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Posts posted by Tofer

  1. Daktacort - Hydrocortisone cream. Doc in UK prescribed this and said to lay off the hemaroid cream as this can irritate the rash. Did the trick, just sometimes difficult trying to establish which is causing the irritation if not extensive.


    Get a rebore for the piles and / or anal cysts, not a lifetime cure but gives a good long period of relief.

  2. On 4 August 2017 at 5:31 PM, Denim said:

    I have sold two Preuksa Real estate houses in Bangkok , both townhouses.


    Advertised on several free Real Estate sites on the internet. No response at all except from agents wanting 3% commission to do what I had obviously just done.


    Made up some A4 posters with picture of house and stuck them on walls and lamp posts nearby.  No response.


    Put a for sale sign up on the front gate.  A lot of interest and several offers from people who were living in the village who had interested relatives. Sold to one of these and gave 5000 baht to the lady who introduced her relative.

    In both cases sold the houses within 4 weeks (  research honestly what similar property in your village is selling for ....check out ddproperty.com to do this ) If you want to sell ....price right and make sure that when buyers come your house looks clean and clutter free like a hotel lobby )


    Did not use a lawyer at all. Downloaded a contract of sale ( in Thai ) from the internet and adjusted it to suit our property. 


    In the contract don't forget to set down everything included in the sale ....i.e air conditions ,  fixtures and fittings etc. If you want to remove everything you have installed, do most of it beforehand and repair any holes etc in the walls so that it looks neat.


    Received a 10,000  baht deposit from buyer as sign of good faith. 


    In the first sale, the buyer was borrowing from a bank ( mortgage ) and the bank sent someone to inspect the place before granting loan. On the day agreed to exchange contracts we all met at the land office to change ownership. Money and title deeds were exchanged with witnesses from the office plus I took a few pictures and a short video ' souvenir '


    In the second sale it was a cash purchase so we sat in the office counting out a couple of million baht ( took a while )


    It often happens at the land office that a bit of corruption occurs. The seller declares the sale price at a lot lower than the real sale price. This results in a lot less tax being paid. The resultant saving is then divided equally between buyer , seller and corrupt official. Only mention this as it might crop up and if you don't go along with it things may drag along a bit slowly.


    Good luck with it. Not as difficult as a lot of people will have you believe provided your house is presentable. 

    Sounds like a job well done.


    Only suggestion I would add is to make / receive payment by bank cashiers cheque, to save on the long winded cash counting exercise.


    Also why not try Thai Vias Forum marketing facility, I look at it often if only for comparison. But often some bit of land has caught my eye.

  3. On 8/2/2017 at 1:23 PM, Toscano said:

    My wife was fine for sex through her 40s , but since the menopause at 47 has more and more gone off sex .  Now at 56 she tells me she doesn't want sex any more , that all her friends are the same .  My wife won't kiss anymore or allow me to fondle .  I can well understand why Thai men will only marry young girls and by middle age have a Mia Noi .  I give money every month , am expected to clean the house when she is at her teaching job , hang out the washing , drive the car even short distances because she is to lazy to do it , I cook my own meals as I find Isaan food excremental .  I feel very disheartened , though I have made us a very comfortable home , I'm tempted to leave and get a room in a city where I could surely find a nice girl or woman who would enjoy to be made love to .

    You've been incredibly unlucky with that one - book the removal van and move on!


    The only thing you'll miss is giving her money every month....

  4. On 30 July 2017 at 8:26 AM, lopburi3 said:

    Indeed that was a prime advantage of fans in the past - but for most homes today a black hole type trap along with window netting is quite effective at removing that threat.  

    What is a black hole type trap?

  5. 12 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Absolutely pathetic........

    Spend thousands of Euros, or whatever Currency. Fly in a sardine can for minimum 12 hours to have a dream vacation on a tropical island.......Then spend your time cleaning up the C**p left by the locals and the last tourist that came before you......The most amazing thing I find  is that the local population and government officials are not in the least bit embarrassed, or ashamed about this sort of exposure !!! .

    Meanwhile, local head man Somchai is sitting back in his recliner next to his pool with his mia noi, drinking whatever, saying these Farangs really are missing a couple of Satang short of a Baht....:sick:

    That's the sad truth unfortunately.


    A foreigner in an adjacent apartment to us spent his holiday including a daily clean up of the sea front between and underneath the 'residents' stilt houses in Koh Lanta Old Town. The locals presented a knowing smile, i.e. crazy farang. After he'd left it went back to status quo, rubbishy piled up between and under their houses. We regularly pick up rubbish infront of our property on the sea front, which has drifted down from the town / villages, including disposable nappies - certainly nothing to do with tourists.


