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Posts posted by flyingfox1

  1. What a selfish act, this will give staff nightmares and what about if any kids had witnessed it? It would screw them up big time.... 60 wounds was it a butter knife? Why so public to? Why cut off your nose to spite your face?
    Hope the staff in 7-11 get counciling
    I suspect drugs involved, did she travel alone and has someone “dumped her”?
    Guess these things will come out in the end...

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  2. are you needing to keep all pressure away from the eyeball?
    i.e. what about one of those convex plastic types, that provides spacial clearance for the eye from abrasion&pressure contact etc
    (I am focussing on eye protection methods used for PostOp IOL type clinical procedures, but the principal is the same... for frontal protection)

    Yes tifino, I am currently using the big sticking plaster type 120bt for 20, but the problem is I have to take drops, gel and serum every 30mins meaning the sticky is lost after a few offs and ons

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  3. Thai wiring in most native homes are dangerous with ill fitting plugs of different types, they do t seem to grasp the idea that electric supply done right can be a simple process but instead continue to make many different plug formats that are stupid at best, no uniformity whatsoever , most goods don’t have a earth and recently I bought a new extension 20mtr lead what looked like uk type only to find that when I unboxed it the “plug end” only had a 2 prong same as a shaver plug- crazy

    I didn’t buy the one in pic for the obvious stupid reasons - the mind boggles lol


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  4. After a traumatic experience at the hands of a so called eye specialist at a Phathamtanii university hospital who wanted to stitch my eye up before sending me away and she made it clear that no further appointments would be needed or offered, thus condemning me to blindness in one eye.


    This lady eye specialist that one student called professor explained to my thai gf that I was going blind in one eye and was no further treatment for none Thais... I asked what treatment was available to Thais , she pointed toward the door and asked me to leave .


    I went to a international hospital in Bangkok for a second opinion , I was told that I had a virus in the eye and if it was treated early it would not of been so serious as to of lost 95% vision


    The new specialist could not understand why I was not given antivirus drops nor antibiotics at the first hosp nor could she understand why they wanted to stitch closed the eye thus making it untreatable..


    I wasted 3 weeks on a quickly growing virus that was consuming my eye with no treatment other than dry- eye treatments that cost me 5000 bhat


    I point blank refused to let her stitch up my eye even though she offered to do it for 500bt <deleted>


    Crazy scary stuff I suffered with extreme pain while a so called doctor ( possibly a student) forced a wire cradle type contraption into my eye socket I was also restrained by other patents so to assist this monster doctor carry out this procedure against my will. Pain level off the scale !!


    Now after going to “a real Hospital” my specialist has proscribed me with the correct treatment and I’m treated with respect and dignity not like cattle as in the previous.


    My eyesight slowly improving to 30% viz now with meds drips every hour from the fridge ( I have 3 months supply) and antivirus,


    10/10 for new hosp, no pain she’s pretty doc to ;)


    Now on Road to recovery instead of blindness ..


    I wear a plaster type eye patch but as I have to take it off each hour for meds, I’m really going throu them any eye socket getting tender so leather eye patch is the way forward I think.. if anyone can point me in the right direction it will be appreciated-


    The fox



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  5. sounds like a bad night mate!!
    was the whole of pattaya literally booked out?!
    i spent a similar night on NYE in amsterdam, but with three other lads rather than family to take care of
    Glad you came out relatively unscathed

    Was nothing available anywhere near under 3k and Expedia said they would def find somewhere and to wait their call which never came - as a apology next day they they credited me with £50 good will gesture to use against my next booking with them - not a good company at all !

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  6. Hi guys I’ve used Expedia for many years without any major issues, however I had booked a hotel called “Royal Q&D suites Hotel” in Pattaya , I turned up for check-in at 2pm New Year’s Eve to find a Indian manager in a very dimly lit reception with a younger Indian girl that seemed reluctant to break away from their private conversation for mere tourists.


    I said excuse me I have a reservation at this hotel for 4 people , myself , partner and two kids.. he abruptly asked for ID (not even hello) it quickly became apparent that this guy for what ever reason , possibility over booking ? Did not want us to stay In his Hotel and claimed he could not accept my girlfriends official national I’d as he claimed it may not be genuine - this so called manager asked us to leave and I told him we traveled a long way and had booked this hotel 2 weeks ago and that he would be effectively throwing a family on the streets for new year inc a boy she 9yrs. He seemed to shake his head and smirked, I had to keep my composure as I really wanted to wipe that smug look of his face with my fist...


    I called Expedia in the UK and at my expense was on hold for over a hour, I gave up and rebooked another hotel some 3.5km from the main beach, I paid online it was after 5pm now we had walked dragging all out luggage for hours. The place took a long time to fine gps wasn’t working and no one knew where it was but eventually a shopkeeper directed us down this very long unlit road where we eventually saw the name matched our booking .. however the place was in darkness with a dark room with a flashing Christmas tree, we asked a security guy where we could check in - he said sorry but everyone went home and in-fact their were no rooms available .,


    We were “aloud” to sit in the darkened room while I called Expedia in UK yet again on hold for almost a hour before getting through to some human who said don’t worry he will check around and book us in to another hotel , I told him to make sure their is a room so as not to send us on a wild goose chase- Expedia called me back 15mins later to say it’s all done and they have upgraded us to compensate for the runaround. He said he spoke with the Hotel and they were waiting for us. .. another 2km via taxi bikes to what seemed the middle of nowhere we arrived to find again no staff only a phone number sat on the enquiries table . I called the number and the lady in decent English explained their was no rooms left and stated that Expedia had not called anyone from the hotel..


