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Posts posted by flyingfox1

  1. i can’t understand if they are looking for someone then why blur out the face ,?

     the other night on channel 34 they were looking gor a missing woman but put up a photo of her with blacked out eyes - what’s the point - 


    but the serious side to this is the blatant disrespect of this guy to break the rules & laws of another country rules effects every one of us , it’s one thing if you forget , but to be offered a mask and refuse thus going against rules of law deserves a fine...  and visa check 

    • Like 1
  2. I thought Thailand wanted tourists back งง makes no sense at all so you only gain 3 days less quarantine for getting vaccinated sorry but pathetic.

    everyone's going to Grease and all the other countries that are lifting all restrictions to try get the world back to some normally.

    Thailand has done really well during this pandemic in-fact amazing well but with the summer heat here and people arriving having been vaccinated AND doing the covid test before even getting on the plane... come on thailand time to lift those jail days for the vaccinated world and let the tourism’s devastated industry recover and rebuild better future for your country. 

    Churchill inspired lol 

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, EricTh said:

    I wonder whether Thailand will force it on everyone or is it optional?

    Naa I wouldn’t think thai patience would break even further further dictated to, sounds strange to some but would you enjoy a 5 star hotel if forced to stay there ? 

    I would rather starve than be force fed at a masters table!

      - the land of smiles -sadly not anymore 

    maybe gone forever 


    one day it may return but not until ?
    Think u all know!! 

    • Like 1
  4. This is so confusing, if a-o is 80.000bhat for one year visa (funds in thai bank ) then is the 3M bhat visa required by property owners is for 5 yr visa stay ? 
    800.000 x 5 = 4m right ? 
    - 1m for discount ? 

    Then I assume that in 5yrs it will be a repeat? 

    Sorry if my maths are off but I’m trying to get my head around all this as There has to be something sane somewhere unless it’s all insane everywhere ! 

    • Confused 2
  5. On 4/14/2020 at 2:03 PM, kimamey said:

    I knew the Samaritans operated associated groups operated in many countries although often not using the Samaritans manner but I'd never heard of them in Thailand. I was a volunteer for the Sams in the UK many years ago and I think it's a great idea.


    My only confusion is the fact that English language calls are made by Thais who are fluent in English. Whilst there's nothing wrong with that it seems to suggest that anyone who isn't Thai isn't welcome as a volunteer. If that's the case then that's totally at odds with the concept that I knew. 

    Yes it’s a great idea especially in Thailand as suicide up and up Virus none apparently but death will keep going up but not from corvid , starvation depression, desperation, all factors designed to take out the population as a bi product of virus fear 

  6. 17 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

    Can’t wait for the antibodies tests to become available 

    UK government bought millions way back in February with public money Then claimed they were only 97% accurate so shelved the idea. Strangely about the time these kits were on the black market selling for £600+ a time. 

    you can get tested by many via post but it’s trusting yourself to do it right!

    I decided to USA bupa as same price £65 next day, I had to hire a car as not near Trainline , total cost inc car £100 results came in online account neg , I was sure I had it as coughing hard in January 2 weeks after arriving in UK from Bkk where I was in Long queues with coughing chinese to get VAT back, ???? I convinced myself even further after the date matched first confirmed case in the world outside China was in Thailand the day before I traveled.


    funny how the mind always thinks the worst, still it’s £100 well spent as I know I haven’t had it and the relief is the actually knowing , I didn’t matter one way or the other so long as you know .., 

  7. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I sure hope this announcement is spread far and wide.  It has been out for quite along time already, so I will unfortunately not feel to bad for those that wait until the final week, and start to squeal "We did not know, or we did not have enough time".  I do feel for those on the Non O ME visa's who were not able to get out and back in every 90 days to keep the Visa active, and I do understand why many with families went this route because of there jobs and such.  I have always wondered why the Non Imm O-A ME Visa and the Non Imm O ME visa were not treated the same with 90 day reporting's and a 1 year stay granted.  Must have been a reason way back when they made the rules.  I know that the O_A I am on is for retirement, and the O is for visiting family, but if over 55 and still working somewhere outside of Thailand the O is best for them.  Should be some continuity, but then I am sure many are under the age and work abroad, in the oil industry, or work as digital nomads.  In reality there should be a way to go to immigration every 90 days on those O visas and extend for another 90 days, instead of every 60 days to get a 30 day extension, and then having to bounce out and then back in.  Maybe it was all about the money.  When I first came here many many years ago I was on a 30 day, which I would fly out and then back in and renew on arrival.  When I married, and because I was under the age and still working in the US I went the Non Imm O ME route, then finally an extension of stay based on the Non Imm O until that was no longer good for me, Then to my current Non Imm O-A ME, which will now be turned into an extension when it expires because I can not fly out and back in to add another year to it.  So many different rules, that staying up to speed can be hard for someone who never takes the time to learn the rules and get the true information from others such as Ubon Joe, Peter Denis and the others. I wish everyone the best in the upcoming days.

    Nice write ,  I’m hoping that I can get back in thai before my retirement visa expires in end of November, but guess no one knows not even the government ????lol

    missing GF of 7yrs, home, pickup, bike, cat dogs, Been away since January ,

    dog died, both chickens died and cat gone missing. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Ok I get its pretty obvious that all countries with little to low infections of C-19 could travel in a bubble and just as obvious that high rates would absolutely have to Quarantine if even be allowed at all , I’m Stuck in the UK and although desperate to get back to my family life in Thailand, I am glad even if not happy that we are locked out at this time as the death rates caused by a this world population Cull created in a lab then allowed to spread throughout the world , so here I am in the UK ???????? watching mis management, bad advice , muppet government, top advisers telling me to stay at home then they drive 60 miles to go on a pick nic and another 200miles to visit elderly relatives all while testing his eyesight- the UK deserves to be last because we are the worst . The WHO needs breaking up it did not protect anyone from China virus give misleading nonsense advice ( more muppets)


    someone said on this group that we will possibly be stuck in UK until a vaccine is found.. well it doesn’t have to be that way.. why haven’t the British government realised the millions of antibodies tests they bought months ago? They claim it’s because not accurate enough.. wait a minute it’s as accurate as any DNA test .. I see those tests kits selling on black market for £100s to Executives only .. mmm what a surprise there (not)

    if only we could all be tested and what if we had it already and get the paperwork showing we have pos antibodies thus little to none threat , you could have “Green flights” from the UK, in packed planes full of re pats who invest in families just like I do .. that test would be 100% a game changer! 

    • Confused 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Retarded said:

    I took advice of TVF commenters and told bye to my Thai lady but sent her 3,400 BT two weeks ago for her birthday. She hasn't picked up the money yet. I don't think all Thai is that desperate.   

    Hi - took what advice from TV?  
    why 3,400bt as a strange amount?

    do you contact her when your not there because you would know why she ain’t used the money if you did? 
    was all a bit vague and by the way I know many are desperate !

  10. Might as well ignite all test results numbers in all countries coz it don’t mean jack-s*t , only thing the world needs more is the antibodies test then it will no doubt free up millions of people who have now become immune, so then can help others and keep society going by going back to work etc. 
    thailand will fair a lot better than many in China Europe and USA because covid-19 dieIng 25- 26c and all dead by 27c with thailand now at 30c means the virus is very restricted as it would burn up in the air , but actual physical contact and all other well published guidelines should be follows - for me I got stuck in UK as flights grounded otherwise I’d definitely of been there and no other place I’d rather be too.

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