    There is also a quantity of plastic bottles and bags which could have come from the tourist boats in the bay. They should know better, except the Chinese of course.


    There is a perfectly adequate refuse disposal service but the locals are to b....y lazy and lacking any common sense to realise the damage they are doing.

  6. Looks to me like the Armco barrier is already marked for the chop, otherwise they'd never get the column rendered!


    Road will be moved, just like Bang Tao beach road to allow the money to move in, can't see that beach anymore either.


    I don't see what all the fuss is about, Phuket is totally screwed up in terms of overdevelopment already, what difference is this project going to make, seriously!!



  7. 17 minutes ago, juice777 said:

    So They do have a level when it comes to Road safety. Last Sonkran I saw a Thai man on Sukhumvit Road. Teaching his five year old how to Fire A high power water Gun at At the face of moterbike Drivers speeding past. I seriously think there is no a Helping these people when it comes to Road safety. Unfortunately they just don't see things the same way as most countries.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Absolutely right. I think the old adage 'life is cheap' has some bearing and 'insha-allah' (God's will) where Muslims are concerned.


    I was run off the road by a drunken driver in Phuket's Songkran 32 years ago whilst the pick up rear passengers threw tubs of water in my face, had no choice but to ditch on a steep gravel embankment to avoid an approaching bridge post, away from the centres of activity, so travelling at speed. I spent 2 hours in a local clinic having the gravel picked out of my open knee caps and neat iodine poured into the holes and up my barbecued arm. So I've got my badges of honour to attest to the irresponsibility of Thai drivers. 


    What at about those of you on this thread that think this guys actions were OK? Have you ever suffered the physical repercussions or police intimidation after an accident?

  8. 20 minutes ago, mindfulness said:

    ... no problem with it. Should however an incident of occurred due to the action then ok, shout out loud. 

    Nothing happened, only that a child found some moments of joy. 


    Get over it, get a life, chill out, do your thing. 


    Dont you just love ❤️ 'true freedom'. 


    Don't you just love ❤️  authoritarian rule by force for non-harm crimes !!! 

    Hilarious, you're such a cool dude!


    I just wonder if you would still "just love" scraping the residue of some infant off your car when an idiot parent smashes into you because they were not paying attention whilst playing with their kid in the drivers seat in busy / fast moving traffic on a public road... or some youngster out having fun on Daddy's motorbike topples off under your car wheels....



  9. 6 minutes ago, Chris Lawrence said:

    My father did it with me when I was a kid. I did it with mine. Back then not many cars on the road. We are all still here.


    I thought the young kid was taking it seriously.


    My friend did it with his step daughter. When he got back home his partner went off. What we found out was her dad never did it with her. It hit a raw bone with her about the love her dad didn't show.


    Maybe the kid will develop better esteem or have greater confidence in the future, over such an interaction.


    Wow young babies are being killed in Syria and an article like this gets people upset? Hope they felt better after such a shocking act of parent hood or did they miss out as kids?

    Didn't miss out at all. My Dad let me drive when I was about 13, but not on a public road to endanger other road users. Irresponsible morons simple as....

  10. 2 hours ago, Tony125 said:

    Big deal we used to do this all the time in US when I was a kid ,check out link'

    Title--  19-things-your-mom-did-that-no-mom-would-think-of-doing-now





    What kid doesn't remember their mom letting them "steer" the car when they were little? It was especially dangerous since this was while she was driving on the freeway, without a seatbelt and smoking. Now we need only remember the public flogging Britney Spears got to make us afraid of even letting our kids touch the car when it's in the driveway.

    I repeat, imbeciles of the first order....

  11. 3 hours ago, hobobo said:

    And just where would his daughter land if he had to slam on the brakes suddenly? That would definitely merit the manslaughter charge

    Not to mention what would happen if an incident occurred wherein he needed to react quickly... What would be his priority - reacting to and avoiding the incident or saving his daughter from being jettisoned forwards / sideways or into his face. The most outrageously stupid prank ever... An imbecile of the first order!

  12. 8 hours ago, KittenKong said:


    I wonder which upstanding citizen filed the complaint about this appalling behaviour at that time?


    Could it be one of the hundreds of overweight and ugly hookers who line the beach all night?

    Or one of the many lady-boy hookers who will grab the crotch of any male passer-by (whilst often also grabbing his wallet or gold necklace)?

    Or one of the many Thai men who call out offers of drugs for sale?

    Or one of the many pickpockets and ride-by motorbike snatch artists?