    Back on phone again I lost my patience and shouted at Expedia for grabbing my cash not delivering accommodation and lying to me , they said they will look into my complaint and get back, in fact there was no call back and we found ourselves walking for seemed hours as no taxis passed us on the dark narrow road the luggage was getting heavy with every step as we had humped these bags for almost 10hrs - it was 11:45pm we jumped a pickup truck style bus heading for Pattaya beach , then heard fireworks in the distance, I knew at that point the the reason we brought the kids to Pattaya was to watch the celebrations but now it was obvious we were going to miss this event , which of coarse we did , now with no where to go and dumped by Expedia we had no choice but to accept we were effectively homeless, we squatted down for the night in a reasonably lit doorway watching the rats ferreting for food , the occasional hooker and some drunks wandered by throughout the night.


    Kids got the odd hour kip propped up but for me and their mother we had to stay awake to look out for the obvious dangers, I also had some expensive camera equipment with me.. 5am we got taxi to Pattaya bus station and left with bad memories instead of a nice weekend.


    Expedia did not care a hoot - the Indian in the original booking was in my opinion a racist ugly man with bad breath who had no respect for the British letting the Indians run I India lol


    I got to laugh and make jokes or else I will become depressed if I let it get me down..


    Expedia should ultimately be ashamed of themselves for what they put us through!!




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  7. The key answer has been said by many on here many times and that is the Thai mentally of driving, they can reduce the speed Limit to 5kmph but it won’t stop them doing 200kmph nor will it improve their driving!!

    Every Thai who does “dangerous driving” should be forced off the roads and made to take a “real” retest

    Loonies on the road..
    aside from the 65 bodies recovered on the roads, does anyone know actual road death tolls inc those who die in or on route to Hospital?

    How many killed in road rage I wonder to!!

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  8. The pick-up was going very slow, I can’t see if indicator or not but even so anybody can guess the truck is possibly going to turn by his speed and no traffic in front,


    it’s like never assume when your walking on a zebra crossing that everyone will stop, this is what gets people killed-

    “ no common sense”


    I agree with the comment 50/50 fault

    Only because the pick-up should of checked his mirror before turning and had a good look- out for idiots lol



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  9. This is sweeping over the word, think it started in Hollywood and spreading like wildfire- we have seen many stars fall from grace, it’s people power now that is ruling the world and the small people matter as the molesters are finding out lol

    No place in today’s world for tweaking the odd chick lol

    Just a mater of time before a woman is accused maybe ?? :)

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  10. Well 50.000 bhat fine on a company with a 84 van fleet ain’t going to hurt much but then with no regulation in place for driver hours or adequate training why where they fined at all?

    Also I totally agree that they all drive like loonies but then they all do!

    No skid marks on road means anti lock braking working? Mmm but no suggested the truck pulled out or slammed on the breaks meaning the driver was either in dream land or counting his money.. we’ve all seen that right!!

    I was once on a big bus the driver was sitting with the clutch leg under him while he was bolting through traffic <deleted> lol

    During songgran on another bus the driver was actually using a water gun out of the window laughing with 30+ passengers aboard, her wife / gf was filling him up... scary ride, I got that video somewhere!

    To conclude..
    attitudes are so wrong, lack of respect for the law. Insufficient penalties for major driving errors and none for jumping the red lights even though this kills many...

    System needs to change regards safety

    Ive driven 65ft drags and hgv class one all over

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  11. Need to round up all Europeans and deport them from the motherland. 

    Well well we’ll, here’s a racist with a tin of tar and a brush, I think the history of westerners in Thailand will show that they have help brought Thailand out of a 3rd world country also , the king respected every nation and you obviously don’t share his vision , the king of coarse was born in USA and admired by all, you should go wash your mouth out with soap!! Oh and I believe Italy is investing heavy in your Rod-fiy-far lol
  12. 1. Lack of driver training result crap drivers
    2. Overtaking on either side even if it means barging in front of a bike killing one or two...
    2. The swinging Buddhas and loops of flowers, even the 6” taxi ids ..
    - to many items to block views- cracked windows- no lights- no wipers- no road sense- wrong tyre pressures- massive overloading on cars busses and trucks-
    Little of no fear of cops as the roads are generally lawless...
    for me I ride a 150cc Honda and as im a previous international trucker I look in my rear view as much as forward as here your more likely be killed from the back ...
    quick tip! When stationary eg: stuck at lights etc.. never park directly behind any vehicle but to one of the sides and keep a sharp eye in those mirrors for loonies closing in to fast and be prepared to get the hell out of there...

    Stay safe & stay lucky!!

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  13. I filed my 90-day report on the 29th of September. Close to the due date, I called 1111 to ask them why it was still pending.  I was told that the "officer" said to check in a week.  
    I did.  I was told to check in another week.  
    Both calls were recorded on my mobile phone.  Am I the first to have this happen?  I did my due diligence.  On the second call, I didn't have to tell the man who picks up 1111 who I was.  He already knew.  

    Is this a TIT deal or very odd?

    Happened to me also , I think they have been preoccupied with the unpresented recent events and will get back to some kind of normally soon, but if your near the deadline , I would go in personally and sit and wait until you get a result..
    ( don’t rely on the phone) good luck

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