broken the 100 LC free world record with a time of 46.86 secs. He also went 1.42.9 for the 200 free in the Euroes. That is one of the best records on the books at 1.42 dead. And young David is not yet 18. I showed Mildred him swimming on YT. I think he has another fan. She goes swimming herself - with the school - on Fridays. Passed her 'floating' test two days ago. I'm so proud of her. Her sister was a world champion Triathlete a few years back. Took the title in New York. Guy came across with some dosh for the land. Still owes 50k baht. Next month! Upgraded Mrs Owl's gold. 41.700 baht. The price of nuts was 6.35 baht a kilo when we sold in the week. A bit of a drop from the heady days of 10 baht; but still good. Thanks for all the well-wishing messages. Only one thing left to say; bye y'all.
  13. I'm the same. But, I agree to her demands if she agrees to a couple of minuscule conditions. Like not throwing the cat at me for 48 hours. Or, not putting salt in my cup of rosy by mistake. She usually agrees to these conditions, but I've learnt that they usually get broken quite quickly. That then lets me off the hook for the original deal.
  14. Absolutely!! There is an ex-bar girl in the next village to us that needs a decent farang as a hubby. Very pretty. Nice legs. Just about child-bearing age if you are quick. She don't want riches. Just a small house and a couple of buffaloes. Maybe an old pick-up too. Her English is not bad. Great catch!
  15. In my experience, these are fundamental things to understand, initially, and in the first few weeks. Once you have attained your goal; a good job, a bank loan, or simply bedding the lady, the next phases come into play. Keeping a lady attentive, loving and faithful needs insight into the workings of a ladies' brain. Recently, I've been studying the relationship between calmness and childhood lies. We are not talking lies - as in acting - but real lies that will confuse the brain later in life. Then the lady might lie and not realise it. And seeing as men function differently, we can sometimes detect untruthfulness. After all was our role to whack the lady over the head and drag her off to a safe abode in times past. She would be squealing like a piglet, but secretly hoping her captor would not see a younger, or prettier female, on the way to the cave, let go of her hair and run off after the younger lass. Our male ancestors would have been able to defect if the squeals were genuine or not. It's somewhat complicated, but as Gerry Rafferty says. We can get it right next time.
  16. Follow my rules and looking intently at breasts can come later. If that is of interest to you naturally. Have to understand how a woman's brain functions to understand why my rules work. The first - looking into their eyes - puts them at ease. The second - looking at their mouth movements when they talk - shows you are interested in what they are saying. Women like that. As I say; has always worked wonders for me.
  17. Two rules have seen me through life with the ladies. Firstly; when you are talking to one, look into their eyes. Secondly; when they are talking, look at their mouth. Always worked for me; anywhere in the world.
  18. After ploughing through two pages of agony aunt stuff, I've come to the conclusion that most farang on the forum don't understand their woman. Unlike me of course. A word of advice for all. Make sure you have a top pocket on your shirt. Get a 20 baht note and have just enough showing out of the pocket to be noticed. That will focus their attention for the rest of the day.
  19. Thank you all for your kind words. Feeling a lot stronger in the last few days. Walked Mildred to her school bus on Friday morning, and went to the farm yesterday. Should be back to normal - whatever that is - this week. As for the rain. A 'wet season' with rain, what is happening in this Isaan world?
  20. So why didn't they go out and get him? Instead of filling the team with prancing prim-a-donnas.
  21. Told ya. EPL shake up this season. World cup on any player's minds? Next up; United v Reds. A draw would do nicely.
  22. A United supporter that tells it how it is. Refreshing!
  23. It seems to me that everything depends upon ratings. They are 'king'. Praise here, discredit there. Nancy went to Taiwan for that very reason. What happened to the Epstein vids? A lot of levering going on.
  24. The Dems could have shot themselves in the foot with all this smokescreening. Trump out - Ron DeSantis in. 65% approval rating. More election shenanigans on the way.
  25. As bad as what you think they are Jelly, it's far too early to be speaking of relegation. The big problem for them, this side of the World Cup, is their results boost the confidence of their next few opponents. Teams that would have shown them some respect, now simply want to get up and at them; as in yesterday's game, where the the first half hour decided it.
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