    Or one of the fake watch vendors who beats up anyone who doesnt want to buy their wares?

    Or one of the taxi drivers who refuse to use their meters?


    At that time of night it cant have been one of the jet-ski scam artists as they are all at home and drunk by dusk.

    Great advert for Pattaya! Not.... Why the hell would anybody want to live or even visit there? 


    Add to to your list that maybe they wanted to escape or expunge themselves of the raw sewage smells from the street side open sewers.

  13. 3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    My favourite spot in Thailand is Nai Harn just outside of Phuket, but then again if you head further south on the way to Songkla there are other beautiful places like Ao Nang just outside of Krabi, or further down at Ko Lanta, although you have to get two barges to get across to it, the roads are great to drive on, however I don't get down that way that often as I enjoy the peace and quite of the village life in our large modern home with all the mod cons, and especially when the kids are at school or asleep, then I go searching for that G spot 555

    Only one ferry to Koh Lanta Noi required now as a bridge links Noi to Yai. Sadly there will be no ferry at all in future as the second bridge has been approved, spoils the fun and experience IMO.


    My favourite spot, in my imagination (still under construction) will be lounging on the edge of our deck overhanging the natural swimming lake as the sun starts to drop over the mountain backdrop, enjoying the magnificent East coast private sea front views and cooling sea breezes, with the smell of a freshly cooked meal drifting out of the kitchen as my gourmet chef wife prepares dinner, all the while keeping my cold beer topped up. Yeah - spoilt rotten.... I love LOS for fulfilling my retirement dream in more ways than I could have hoped for alongside a gem of a Thai wife.

  14. 14 hours ago, Boycie said:


    Unless I need new glasses, this was no fist fight. The TT driver was attacking the tourist who was only fending off the kicks and punches. How come they both got fined? TT drivers in Patong are out of control, and have been since my experiences over 37 years.


    Whatever happened to the tourist police, as I remember they usually stood on the side of tourists for fear of losing the trade.

  15. 11 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    Don't  ask the police for help - or any official.


    On our first trip to Europe, one day we could not find our hotel. I said to my wife "I will go and ask that policeman over there".

    My wife just about freaked out....


    Sad attitude! We asked a policeman for directions when lost in Bangkok, got a personal police escort right to the place we needed.


    Also asked a policeman for recommendations for a hotel in Chumpon when arrived late from Bangkok, got taken to police station to speak to an English speaking officer who then instructed the original plod to take me to X, and recommended somewhere for dinner where I got dragged into a large party of Thais who wouldn't let me contribute to the bill.


    Don't listen to disgruntled farang who assume they are all just targets, if you want to enjoy the experience of living in LOS and the genuine Thai people.

  16. Many moons ago I was in the Mission Hospital in Phuket getting a regular blood test check up. On presentation to the doctor I was given a quizzical look as he eyed me up and down and kept peering at the file in front of him, obviously struggling to fathom something, until the nurse lent over his shoulder moved the file aside and said 'this one doctor', the other one died yesterday!! I kid you not....

  17. Don't know where you're coming from but I suggest early December to end March for the best weather, not so humid and cheaper flights from UK prior to Dec 10/11th. April / May can be very hot, humid and wet.


    If you want a laid back predominantly local experience try Old Town area of Koh Lanta Yai in the Krabi area. You have access to some decent restaurants around the island and Krabi Town on the mainland. Also a short speedboat trip to reach Phuket  or Langkawi for your yacht charter trips. Green, decent beaches, undeveloped / unspoilt, reasonable prices. Easy drive to Ao Nang, Trang, Phuket, Surat Thani / Samui.

  18. On 13 June 2017 at 9:26 AM, Pdaz said:

    Being constantly "picky" and "fussy" here gets me down too. But in reality we aren't being either. We just have the expectation that a tradesman ( I use that term very loosely) know's his job.

    Can you imagine quizzing a real plumber in the West and reminding him that, "the pipe needs to slope down" Can you imagine his response ?

    The trouble is when any of the amateur handymen "changs" here get called out on their quality or bad practice they bristle up like a spoiled child.. Suddenly it's our fault for being "fussy" 

    "oh nobody do like this"

    "It only leak a little"

    "it is straight!"

    "can clean off, nobody see" 

    Cue long face and petulant attitude...


    The truth is very few have any idea what a good job is and as their own home is probably shoddy they have nothing to base an opinion on. I really only get workmen  in for donkey work now. Anything requiring a good finish or some technical ability I do myself. It's easier.


    They are the same the world over. I made a UK contractor put a spirit level on drains to prove they were running uphill - not a happy bunny to be caught out.

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